No. Alot less.
Giving or recieving?

I love them...but have not been able to find anyone that does it like....


So.if you can perform like this video sign me up Originally Posted by plove35

That was sexy and informative! My FBSM offers a few techniques that are similar to what she is doing. Plus, a few of my own.

When I decided I wanted to pursue, and excel at, FBSM I became entranced by Indian Lingham and sacral massage (as well as, legit massage skills).

The video gave a new twist, on the seduction and worship (mmmm!)
A naked body slide is one thing but, how intriguing to do that standing up w/your partners eyes closed. I loved watching his face as she slowly touched him… As his arousal intensified, his face softened and he was fully focused on the sensation mmmmm!

I am going to watch the other site, that was linked, and go take a lot of notes - which will consume any free time that I had left which was, not much. Thanks a lot guys-ha ha.

If I can answer the OP's question - if you are considering this as a part of your repertoire then I highly recommend it. I also recommend that you study some basic massage techniques, if you haven't done so already.

Believe it or not, there are some medical responsibilities that go with doing a sensual full body massage. Yeah, I am learning as I go :-)
You just don't want to be caught offguard or cause harm as it's all about pleasure for the client and an enjoyable experience for both of you. Feel free to PM me if you have questions about this.

I highly recommend it and I found a much wider range of men, as clients; those. who only seek out sensual massage. Each one of those encounters has been truly relaxing, sexy without pretense, and it's nice to know that you can leave a smile on the gentleman's face for two reasons!

Please forgive any obvious typos as Siri does not always interpret my words as I originally intended :-)

Im really interested in doing a passionate fbsm. I wonder if there's an oil preference.. seems like it would get super messy and if I didnt have a table would the floor be the next idea? Hmmmm. Originally Posted by Innocentblondie
Me again

In no particular order:
You can buy a decent table on craigslist for under $150 or if you use your floor try to find a futon mat or something similar that you can cover with sheets.

I highly recommend buying white sheets and towels so that you can bleach them in hot water. The only way to remove the oil is to use laundry soap, Dawn dishwashing liquid-it cuts Greece, and bleach.

Do not dry the sheets or towels in the dryer or they will become rancid, from the oil. It doesn't matter how well you wash them after at least 3 to 5 washes they will start to stink.

If you are able to do so-dry your sheets and towels outdoors. The sun is the only thing that will prevent your laundry from being ruined.

Regarding oils-regular coconut oil, that is available in the supermarket, is great. I personally mix mine with grapeseed oil. If you want an oil that will not go rancid, then I recommend fractionated coconut oil-but I am not sure where you would order that from. Make sure you have jojoba Oil, on hand, for clients who have supersensitive skin. I agree with the other poster about not using baby oil and regular body lotion…

One more recommendation and I promise I will hush-ha ha well, maybe I will hush, is to study a couple of videos on, body posturing during a massage. It is crucial to know how to stand and use your body to prevent injuries to you-such as, your lower back, neck sprains, hand and finger strain that can cause problems.
Find one or two things that are going to be your niche and Uniquely You. Your specialty will set you apart from anyone else doing FBSM. Market the hell out of it :-)

My specialty/niche is due to my great location that allows me to offer an outdoor shower, in the woods. When I started doing the sensual massage I wanted to add another element to it. My beautiful location and private porch gave me the inspiration for my "spa massage".
I found my niche-I am studying the subject-I continue to learn-I continue to perfect my skill-I market the shit out of it :-)

You will find a receptive audience… Feel free to PM me if you have questions

Regarding oils-regular coconut oil, that is available in the supermarket, is great. I personally mix mine with grapeseed oil. If you want an oil that will not go rancid, then I recommend fractionated coconut oil-but I am not sure where you would order that from.
Originally Posted by Aphrodite

Trader Joe's and Sprouts are limited in choices.

Whole Foods or Natural Grocers seem to have better selections.

I'm especially attracted to Natural Grocers because they have more varied products than other stores. Besides the usual aisle where coconut oil can be found, it's a good idea to explore the body care section too. You might find something that could've been missed.

I'm completely set up. Table towels oils music candles ect. Can't wait to do a full hour. Did 30 mins last night I used my body on theirs it was amazing on both parts as I climaxed rubbing my clit on him. Mmmm. Would love another.