Anyone elsre been asked this ODD question?

When screening, I ask for a physical description (height, weight, age, ethnicity, and anything else that is distinct such as long hair, glasses, one leg, etc.). When sending out reference requests to providers, I ask the provider to look at the physical description he provides to see if it matches with hers. This is so that I can make sure we are referring to the same person. It's not uncommon for an account to be compromised.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
On the surface, the question does seem indiscreet.

However, I do remember seeing a young provider once who told me that she had seen a customer one time that was so fat that she literally couldn't open her legs wide enough to accommodate him!

Maybe this lady had a similar experience and did not wish to repeat it.

When a man's girth is measured in a number of ax handles, such a sentiment is perfectly understandable!

Wow thats crazy, kinda rude I think
TexTushHog's Avatar

When a man's girth is measured in a number of ax handles, such a sentiment is perfectly understandable!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I thought ax handles was used only to measure the size of fat chick's asses?
netman's Avatar
Netman huney youre not fat, youre just my type. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Honestly I think its entirely apporpriate. I dont want to be with a provider that isnt going to be in to me from the start. Sure its a business, sure its for money, but just like us some ladies might have limits. Honestly if a provider rejects someone for what ever reason, weight, height, hygine, stupidity she is doing you a favor. Just move a long, there are plenty of options here no sense getting bent out of shape over it. Who knows, that might even be the real reason just the excuse.
She might or might not have been rude in how she said it (I wasn't there so I don't know), but there's absolutely nothing wrong with a provider discriminating based on obesity, or any physical characteristics for that matter, IMHO. This really is just like providers who don't see AA men, except there's a whole lot better justification for not seeing an obese man.
SexiKenni's Avatar
I have been asked a couple of times, I told one girl I weighed 75 kilograms and she hung up on me. Originally Posted by monkmonk
LMAO good one!
Guest092210's Avatar
Ya I have been turned down by one specific provider due to my height to weight ratio. I'm 5'7" and 225. If you wanna know who she is, PM me.
This lady has the right to choose who she wants to see. If she does not want to see fat or obese men, that is her choice.
netman Originally Posted by netman defense of the provider who requested this info.....let me for just one minute get on my soapbox.

SOME providers......are picky about who they see. WHY? becuz they want to insure that it will be the BEST session for the client.
If I am distracted about someones personal appearance....body odor.....dirty feet.....or whatever the hell.....then it will not be the BEST experience....which then leads to dissatisfaction for both in the end.

I excercise a thorough screening.....which includes these questions that you've referenced.
It makes for a better session for me and the client.
I want mr. cash to feel happy when he leaves.......and if I wasn't IN TO IT.......then he might leave dissapointed.

Although....if he is creative enough.......and we find very intruiging conversation.....I will bypass the qualification requirements. BUT....ya gotta have sumpthin.

And on the back side.....Mr. Heff........I spend much time taking care of my body and some fat fucker....poke their pencil dick in me.....and rub me all over......just doesn't make for a good afternoon.

Sorry.....but reality sucks sometimes.

Guest012211-3's Avatar
It is always the ladies' choice. Today I had an appointment request from a nice gentleman who told me up front that he was "large" and asked if that would be a problem because of my small frame. I thought it was sweet and thoughtful, and of course I will see him. Just be up front about it and don't let your feelings get hurt if she says "no".
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yes, it is COMPLETELY TRUE that providers can see whomever they want. That said, some are seriously delusional thinking the only kind of hobbyists they'll ever run into are Brad Pitt lookalikes. Personally, I don't see how a lifestyle is sustainable with this philosophy UNLESS escorting is EXTRA income for her. If this is the only source of income for a provider and all she wants to see are handsome studs who DON'T have to rely on the hobby for action, I think after a while she'd have to rethink her strategy.
meatwad's Avatar
With a name like meatwad they know I'm not skinny.
Got a beeper on my ass when I back up.
I am 6'6 and weigh about 290 lbs. I have never had a problem with any of the ladies that I have met here.

I'm sure they are just pulling my chain, but they all say they love a big man.
And on the back side.....Mr. Heff........I spend much time taking care of my body and some fat fucker....poke their pencil dick in me.....and rub me all over......just doesn't make for a good afternoon.

Rainy, why dont you just go ahead and tell us how you really feel about "fat fuckers"? Im quite sure that statement didnt offend anyone.