Toys R Us filed BANKRUPTCY, many items 50% to 75% off

Most of the toys were 5-10%
CG2014's Avatar
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I know so sad.

Today was the final day!!

Originally Posted by CG2014
Goodbye Jeffrey;(
CG2014's Avatar
Well, at least Jeffrey can collect 26 weeks of unemployment insurance.
CG2014's Avatar
Sad to work for the same company for 33 years and to leave without a severance check or a retirement package.

Plus since her now former employer is bankrupt, I doubt she will even be able to collect any unemployment.
Agent220's Avatar
It's a shame that you read stories like the one CG posted...companies including their HR business partners want experienced people that don't job hop yet here we are seeing those with 0 severance and that many of these big cheese guys are getting golden parachutes despite they are the main reason the company folded.
Randall Creed's Avatar
More importantly those unemployed in fields in which brick and mortar are becoming obsolete. Originally Posted by Agent220
I saw a video recently where it was showing how robots can build houses now.

Soon, automated fast food will be a common thing.

It won't stop there. If anyone thinks their job is safe, you may get the shock of your life at some point. Hell, the machines that are automated will at some point be made by OTHER MACHINES.

At some point, for the society as we know to continue, the common people are going to have to find a way to eliminate the value of money.

I don't know how that will be done, but at some point it will HAVE to be done, I surmise. These corporations don't give two shits about anyone but themselves.
CG2014's Avatar
The more we become automated, the more poor people without jobs there will be and the more poor people who are going to depend on social welfare there will be.

Even truck drivers are at risk of having their jobs being eliminated by self driving 18 wheelers.

One of the last fields where you don't need a college education or possess any specialized skills to be able to get a job in - a job with decent to good living wages.

Everyone who loses a job to a robot or a computer is going to find it difficult to be retrained.

Some only known one career skills their whole life and the saying you can't teach old dogs new tricks will become true.

Furthermore, when someone is 40 or 50 or 60, they will be looked down at by prospective employers and they will be skipped over for someone in their 20s with no experience so the employer can pay them less.

There is going to be a breaking point when so many people will be unemployed after having lost their jobs to automation and they can't get another job in a new field or won't be hired by anyone:

so many will be poor and hungry and something will have to give which usually means an uprising and revolution by the masses.

It won't be the first time in human history where the poor and derelict and forgotten had enough and organized together to rise up and over throw the wealthy and the powerful.

French revolution, Russian revolution, just a couple that comes to mind.