Provider works at my job

  • grean
  • 08-26-2015, 12:49 PM
How would you like it if she came up to you at the grocery store with your wife and kid and thanked you for the Daty the otherday...

Don't be a dick.
Randall Creed's Avatar
There IS a way to do this. Everyone loves to get this mental image of a clueless yutz yelling at the top of his lungs, in wide open public, "HEY, _______! AREN'T YOU AN ESCORT ON ECCIE!?!!? THAT'S COOL, BECAUSE I'M ON ECCIE, TOO! WE SHOULD HOOK UP! I AM LOGGED ON RIGHT NOW, AND LOOKING AT YOUR SHOWCASE! YOU SURE ARE HOT! HEY, ______(coworker/boss)! LOOK AT ______'s RACK! IS SHE HOT OR WHAT! CAN WE HAVE AN APPT AFTER WORK!? CAN THE BOSS WATCH! WOO HOO! YEAH!!"

99% of us wouldn't do the above, I'd surmise. If I were to CONSIDER doing this, I would only approach her in a completely private setting, where only we could hear what we're talking about. I'd slowly and non-threateningly mention it. If she wasn't feeling it, then it ends right there. I'm the coolest fucking guy on ECCIE, and would never intentionally corner a provider into feeling uncomfortable.

I'm not saying I would do this, but if I did, I'd approach with extreme caution.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Leaving her alone is a no brainer, especially in light of the fact that she's not advertising at all. Sounds for all the world like a gal who was in this line of work and has for whatever reason, moved on.

Even if she resumed advertising and you could figure out from the number of reviews that she was seeing several guys a week, it's still probably in your best interest and hers not to let private and hobby lives cross. But that is entirely theoretical in this case. She isn't advertising. She has by all evidence moved on. Head the advice you've received.
I think it is sad that this guy even CONSIDERED approaching her and hopefully he will totally leave her alone.

When it comes to real life, it needs to be left alone. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I feel the same. It's sad that some people don't have common sense and empathy anymore that he had to ask this question. He couldn't put himself in her shoes.
But I'm also happy that a lot of guys agree that he should leave her alone.
214_TX's Avatar
Do whatever you feel like doing
Rule 1: Don't fish from the company pool.

Rule 2: See the word anonymous--if you see a provider in public she wants to remain anonymous. You should act as if you've never met her. Treat her as a complete stranger.
SelenaAce's Avatar
That's crazy!!!