Hey LLIdiot! The Austin American-Statesman gets it WRONG? Or did YOU??? LMAO!

LexusLover's Avatar
Or it could be that the map needs updating. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Then map WAS "updated" already. And the boundaries have been slightly expanded from the original boundary established by where the Black people lived. To set the boundaries is a process based on historical FACTS and documentation from the days when Clarksville was essentially all Black people. Running around proclaiming one is in Clarksville, when they aren't even across the street, is not sufficient FACTS to support inclusion. It's marketing.

I used to walk through Clarksville when I was a kid. Nau's drug was a stopping point on the other side of Clarksville. That's the REASON it was (and is) called "Nau's ENFIELD Drug Store. In those days (of segregation) the owners of the Drug Store wanted all the White Folks to know they weren't in Clarksville ... aka wasn't a Black drug store.

I understand why businesses IN THE AREA want to advertise they are IN CLARKSVILLE .... they do NOW .... but wouldn't have dared to back then, when they were even FARTHER away from the boundary of Clarksville than they are now. There are enough benefits of qualifying for the historical district to justify doing so, if they haven't already tried. But history is not on their side. Politics, perhaps, but not history.

It's a "trendy" thing now ... same with 6th street in those days. Wasn't considered safe to walk East on 6th Street from Congress. It has seen been one of the "in places" .... to hang out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then map WAS "updated" already. And the boundaries have been slightly expanded from the original boundary established by where the Black people lived. To set the boundaries is a process based on historical FACTS and documentation from the days when Clarksville was essentially all Black people. Running around proclaiming one is in Clarksville, when they aren't even across the street, is not sufficient FACTS to support inclusion. It's marketing.

I used to walk through Clarksville when I was a kid. Nau's drug was a stopping point on the other side of Clarksville. That's the REASON it was (and is) called "Nau's ENFIELD Drug Store. In those days (of segregation) the owners of the Drug Store wanted all the White Folks to know they weren't in Clarksville ... aka wasn't a Black drug store.

I understand why businesses IN THE AREA want to advertise they are IN CLARKSVILLE .... they do NOW .... but wouldn't have dared to back then, when they were even FARTHER away from the boundary of Clarksville than they are now. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They updated it already? Wow! What'll you do the next time they update it? Wait, everybody else has updated the map to include Nau's Enfield Drug, Jeffrey's and everywhere else you strolled before we were all born.

They call it Nau's Enfield Drug because it's on Enfield? Or does Enfield refer to the rifles they used in your youth keeping the blacks in Clarksville?

Rage on, dipshit. You really can't handle it, can you?

LexusLover's Avatar
They call it Nau's Enfield Drug because it's on Enfield? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, the area along Enfield Road not too far away was called Enfield and since it was a business served by that region of West Austin and they wanted all the rich folks over there to come to their store ... it identified with the area associated with Enfield Road. (Now they want the rich folks taking over Clarksville to come to their store ... so now they want to claim they are in Clarksville!!!!! Go figure!)

There was a bus route along West Lynn .. and the some of the Clarksville folks could ride the bus down to Lake Austin Blvd and catch the bus down to 6th and Congress where they could trasfer to another bus to get to work. A lot of the Black folks would go into Woolworths there on the corner of 6th and Congress. They couldn't sit at the lunch counter there either. The stood down at the end of the counter away from the from door. On the wall there were 2 water fountains ... one labeled "White" the other one labeled "Colored" ...

rifles were not necessary. Unlike you, YouRong, they could read.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Four days and counting, "faggot!"

I actually agree with you Speedy. The archaeological map of Austin indicates that at one time, Clarksville was not only smaller, but was a poor ghetto neighborhood.

But LLIdiot has been so absolute in his pronouncements and condescending in his pursuit of this silly fucking issue that he deserves to be proven wrong at every turn.

And, after all, he claimed he was here long before any of us were born ... so he can continue to dance for his dinner! In Clarksville! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are a useless idiot who perpetuates this silly nonsense. If you lived in a reasonable country, you would be turned over to the Indians as a sacrifice to compensate them for the land you stole.
They could buttfuck you to death after they left you in a hothouse for 7 days to purify you. It would take that long because you are so full of shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, dipshit, my family village was wiped out by the white man, err, Czar!

"Indians ... buttfuck you to death?"

Four more days of this?

LexusLover's Avatar
...after they left you in a hothouse for 7 days to purify you. It would take that long because you are so full of shit. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That's not long enough. Here's proof from his own keyboard!!!!

"The archaeological map of Austin indicates that at one time, Clarksville was not only smaller, but was a poor ghetto neighborhood."

So, now he wants to "STRETCH" IT ... make it grow ... to accommodate his bullshit!

One does not "annex" land into an historical site!!!!! Two stooges if I've ever seen one!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually, dipshit, my family village was wiped out by the white man, err, Czar!

"Indians ... buttfuck you to death?"

Four more days of this?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not surprised that your entire family was hated - they probably deserved to be strung up by their tiny little cocks (both the men and the women) and dragged through the cold mud.
Your family crest probably proudly displays "Hated by All For Centuries"
They probably took turns shitting on your grandpa's ugly fat face before they run your pussy family out of town.
I hope Iffy is descended from the forces that eradicated as much of the cancer of the Assup family line as possible.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's not long enough. Here's proof from his own keyboard!!!!

"The archaeological map of Austin indicates that at one time, Clarksville was not only smaller, but was a poor ghetto neighborhood."

So, now he wants to "STRETCH" IT ... make it grow ... to accommodate his bullshit!

One does not "annex" land into an historical site!!!!! Two stooges if I've ever seen one! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Assup is a stupid fuckhead. He cannot discern fact from propaganda.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are a [prohibited topic]
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are a [prohibited topic] Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LexusLover's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Personally, I'll take the opinions of people who live and work in Austin as opposed to wannabees. LL probably still thinks Cedar Park was named in the mid-1990s. What a tool!! But I keep forgetting -- LL is ALWAYS right. Only in his own mind unfortunately.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL probably still thinks Cedar Park was named in the mid-1990s. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually Cedar Park was a trailer park. Fits apparently.

When did you move to the Austin area? Talk about "wannabees"!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Actually Cedar Park was a trailer park. Fits apparently.

When did you move to the Austin area? Talk about "wannabees"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Moved to Austin in 1992 And if you'll take the time to notice, I have not expressed a personal opinion as to whether or not Nau's is in Clarksville. Don't know and don't care. But I will go with the opinions of Austinites who, without exception, place Nau's in Clarksville. If you want to believe Nau's is not in Clarksville, so be it. Minority opinion.