Explain like I'm five.. What is 'a socialist' and why is it considered bad?

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  • 08-28-2013, 11:01 AM
+1 Originally Posted by satexasguy
He asked to explain in terms a five year old would understand, not how high you could count to.

Doove's Avatar
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  • 08-28-2013, 03:56 PM
You mean "Dreams From My Father"? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not sure anyone's ever referred to that as if it's their own personal manifesto.

So your attempt at being cute, while not a total failure, impressed only those who are easily impressed.
roaringfork's Avatar
Okay, son: remember last year when you were four and your dog had all those tumors inside him and the doctors kept cutting them out but there were just too many of them and he eventually died? Well, a socialist is someone who thinks the cancer had just as much right to live in your dog's body as he did and that if we could just dig all those tumors out of the trash and somehow graft them together, we could make you a new dog.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-28-2013, 06:13 PM
Okay, son: remember last year when you were four and your dog had all those tumors inside him and the doctors kept cutting them out but there were just too many of them and he eventually died? Well, a socialist is someone who thinks the cancer had just as much right to live in your dog's body as he did and that if we could just dig all those tumors out of the trash and somehow graft them together, we could make you a new dog. Originally Posted by roaringfork
I B Hankering's Avatar
Okay, son: remember last year when you were four and your dog had all those tumors inside him and the doctors kept cutting them out but there were just too many of them and he eventually died? Well, a socialist is someone who thinks the cancer had just as much right to live in your dog's body as he did and that if we could just dig all those tumors out of the trash and somehow graft them together, we could make you a new dog. Originally Posted by roaringfork
Wha? Originally Posted by Doove
Now look what you've gone and done, roaringfork! You made little Doofus cry!

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Do any of you really want to get into a discussion about works of fiction? I don't think so.

Socialism and Capitalism are now so intertwined in America as to be inseparable. Could you imagine trying to repeal Social Security or Medicare? Is Obamacare the 3rd leg of the socialism stool, and will it tip the scales towards a populace totally dependent on the Federal government? Small business which employs 52% of the employees in America, are reacting to Obamacare already with the advent of the 29ers and 49ers. People who do not hire on with large companies will be doomed to a life of working 2 jobs with no benefits.
From "Atlas Shrugged" which explains clearly why SOCIALISM (Liberalism) does not work!

Dagny races by train across the country to her meeting with Daniels when she has a chance encounter with a hungry tramp. He explains that he once had been a machinist at the Twentieth Century Motor Company. One day the firm's heirs instituted a socialistic pay plan, based on the principle that everyone should work "according to his ability," but be paid "according to his need." In practice, this meant that workers of ability were punished with longer hours, and forced to support "needier" workers the lazy and incompetent with compensation sufficient to fulfill all their alleged needs. Within months, everyone was hiding his abilities, but claiming a profusion of "needs" and production plummeted until the factory went bankrupt.

The plan, the tramp continues, had been approved at a mass meeting of the workers. After the vote, a young engineer stood and said, "I will put an end to this, once and for all...I will stop the motor of the world." Then he walked out. As the years passed, factories closed, and the economy ground to a halt, the tramp and his fellow workers wondered about the young engineer and began to ask the despairing question now on everyone's lips. "You see," he tells Dagny, "his name was John Galt."

In summary, you can only take so much of peoples money and their talent before they stop supporting the system. Then all that is left are the lazy and broke people.
2 jobs with no beneifts? Obama's plan is working. Obamacare is working as it was designed

Do any of you really want to get into a discussion about works of fiction? I don't think so.

Socialism and Capitalism are now so intertwined in America as to be inseparable. Could you imagine trying to repeal Social Security or Medicare? Is Obamacare the 3rd leg of the socialism stool, and will it tip the scales towards a populace totally dependent on the Federal government? Small business which employs 52% of the employees in America, are reacting to Obamacare already with the advent of the 29ers and 49ers. People who do not hire on with large companies will be doomed to a life of working 2 jobs with no benefits. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I am very tired right now but I'll give it a try. First WTF and the laughing ass bunch, Atlas Shrugged is a work of fiction just like Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, and the Fountain Head. They are all taught, including Atlas Shrugged, at the university level in political science. Dr. Brecke of Park Unversity teaches that many political philosophers use fiction to present and promote their ideas. Rand, Orwell, and Huxley have all written "serious, academic" books. Only a shallow, ignorant fool would dismiss any of these books as just mere "fiction". So now we know where WTF stands.

