When will I.B. quit being a liar?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s a fucking LIE and you know it, IBIdiot. “Merely” makes it yet another.

Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls.
So Iffy, LL and Waco walk into a Glory hole and ask for a room. The manager ( Yssup) says $30. They each pay $10.
So while they go up to the room and start massaging each other, IB walks in and says that those guys were his friends
and since he was an emplyee( clean-up crew) they should get his discount. Yssup tells Gey Rey( the fluffer) to take them $5 .
So he asked IB how to divide 5 into 3. Since IB has no math skills he said fuck them you keep $1 and give me $1 and them$3.
So he does. The question is so now they paid $9 each right? that is $27.
Well $27 and the $2 the fluffer and the clean up guy has makes $29. Where is the other dollar?

When you figure that out, you will know how IB got his numbers Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So is that scenario the one that YOU and YOUR hero seArgent shitburner use to scam those trannies in the HEB parking lots FLUFFER ? What is YOUR " upcharge " for being " spitroasted " behind the dumpsters by those trannies FLUFFER ?
MT Pockets's Avatar
You'd be the ignorant jackass that doesn't understand the numbers that the Census published, M T Brain Socket. You'd also be the ignorant jackass that doesn't understand that Judicial Watch merely reported the fucked up mess dim-retards have created in the Los Angeles voter rolls, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You did not get your numbers from any Census you Idiot. You made them up. Lets see the evidence you keep babbling about and then the math to support it. You have redefined the meaning of the word Fucktard.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You did not get your numbers from any Census you Idiot. You made them up. Lets see the evidence you keep babbling about and then the math to support it. You have redefined the meaning of the word Fucktard. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a bald face liar, M T Brain Socket, but that's what you lib-retards do. Keep on sucking, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
So is that scenario the one that YOU and YOUR hero seArgent shitburner use to scam those trannies in the HEB parking lots FLUFFER ? What is YOUR " upcharge " for being " spitroasted " behind the dumpsters by those trannies FLUFFER ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Look Gey Rey, Luke is never coming back to you. You need to find another "Bear" to blow at the HEB.
As far as getting "spitroasted", you already know or do you let them do it to you for free.
Yssup said lots of customers have told him you go above and beyond.
If he finds out you have been letting them do it for free he is gonna take it out of your pay.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're a bald face liar, M T Brain Socket, but that's what you lib-retards do. Keep on sucking, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I showed my numbers where are yours at asshole?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I showed my numbers where are yours at asshole? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Already cited, M T Brain Socket, and when you claim otherwise, you're just a lying SOB, M T Brain Socket. The Census beats Wiki as a source every fucking day of the week, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Already cited, M T Brain Socket, and when you claim otherwise, you're just a lying SOB, M T Brain Socket. The Census beats Wiki as a source every fucking day of the week, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The minor discrepancy between the the two gross populations ( wiki vs Census) is irrelevant. You have not shown where there was that many voters. Everything shows there was less votes than eligible to vote. You took the Census population and made up some bullshit to make it look that way. There was not that many voters or even registered to vote plain and simple.

If you are so sure of your numbers then lets make a bet. You provide proof of all of your numbers and show the math for it. You do and I walk away forever. You don't and you leave for month.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lyin' cryin' CORPY!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The minor discrepancy between the the two gross populations ( wiki vs Census) is irrelevant. You have not shown where there was that many voters. Everything shows there was less votes than eligible to vote. You took the Census population and made up some bullshit to make it look that way. There was not that many voters or even registered to vote plain and simple.

If you are so sure of your numbers then lets make a bet. You provide proof of all of your numbers and show the math for it. You do and I walk away forever. You don't and you leave for month.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets

Judicial Watch trusted their numbers enough to go to court with them, M T Brain Socket. All you have is Wiki, M T brain Socket.
Show where your Wiki editor was demonstrably willing to back his/her numbers in a court of law, M T Brain Socket.

Figured I would compile this while waiting on IB to quit crying.


I like this one. Obama had one of the most bigly accurate ones. LOL!

] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're desperate citing Odumbo and Wiki, M T Brain Socket. There's more than a smidgen of evidence showing the Odumbo will lie at the drop of a hat, M T Brain Socket.

MT Pockets's Avatar

Judicial Watch trusted their numbers enough to go to court with them, M T Brain Socket. All you have is Wiki, M T brain Socket.
Show where your Wiki editor was demonstrably willing to back his/her numbers in a court of law, M T Brain Socket.

You're desperate citing Odumbo and Wiki, M T Brain Socket. There's more than a smidgen of evidence showing the Odumbo will lie at the drop of a hat, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So do we have a bet? Unless you are willing to bet you need to shut the fuck up. I will sweeten the deal. If you win I will make Luke give you a pair of his dirty underwear for you to sniff LOL! You are a pathetic Pedant lying cocksucker.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So do we have a bet? Unless you are willing to bet you need to shut the fuck up. I will sweeten the deal. If you win I will make Luke give you a pair of his dirty underwear for you to sniff LOL! You are a pathetic Pedant lying cocksucker. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
The fact that you challenge what Judicial Watch reported proves you're too fucking stupid to be trusted, M T Brain Socket. You can disagree with what Judicial Watch reported, M T Brain Socket, but you can't say that Judicial Watch didn't say what they said, you jackass moron. Furthermore, M T Brain Socket, even though you may enjoy the privilege of disagreeing with Judicial Watch, you don't have the intelligence to best them at what they do, you equivocating jackass.
And here you've been claiming that YOU aren't LUBED'S WK and favorite ass kisser ! Caught in ANOTHER LIE, huh FLUFFER !!!!
MT Pockets's Avatar
The fact that you challenge what Judicial Watch reported proves you're too fucking stupid to be trusted, M T Brain Socket. You can disagree with what Judicial Watch reported, M T Brain Socket, but you can't say that Judicial Watch didn't say what they said, you jackass moron. Furthermore, M T Brain Socket, even though you may enjoy the privilege of disagreeing with Judicial Watch, you don't have the intelligence to best them at what they do, you equivocating jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I see you are trying to divert it away from what you claimed to what Judicial Watch said. That is not what this is about . YOU made YOUR tagline stating this bullshit, We both know Judicial watch is full of shit and only after supporters and ratings. They have changed their assertions to a mere 112%. And the other lie you told was that they sued California over it. They didn't. The real issue here is you still have not taken the bet. You know you are a liar and you know I can prove it. So all you are doing is exposing what a phony half witted liar you are.