Hillary Is a Russian Asset

Your name is Yessup. Because you like it up the ass so much. You never could say no. And you ain't humming hoes in this section, you fucking moron.

I don’t know about Yssup, yessir, yassup or whoever you silly bastards want me to be, but yes, I like to hum hoes. That’s why I came here. Why did you come here, baby Ruth? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why the WSJ's Holman Jenkins Jr. is Mad as a Hatter

As long as Uncle Sam, the patron saint of perpetual handouts, is there to stabilize Wall Street with his checkbook, it's all good.

Insurance facilitates risk-taking -- that's its job. And governments for two centuries have deemed it proper to write the financial system a liquidity insurance policy in times of panic. This won't change, at least until the Rapture descends to cure the inherent risks of fractional reserve banking.
Am I feverish, or is Jenkins implying that government bailouts of the financial industry are embedded in the natural order of things? But never mind that -- just follow the lady, because he's getting around to identifying the real culprit:

It's the crisis everywhere of the welfare state, of promises made that are beyond the power of governments to keep -- beginning perhaps with sad sacks like Greece but ending with Japan and the U.S., which remain central to the global economy.
Ah, the welfare state.

Trump Admits He Calls All Negative News ‘Fake’

It was completely obvious that “negative” and “fake” were synonymous terms for Trump. What differentiates Trump from the rest of his party is that he is sloppy enough to come out and say it.
By Jonathan Chait

Which polls are we supposed to beleive then? Only the ones that shine his shoes? Give me a break you sheep.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Your name is Yessup. Because you like it up the ass so much. You never could say no. And you ain't humming hoes in this section, you fucking moron. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I have no idea what you're talking about, you dumb twat. Are you "semi-retired" because you can't get anybody to touch your saggy arse, or because you've had more men stuffed in your hold than a slave ship crossing the Atlantic in the 1700s? Now get off my dick, lady. I don't fucking know who you are, but you want to chirp at me, then I say come correct or don't come at all.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


By Jonathan Chait

Which polls are we supposed to beleive then? Only the ones that shine his shoes? Give me a break you sheep. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you should read some more of your sacred screeds by Justin ...

like this one ..


New Poll Shows Democratic Candidates Have Been Living in a Fantasy World

"A new batch of swing state polls from the New York Times ought to deliver a bracing shock to Democrats. The polls find that, in six swing states — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona — Trump is highly competitive. He trails Joe Biden there by the narrowest of margins, and leads Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren."

"All this is to say that, if you’ve been relying on national polls for your picture of the race, you’re probably living in la-la land. However broadly unpopular Trump may be, at the moment he is right on the cusp of victory."

" .... Nonetheless, it really is true that there are a bunch of persuadable voters who can be pushed away from a party based on their perception that it’s too radical.

And the Democratic presidential primary has been a disaster on this front. The debate has taken shape within a world formed by Twitter, in which the country is poised to leap into a new cultural and economic revolution, and even large chunks of the Democratic Party’s elected officials and voting base have fallen behind the times. As my colleague Ed Kilgore argues, the party’s left-wing intelligentsia have treated any appeals to voters in the center as a sign of being behind the times."

haven't we been telling you radical leftists that the farther hard left you go, you lose the core of the Democrat and moderate voters who are centrist?

  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2019, 04:13 PM
TWK - Shhhh - do not wake up the DPST's to the truth about their Socialist nominees and platoforms.

Let them nominate Bernie/Warren - it will be a debacle for them in Nov 2020.

The danger is the idiots wake up and nominate a sensible centrist ( maybe a unicorn in the DPST party) and give trump a real run.

On the other hand - if none of the socialists win nomination on Convention first ballot - the voters are free to vote any candidate, and H... will swoop in the save the Party and country.

Rematch 2020- might just be interesting.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You talk like socialism is a form of acid rain. Maybe yous should stay out of Canada and Mexico when it's time to refill your happys, sillies and dick dingers, not to mention your insulin.

Maybe yous can get a better deal from Putin. That is, when he's done smashing Trumps first lady.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You talk like socialism is a form of acid rain. Maybe yous should stay out of Canada and Mexico when it's time to refill your happys, sillies and dick dingers, not to mention your insulin.

Maybe yous can get a better deal from Putin. That is, when he's done smashing Trumps first lady. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

why would i go to Mexico in the first place?

thank you Yssup Rider for posting!
bambino's Avatar
I have no idea what you're talking about, you dumb twat. Are you "semi-retired" because you can't get anybody to touch your saggy arse, or because you've had more men stuffed in your hold than a slave ship crossing the Atlantic in the 1700s? Now get off my dick, lady. I don't fucking know who you are, but you want to chirp at me, then I say come correct or don't come at all. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That’s pretty piggish of you. A pig is what a pig does.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

haven't we been telling you radical leftists that the farther hard left you go, you lose the core of the Democrat and moderate voters who are centrist?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What all of you far right-wing racists fail to WANT to understand is that the core is rotten. It is shifting to a new center. The party is changing. Like the GOP (just out of respect) is not recognizable, neither will the progressive center of the Democratic party.

Young People
Can Beat Trump

By expanding the numbers of young people, people of color, L.G.B.T.Q. folks and progressive whites who vote, progressives can take back the White House. The Democratic Party should mount a campaign with a bold set of propositions that excite progressives and not those voters for whom racial fears can be easily exploited.
By Melanye Price
You talk like socialism is a form of acid rain. Maybe yous should stay out of Canada and Mexico when it's time to refill your happys, sillies and dick dingers, not to mention your insulin.

Maybe yous can get a better deal from Putin. That is, when he's done smashing Trumps first lady. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Welcome back to ignore whoever you were.
HoeHummer's Avatar
“Ignore?” Sounds like a college town in North Dakota, for Pete’s sake.
bambino's Avatar
“Ignore?” Sounds like a college town in North Dakota, for Pete’s sake. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Looks like Austin cleaned up their homeless problem and sent the pigs to Canada.
Ha! You gave yourself away Yessup. I'm retired not semi retired. And it says "retired hussy" on my avaitar. It has said that for the last 6 months.You couldn't have known that if you just now joined ECCIE.

Chirp,chirp,chirp,chirp,chirp, chirp,chirp,chirp!

I have no idea what you're talking about, you dumb twat. Are you "semi-retired" because you can't get anybody to touch your saggy arse, or because you've had more men stuffed in your hold than a slave ship crossing the Atlantic in the 1700s? Now get off my dick, lady. I don't fucking know who you are, but you want to chirp at me, then I say come correct or don't come at all. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
HoeHummer's Avatar
Ha! You gave yourself away Yessup. I'm retired not semi retired. And it says "retired hussy" on my avaitar. It has said that for the last 6 months.You couldn't have known that if you just now joined ECCIE.

Chirp,chirp,chirp,chirp,chirp, chirp,chirp,chirp! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Are you kidding? It's not like nobody reads this site before joining. How absurd! I have been following you and your friends on and off since ASPD died, you daffy twat! I didn't even think about joining this site until you took your halloween portrait off of it... you look too much like bambino's mum, and I still got horrible nightmares from that one time I took the old girl down and she wouldn't let me leave the basement! Semi-retired is the only "semi" anybody could associate you with.

You're not very polite, if I can say so.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2019, 12:07 PM
You're not very polite, if I can say so.

Thank you - hh - look in a mirror and see the "facts".