Socialism: I could regale you with some serious academic babble but you said five year old. I must have been a pretty advanced five year old. No you couldn't and no you weren't.

Socialism is a economic philosophy and not a political philosophy. But you said these books are used or "taught" in political science classes. Why aren't they used in economics classes? But I'm sure the rest of your bullshit....I mean "musings" are somewhat correct. Not. That means it deals with money, jobs, business, and people. A man named Karl Marx wrote the most important book on communism and socialism. Marx said that mankind would naturally tend towards socialism and later communism but that is the problem. Marx said it would be a natural progression but it has never happened that way. Socialism had been forced on peoples at gun point and by deceit. Mean people who want to be leaders lie to get into office and slowly try to CHANGE the way that nations do things. Never in the history of the world has natural progression happened. Why?

In a socialist economy everyone owns everything and no one owns anything. Confused? Everyone has the same claim on property as anyone else has. What you have can be taken away to give to someone else (no ownership) and any person can have what you earned (universal ownership). The factory worker has the same claim on the profits of a company as the owner....Okay, there is no owner. That was done away with socialism. Okay, the manager then. That means the person who has to make some hard decision and see the future gets the same compensation (money) as the wrench monkey on the floor. Which gives us two problems with socialism; in all fairness you can't give someone a cell phone until everyone has a cell phone. Not just a cell phone but the same version. If everyone gets the same cell phone (TV, car, house, pet, clothing) then there is no need for innovation or improvement. The society stagnates and falls behind as did the Soviet Union. Nearly all innovation was stolen from capitalist countries like the US. Oops! Socialst countries don't invent anything new, there is no reason when everyone has the same thing, they steal their ideas. The second problem is human nature. You put a half a dozen people working on the same project and one is busting his or her ass to get it done, two are working like normal, and the other three are either coasting or sitting around bullshitting but they all get paid the same. How long before the one person gets tired of carrying the others who loaf? Not too long. They reduce their effort and production falls off. The manager tells the half dozen to pick it up. For a short time production picks up a little but the hardest worker has already lost faith. The good workers begin to have the same problem and production falls again. The manager shows up and has to use threats to get some more output because the managers butt is on the line as well. This brings us to force. That was only six people, imagine six million people.

Force is where it all falls apart. Some people just won't work and others who do work hard eventually quit (go on strike). What happens when a portion of the population won't participate in the great people's republic? Usually they go to jail or get shot. People don't want to go to jail or get shot so they hide what they're doing. The powers that be need to find this out so they start asking questions or pay people to give them information. Before you know it people are working by giving up their fellow citizens who don't want to work for the glorious system. It just gets worse from there. Let me know how it turns out in a few years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again we get that jd combination. A flash frozen house of bullshit built on a foundation of sand. The longer you look at it the more it melts down. The more it melts down the less it resembles the original subject.

I’m very tired too. Tired of this mammal’s misinformation, misrepresentation, and his mis-flat-out-lying..
And the viewers of this forum need me less the than jd himself to point out his intellectual ponzi schemes aren’t worth the bullshit he forgot to tell you they were supposed to hold.

The books he mentions are “taught”? Then he must have “learned” them. You can tell because he put quotation marks around the word “fiction” instead of the word “mere”. The books are fiction. Everyone but jd seems to know this. Whether it be “mere”, or “great”, or “average” fiction doesn’t matter. People like jd will dismiss this as a “mere” grammatical dissection. It figures. They think the books are “fiction”.

And unlike jd, I am tired. I’ll leave the rest for others to tear apart or jump in again tomorrow.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
From "Atlas Shrugged" which explains clearly why SOCIALISM (Liberalism) does not work!

