Judge rules Odumbocare unconstitutional

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2018, 09:44 AM

It ain't over.
I think we arelikely to be stuck with the ACA and all its many flaws - including increased expense and lack of flexibility in the marketplace - for a long time.

Promise from Obama-It will be cheaper and youo can keep your doctor. NOT Originally Posted by oeb11
Agreed on all points.

I will add that the GOP really had no plan to fix healthcare , nor did Trump.

Probably because it is not fixable...you can not have what the majority of Americans want and cheap care unless you go to universal coverage.
LexusLover's Avatar
How many lost their healthcare after Odumbo promised them they wouldn't? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
... and their doctor of choice!!!!

But in all fairness to Obaminable ..

.... he did say it would be like the United States Postal Service!!!!

So he warned us!!!!

Long lines.
Lost service.
Rude employees.
Unexplained increases in costs.
Reduced services.
Continual government bailouts for cost overruns.

Yep! Just like the Post Office!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2018, 10:13 AM
... and their doctor of choice!!!!

But in all fairness to Obaminable ..

.... he did say it would be like the United States Postal Service!!!!

So he warned us!!!!

Long lines.
Lost service.
Rude employees.
Unexplained increases in costs.
Reduced services.
Continual government bailouts for cost overruns.

Yep! Just like the Post Office! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump and the GOP two years to fix it.

themystic's Avatar
... and their doctor of choice!!!!

But in all fairness to Obaminable ..

.... he did say it would be like the United States Postal Service!!!!

So he warned us!!!!

Long lines.
Lost service.
Rude employees.
Unexplained increases in costs.
Reduced services.
Continual government bailouts for cost overruns.

Yep! Just like the Post Office! Originally Posted by LexusLover
My experience has been very friendly at the post office. With great service. Way cheaper than UPS. Must be a personal experience type of thing. Has Trump replaced Obama Care like he said he would?. I think he was supposed to do that on the first day wasn't he?
bamscram's Avatar
How many lost their healthcare after Odumbo promised them they wouldn't? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Were they conservatives or just your hated liberals?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump and the GOP two years to fix it.

Originally Posted by WTF
That's not what the judge said. Absent the penalty (see below); per the judge's ruling, Odumbocare is unconstitutional. Essentially, Trump accomplished this with a pen and without Congress.

The Internal Revenue Service has revoked an Obama-era instruction to taxpayers that was taking effect during the current filing season as a way to further compliance with the ACA’s requirement that most Americans carry health insurance or pay a tax penalty. Under the instruction, the IRS had announced that it would no longer process tax returns for people who fail to send a notice with their returns that they have insurance, are exempt from the requirement or are paying the fine.

Instead, the agency said in a statement on Wednesday, tax returns will be processed as always, even for individuals who do not provide the required information. The IRS said the decision, made earlier this month but not previously publicized, was in line with an executive order that President Trump signed hours after his inauguration, giving agencies broad authority to lighten the burden of federal rules under the ACA.


Were they conservatives or just your hated liberals? Originally Posted by bamscram
How many lost their healthcare after Odumbo promised them they wouldn't?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
When did that law come about and what President signed it into law? Originally Posted by WTF

you have a short memory. this was posted a good while back in another thread.

in the 1980's under Reagan administration.

the law was the reason for the creation of the ACA.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2018, 01:05 PM
That's not what the judge said. Absent the penalty (see below); per the judge's ruling, Odumbocare is unconstitutional. Essentially, Trump accomplished this with a pen and without Congress.

[/SIZE] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually that is not true. It is still in effect and the judge can be overturned.

Even the White House does not want Obamacare over turned right now!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2018, 01:07 PM
you have a short memory. this was posted a good while back in another thread.

in the 1980's under Reagan administration.

the law was the reason for the creation of the ACA. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So Reagan signed the first healthcare for all
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2018, 01:32 PM
When did that law come about and what President signed it into law? Originally Posted by WTF
Public and private hospitals alike are prohibited by law from denying a patient care in an emergency. The Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act (EMTLA) passed by Congress in 1986 explicitly forbids the denial of care to indigent or uninsured patients based on a lack of ability to pay.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually that is not true. It is still in effect and the judge can be overturned.

Even the White House does not want Obamacare over turned right now!
Originally Posted by WTF
It is true, and it's the basis of the judge's ruling. It will be appealed, true. But it will be reexamined with the absence of the penalty, which was the basis of the suit. Maybe Barrett will be on the SC by then.
themystic's Avatar
It is true, and it's the basis of the judge's ruling. It will be appealed, true. But it will be reexamined with the absence of the penalty, which was the basis of the suit. Maybe Barrett will be on the SC by then. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why would you not want Americans to have Healthcare?. I get the whole argument about pulling ones own weight, people free loading etc. But for people in this country to not have Healthcare is absurd. I'm a cancer survivor that watched people die because they didn't have the money. That is a fact. If I wouldn't have the money and Insurance I would be dead
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2018, 02:18 PM
U.S. health care spending grew 3.9 percent in 2017, reaching $3.5 trillion or $10,739 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.9 percent.
I agree with you - Big Question- how much does the US wish to spend v how much in health care provided. We have a hugely expensive tech oriented system of care - If everyone got the Platinum level our Congress gets - we could bankrupt the country. UK, Canada, all the universal systems ration care depending on the budget allotted by the government - as voted by their elected representatives. They all get a basic level of care - and some with money can afford higher levels by going outside the country.

US- we are a country of Have's and Have-nots.

Agreed - all should have access to a basic level of care - but that may not pay for a heart transplant or expensive gene therapy cancer treatment.

Ain't enough money for all our countries' "Wants"
bambino's Avatar
So, what’s the main accomplishment of the Obama administration again? Our first Biracial POTUS I suppose. Which is a good thing. America isn’t a country of racists. Other than that, nothing.
themystic's Avatar
So, what’s the main accomplishment of the Obama administration again? Originally Posted by bambino
Getting us out of the 2008 recession that was a direct result of 8 years of Republican policies. Obamacare would be on the list somewhere.