The Four Horsemen

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes. They need to take a look. It is excellent. JD needs to google "fractional reserve banking".

This isn't Alex Jones, people. These are people who were in the game, and they're exposing it. It is worth the watch.

Thank you, Sue! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Alex Jones is just as much against the "banking game" as anyone. so you are agreeing with Alex COG?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's never been tried so you don't know if it would work. Our current system isn't working, that's for sure. We need a system that works for the whole of society, or the majority, not just for a few at the top, don't you agree? Originally Posted by SassySue
capitalism as an economic model has nothing to do with the concept of a central bank and absolutely nothing to do with the sell-out that the 1913 Fed Reserve Act was.

socialism as a model has failed large and small everywhere it's been implemented full scale. don't say "But but Sweden is socialist!" ahaha NOT. not in the pure form of Karl Marx it isn't. not even close. it may have socialized programs but not the total control that is the key to true socialism. name one full on socialist regime that hasn't failed? name one.

they only reason China as a communist country retained power is by being smart enough to see the impending collapse of the USSR and they became "closet capitalists" and and saved their hold on power. if not that they'd have imploded like the USSR did.

just look at Venezuela as the next meltdown of the model sissypoo.

Cuba is barely hanging on, and even that life-vest Obama threw them isn't going to help.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
capitalism as an economic model has nothing to do with the concept of a central bank and absolutely nothing to do with the sell-out that the 1913 Fed Reserve Act was.

socialism as a model has failed large and small everywhere it's been implemented full scale. don't say "But but Sweden is socialist!" ahaha NOT. not in the pure form of Karl Marx it isn't. not even close. it may have socialized programs but not the total control that is the key to true socialism. name one full on socialist regime that hasn't failed? name one.

they only reason China as a communist country retained power is by being smart enough to see the impending collapse of the USSR and they became "closet capitalists" and and saved their hold on power. if not that they'd have imploded like the USSR did.

just look at Venezuela as the next meltdown of the model sissypoo.

Cuba is barely hanging on, and even that life-vest Obama threw them isn't going to help. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You're just plain wrong.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Alex Jones is just as much against the "banking game" as anyone. so you are agreeing with Alex COG? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Alex Jones is the Court Jester for the NWO. He's playing a part to make people who oppose them look foolish. Alex Jones is a fraud.
capitalism as an economic model has nothing to do with the concept of a central bank and absolutely nothing to do with the sell-out that the 1913 Fed Reserve Act was.

socialism as a model has failed large and small everywhere it's been implemented full scale. don't say "But but Sweden is socialist!" ahaha NOT. not in the pure form of Karl Marx it isn't. not even close. it may have socialized programs but not the total control that is the key to true socialism. name one full on socialist regime that hasn't failed? name one.

they only reason China as a communist country retained power is by being smart enough to see the impending collapse of the USSR and they became "closet capitalists" and and saved their hold on power. if not that they'd have imploded like the USSR did.

just look at Venezuela as the next meltdown of the model sissypoo.

Cuba is barely hanging on, and even that life-vest Obama threw them isn't going to help. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
OKay, let's take a look at Sweden's system. It's a form of socialism. I think their system works pretty well for the majority. It works better for the majority than our current system of capitalism, don't you agree? Or, do you agree that our current system of capitalism works better for the majority than Sweden's current system of socialism for the majority? Remember, I am not talking about just for a few people at the top, or just corporate interest groups, I am talking about the majority of Americans.

Sweden upholds to a form of social democracy (akin to my style of government) as follows:
I B Hankering's Avatar
OKay, let's take a look at Sweden's system. It's a form of socialism. I think their system works pretty well for the majority. It works better for the majority than our current system of capitalism, don't you agree? Or, do you agree that our current system of capitalism works better for the majority than Sweden's current system of socialism for the majority? Remember, I am not talking about just for a few people at the top, or just corporate interest groups, I am talking about the majority of Americans.