Dagny races by train across the country to her meeting with Daniels when she has a chance encounter with a hungry tramp. He explains that he once had been a machinist at the Twentieth Century Motor Company. One day the firm's heirs instituted a socialistic pay plan, based on the principle that everyone should work "according to his ability," but be paid "according to his need." In practice, this meant that workers of ability were punished with longer hours, and forced to support "needier" workers the lazy and incompetent with compensation sufficient to fulfill all their alleged needs. Within months, everyone was hiding his abilities, but claiming a profusion of "needs" and production plummeted until the factory went bankrupt.

The plan, the tramp continues, had been approved at a mass meeting of the workers. After the vote, a young engineer stood and said, "I will put an end to this, once and for all...I will stop the motor of the world." Then he walked out. As the years passed, factories closed, and the economy ground to a halt, the tramp and his fellow workers wondered about the young engineer and began to ask the despairing question now on everyone's lips. "You see," he tells Dagny, "his name was John Galt."

In summary, you can only take so much of peoples money and their talent before they stop supporting the system. Then all that is left are the lazy and broke people. Originally Posted by therock18
So you think hungry tramps, obviously since they haven't got ties to the main stream media, are the true sources of economic policies cause and effect.

Of course you do. We already knew that.

Fresh from his budget talks with Paul Ryan, jd, the windshield washer guy from the intersection of Pleasant Valley and Riverside, confirmed everything you said.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF are you completely incapable of thought? Who would do the menial work? Why the illegals of course. Get the joke? If you read the book then you would know that there are no huge industrial complexes, just small shops. So there is very little menial labor but there will always be people or young children, if they are taught correctly, to do the work for extra compensation. Who do you think does the menial work WTF? I have no idea what this has to do with the OP, do you?

Sit down Munchie, you're embarassing yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I stand with Rand on the atheism part.

Riddle me this JD, who would be doing the manual labor in Galt’s Gulch? Originally Posted by WTF
JL's slave hookers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-29-2013, 10:57 AM
WTF are you completely incapable of thought? Who would do the menial work? Why the illegals of course. Get the joke? If you read the book then you would know that there are no huge industrial complexes, just small shops. So there is very little menial labor but there will always be people or young children, if they are taught correctly, to do the work for extra compensation. Who do you think does the menial work WTF? I have no idea what this has to do with the OP, do you?

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You do not understand why it is a work of fiction do you JD? A city with no garbage? No trash collectors? No menial work..... That is a Fairy Tale or in your case a Fairy Tail.

Now do you understand just how stupid her premise for the book was?

I have no idea what this has to do with the OP, do you?

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nothing but your dumbass brought up Atlas Shrugged....that is WTF it has to do with the OP. Nothing. So quit bringing up shit that has nothing to do with the OP
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You do not understand why it is a work of fiction do you JD? A city with no garbage? No trash collectors? No menial work..... That is a Fairy Tale or in your case a Fairy Tail.

Now do you understand just how stupid her premise for the book was?

Nothing but your dumbass brought up Atlas Shrugged....that is WTF it has to do with the OP. Nothing. So quit bringing up shit that has nothing to do with the OP Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, it is an understandable thing you have learned to feed your family off the back of slave labor, because you can't think through things very well, and would fail in an environment requiring reasonable thought processes. Stay with the underground economy.
The book is fiction, meant to address the problems of socialism, and illustrate a scenario that shows the end failure of socialism. Are you so fucking stupid you cannot grasp that?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A former Iowa slaughterhouse manager is admitting his role in a conspiracy to knowingly employ and harbor immigrants who entered the country illegally.
Hosam Amara, former poultry manager at the Agriprocessors plant in Postville, has signed a plea agreement calling for him to plead guilty to one count of conspiring to harbor undocumented immigrants for profit.
The agreement was filed Thursday in advance of a plea hearing Friday at the federal courthouse in Cedar Rapids. The charge carries up to 10 years in prison.
Prosecutors are expected to dismiss 26 other counts against Amara, who fled to somewhere after a 2008 immigration raid at the plant led to the arrest of 389 workers. Amara was extradited earlier this year to face the charges.
Amara's attorney didn't immediately return a message.
