NO Black Men WTF is this 1950

  • DSK
  • 05-10-2017, 06:47 AM
This is where you're fucking up.

Don't worry about chicks that won't see you. There are way more that will.

We don't suffer. At least the strong ones don't. They just keep it moving.

The weak ones be complaining about why chicks won't see them.

I would love to hear your explanation on why you think "most" black men aren't very likeable........without posting statistics. Originally Posted by kerwil62
Since you are asking for my opinion, I can dispense with the statistics.

Some black people can be very unpleasant to interact with in daily conversations. They think they are charming, and they are just annoying. However, if you do not like their poorly presented charm, then they think you are the problem, and they feel they have the right to denounce you as a racist, and hate you for being white.

Why bother? Just avoid whenever possible.

However, some of it is in fact the fault of whitey. For instance, that woman who went to the house in Miami yesterday and got tossed in the pool after the guy who picked her up slipped and hit the old lady's head on the pool deck.

She should not have gone over there and told that crowd of black kids to turn down the music. Stupid move!
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Why does every tgread turn into WTF and Tryweakly arguing like school girls?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Cause he doesn't know when to STFU
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2017, 07:26 AM
Why does every tgread turn into WTF and Tryweakly arguing like school girls? Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
TryWeakly is Natalia Moron's puppet, he/she post every chance they can something negative about Mr. WTF, I'm just responding in kind.

The silly SOB has the nerve to proclaim that I do not know when to stfu when he/she is the one peppering threads concerning me

Only people that ever do that are girls who want to play with my balls.
. Originally Posted by WTF
Playing with BALLS are a favorite of mine.

Back on topic, I dont understand what the reference is to? Did the OP get rejected? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I'd like to know too. Who's the chick that lit OP's panties on fire?

Why does every tgread turn into WTF and Tryweakly arguing like school girls? Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
It's puppy love
exoticReb's Avatar
I see black men😘
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2017, 08:21 AM
I see black men😘 Originally Posted by exoticReb
Probably not an intended double entendre...just my Sixth Sense.

kerwil62's Avatar
Since you are asking for my opinion, I can dispense with the statistics.

Some black people can be very unpleasant to interact with in daily conversations. They think they are charming, and they are just annoying. However, if you do not like their poorly presented charm, then they think you are the problem, and they feel they have the right to denounce you as a racist, and hate you for being white.

Why bother? Just avoid whenever possible.

However, some of it is in fact the fault of whitey. For instance, that woman who went to the house in Miami yesterday and got tossed in the pool after the guy who picked her up slipped and hit the old lady's head on the pool deck.

She should not have gone over there and told that crowd of black kids to turn down the music. Stupid move! Originally Posted by DSK
Well if you're talking about young "hood" black KIDS, that do stupid shit most of the time, what would be your purpose to hang around them when you feel that they might jack you?

I've read that article(video has been removed). What that woman should've done was call the police instead of taking her ass over there thinking she could shut those kids up. I agree with you on that. They were definitely wrong for picking her up trying to toss her in the pool.

And as far as daily conversations with most black people you've considered annoying, that could be with ANY race! Any race of people can be assholes. Any race of people can be annoying as fuck. And by you saying this you're lumping all black people in the category as the ONLY ones.

It's cool, you can continue not having to deal with black people. And if you're seeing black providers or fucking black women in general, you should stop now because they can be just as crazy if not crazier than the men. Now the "proper" sounding mixed chicks that "adore" white men, you can keep smashing those because you're their target anyhow. And as far as black people calling white people racist, blame history for that.

Y'all carry on.......
Wakeup's Avatar
Well stated BW, I'M starting to see the light on the NBA policy,,,, Originally Posted by Wizzywig1026
:tacepalm: Newbs...they never get it...
Tobor the 8th Man's Avatar
I see black men😘 Originally Posted by exoticReb
Why does this...oh, never mind. Sorry, I thought you were quoting the movie "The Sixth Sense"
TryWeakly's Avatar
Does outing you as NaMo's mandle count?

Can make up your mind whether pointing at billboards is bad or not? Originally Posted by WTF
I dont get the billboard reference.. please explain what that means..
TryWeakly's Avatar
I am still wondeding why the OP decided to post this thread... ?
  • DSK
  • 05-10-2017, 05:56 PM
Well if you're talking about young "hood" black KIDS, that do stupid shit most of the time, what would be your purpose to hang around them when you feel that they might jack you?

I've read that article(video has been removed). What that woman should've done was call the police instead of taking her ass over there thinking she could shut those kids up. I agree with you on that. They were definitely wrong for picking her up trying to toss her in the pool.

And as far as daily conversations with most black people you've considered annoying, that could be with ANY race! Any race of people can be assholes. Any race of people can be annoying as fuck. And by you saying this you're lumping all black people in the category as the ONLY ones.

It's cool, you can continue not having to deal with black people. And if you're seeing black providers or fucking black women in general, you should stop now because they can be just as crazy if not crazier than the men. Now the "proper" sounding mixed chicks that "adore" white men, you can keep smashing those because you're their target anyhow. And as far as black people calling white people racist, blame history for that.

Y'all carry on....... Originally Posted by kerwil62
I'm not denying their are annoying people of every race. I am annoyed by many of the white people on here, assuming they really are white.

IMHO, though, a larger percentage of assholes happen to be black, and that has made all the difference, as Robert Frost might say.

I do like those proper sounding mixed chicks, and I humbly accept the mission you have given me to fuck as many of them as possible.

Having said all that, let me make one thing perfectly clear: I almost always like a conservative black guy better than a liberal white guy.

I would take any immigrant to the "United" States that had a clean criminal record, meets the current criteria for citizenship, and paid $250,000 to become a citizen.
mzluvly's Avatar
It has more to do with pimps keeping other black men away from their product then it has to do with actual preference.

Most girls with an NBA policy are fucking a black man unprotected for free. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Sad but true!!!
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm not denying their are annoying people of every race. I am annoyed by many of the white people on here, assuming they really are white.

IMHO, though, a larger percentage of assholes happen to be black, and that has made all the difference, as Robert Frost might say.

I do like those proper sounding mixed chicks, and I humbly accept the mission you have given me to fuck as many of them as possible.

Having said all that, let me make one thing perfectly clear: I almost always like a conservative black guy better than a liberal white guy.

I would take any immigrant to the "United" States that had a clean criminal record, meets the current criteria for citizenship, and paid $250,000 to become a citizen. Originally Posted by DSK

Not understanding why immigrants with clean records would have to pay $250,000 to become US citizens. Doesn't make sense to me.