Sweden upholds to a form of social democracy (akin to my style of government) as follows:
Originally Posted by SassySue
Actually, Sweden's GDP per capita trails the U.S., and its poverty rate is higher:

What's the before and after stand for? Where does the table come from and what is the date on it? Doesn't really stand for much in my opinion, especially since I don't know the source of your information. Here's the full article for everyone to read:

In it, the author also states:

"Clearly, from the figures above, there is much more relative poverty in the US, poverty as it is actually lived, than there is in Sweden. For Sweden does much more to reduce poverty. . .and

"We get a slightly different chart but the same number from the EPI here:

Well, folks, read the entire article for yourselves. IB didn't fool me for one minute! Also, both articles are dated 2012, so cannot argue about dates.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What's the before and after stand for? Where does the table come from and what is the date on it? Doesn't really stand for much in my opinion, especially since I don't know the source of your information. Originally Posted by SassySue
The source is cited.
See reply above.
I B Hankering's Avatar
See reply above. Originally Posted by SassySue
Noticed that you conspicuously chose to miss this part:

Now what this measurement is supposed to be is the actual experience of relative poverty. How many are living on less than 50% of median income after all of the things that are done to alleviate poverty. However, they are not including transfers in kind and this is a serious problem for the US figures. For almost all countries alleviate poverty by giving money to the poor. The US does not: it alleviates poverty by giving poor people things.

Definitely excluded from the US figures are the largest poverty alleviation program the country has, Medicaid. Also the third largest, food stamps or SNAP.... The US equivalent, food stamps, is not included in the US calculation. Section 8 housing vouchers are not included in the US calculation....

[S]o let’s take it as read that the poor in America have exactly the same standard of living as the poor in Finland (and Sweden).

You're just plain wrong. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You are pushing it, COG... I'm about done with your BULLSHIT...

Pick a side and stick with it.

I don't want to hear another word about Alex Jones from your mouth...
Although this documentary deserves some merit. The real meaning of The Four Horseman is depicted in the Bible in the book of Revelations. The four horseman of revelations are White, Red, Black and Pale green. The link below briefly describes their meaning. Unfortunately a few of the four horseman are riding today.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are pushing it, COG... I'm about done with your BULLSHIT...

Pick a side and stick with it.

I don't want to hear another word about Alex Jones from your mouth... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iffy, Alex Jones is a phony. I've seen his videos. He's there to sell stuff, and then he will run around half naked screaming about globalists. There's evidence out there that he is a CIA plant whose purpose is to discredit those who can see what the globalists are really up to. He never says anything that hasn't already been said by the MSM, but he adds some insanity and hysteria to it, so it looks ridiculous, and serious reporters of the behind the scenes working can be discredited by linking them to Jones.

Sorry, Iffy. I hate to piss you off, but those are the facts as I see them. Take it or leave it.

And I have chosen a side. I support liberty and truth.
didn't the pilgrims already try socialism?

the current brand of American socialists don't want to pool what they own for the good of their fellow man

their idea is to get the government to give them even more and keep what they have as well

look at the government unions, voting dim to protect their ever higher salaries, work rules, benefits, pensions, days off, and no no you cant fire me- all the while counting and recounting the number of sick leave days they will have to be paid for when they retire at the age of 48 as they sit at "work"

that's one of the main reasons, if not the sole reason, lois lerner went after conservatives
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
See reply above. Originally Posted by SassySue
Here is a link to the website that for whatever reason IB refuses to give to you. As stated in the article:

"This is not calculating poverty by the usual US method. This is using an internationally comparable method and it is the portion of the population living on less than 50% of median income for that country. This chart shows it both for market incomes and also for post taxes and post transfers incomes."

The article goes on to state:

"Clearly, from the figures above, there is much more relative poverty in the US, poverty as it is actually lived, than there is in Sweden. For Sweden does much more to reduce poverty."

The chart presented by IB is another way to look at the subject. Up to you as to how valid you think it is.