Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I'm living off of T R U M P welfare
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Approval rating slightly up, now.

Disapproval up even more!
matchingmole's Avatar
Biden didn't make any moronic promises(in his speech) such as building a wall..and Mexico paying for it.
Under Trump:

HealthCare an "F"
Immigration a "D"
Foreign policy a "D"
Race relations an "F"
Economy a "B" if you are rich, a "C-" if you are not
Coronavirus an "F"
Deficit an "F" Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What "grade" do you give your democraps in congress in regards to there COMPLETE silence on the "peaceful protests" that are no more than violent looting, attempted murder on civilians, police officers and the mass destruction of property and historic statues...THAT IS YOUR FUCKING PARTY oughta be proud!!

Your thread on KH being a good choice...she is one of the most liberal senators in Washington DC...and the LSM trying to portray her as a "MODERATE" is FUCKING laughable. What is wrong with being a proud far leftwing liberal??

When was the last time a nominee picked a running mate that said THEY BELIEVE the accuser of their runnig mate and that the rape allegation against them should be investigated...DO TELL SPEED!!

Bitten is not a shoe in this election, as much as you what to believe that. He has only been in politics 40+ yrs and what has he accomplished??

The media is starting to question why neither he nor KH are taken questions and his handlers are doing there best to keep him or her from doing so.

The debates will be a real circus for him, YOU SPEED and the left knows you say SPEED..."the debates aren't necessary this time"Hmm That is if they even let him out of his basement. Let's see if he can weather tough questions
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingfool
LexusLover's Avatar
The debates will be a real circus for him, YOU SPEED and the left knows you say SPEED..."the debates aren't necessary this time"Hmm That is if they even let him out of his basement. Let's see if he can weather tough questions Originally Posted by bb1961
Bitten isn't going to debate. Kumola won't have to debate, because they'll ask her questions she can answer that she has already reviewed in advance. The questions they ask Mr. Trump will be loaded with LameStreamMediaCrapola. Like the Mail-In Ballot Box stuffing planned for this Fall, the "debates" will also be rigged. The DimWits actually believe the rank-n-file voters (the real voters) can't see through their bullshit.

Anyone who votes for a dementia infested dummy is also suffering from the same.

HillariousNoMore set the goal ... they need more than 2 million extra votes.

New Jersey:

Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela on Friday morning cited the widespread irregularities in the May mail-in-ballot election and asked the two sides to consider having the issue decided by the voters instead of through litigation, the lawyers said.

A decision is expected sometime next week, the lawyers said.

Alex Mendez had won the May election by 240 votes, beating 20-year incumbent William McKoy, who was backed by Mayor Andre Sayegh. But after McKoy filed a lawsuit accusing Mendez of fraud, Caposela in late June ruled that the councilman-elect could not take office until the civil case was resolved.

It's difficult to be a Democrat these days. The Daley-Hoffa-LBJ-JFk days are upon us!

The LoonaTicks want Trump to agree to accept the outcome of their FIXED MAIL-IN ELECTION before the Ballot Stuffing begins .... and want him to agree to vacate the White House after "the votes" are counted .... not when all of the other Presidents in the U.S. History they are trying to rewrite left the White House!

The Democratic Governors are closing businesses and prohibiting people from exercising their Constitutional rights and then blaming Trump for the failing businesses and joblessness caused principally by their business closures .....

...while Governor Cumore of New York brags about what a great job he did even though Trump failed .... causing all those deaths in New York!!!!!! ... all the while laying on the praise for Dementia Joe and Kumola.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What "grade" do you give your democraps in congress in regards to there COMPLETE silence on the "peaceful protests" that are no more than violent looting, attempted murder on civilians, police officers and the mass destruction of property and historic statues...THAT IS YOUR FUCKING PARTY oughta be proud!!

Your thread on KH being a good choice...she is one of the most liberal senators in Washington DC...and the LSM trying to portray her as a "MODERATE" is FUCKING laughable. What is wrong with being a proud far leftwing liberal??

When was the last time a nominee picked a running mate that said THEY BELIEVE the accuser of their runnig mate and that the rape allegation against them should be investigated...DO TELL SPEED!!

Bitten is not a shoe in this election, as much as you what to believe that. He has only been in politics 40+ yrs and what has he accomplished??

The media is starting to question why neither he nor KH are taken questions and his handlers are doing there best to keep him or her from doing so.

The debates will be a real circus for him, YOU SPEED and the left knows you say SPEED..."the debates aren't necessary this time"Hmm That is if they even let him out of his basement. Let's see if he can weather tough questions Originally Posted by bb1961
So many incorrect statements.

First, I do agree with you that Biden and other top Democrats should be putting more focus on the unrest in certain cities. Biden has made it clear that he does NOT support defunding the police.

Harris is considered to be liberal on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues. If voters think she is too liberal then they will vote for Trump if they focus on the VP rather than the POTUS position.

Harris never said she believed Tara Reade who accused Biden of rape.

I have never said Biden was a "shoe-in". I have not even said Biden will win in November. I will say that if the polls on November 3rd are the same as they are today, Biden will win.

I have actually changed my mind as to the importance of the debates due to the impact of the coronavirus. In this rather strange year the impact will be more than in past years. How much of an impact they will have is up to conjecture.
bambino's Avatar
Biden didn't make any moronic promises(in his speech) such as building a wall..and Mexico paying for it. Originally Posted by matchingmole
300 miles to date and Mexico paid to put 20,000 troops on THEIR southern border. That’s even better.
The only thing I want to see is the majority of the polls claiming Biden has a sizeable lead, as they claimed for HiLIARy in 2016 ..... and as long as the "Trump can't win" pundits are screaming and the Putin starts his shit with Biden as he did with Obama in 2016 to try and derail Trump ..... I will feel very confident about his re-election .....
Oh sweet Jesus. The Dems are committing elder abuse on old Joe.
Waco, love your avitar!
mrmxmr's Avatar
lets ask someone who has experienced this similar poll scenario ! That is leading throughout , being overconfident in the polls and their limited biased sampling, hiding , avoiding the hard questions most want answered !

just ask that old bitter hag Hillary ! LOL ! the perfect Halloween queen

dems remember that feeling nov 4 2016 , get ready , get your pills ! please leave our country this time ! don't promise and then weasel out and cry for 4 years.

well the answer is that your arrogance is your downfall . sure theres a lot of zealots you can lead by the nose that you believe will buy what your selling , regardless of reality. The truth is (thank god) that most voters aren't stupid and can see through your smokescreen of twisted truths and hate . Its just comes down to brain matter and that's what matters and voters will vote their brain , because it isn't about fake morality, fake causes, emotional manipulation , or lies repeated over and over again. its about whats gonna help me and my family in the next four years .

the bottom line is , there are a lot of dumb people in the country , but more with brain matter than not and that's what matters !
HoeHummer's Avatar
Mr. Trudeau...
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  • 08-21-2020, 08:20 AM
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