Have you ever been really attracted to an ugly lady/man?

TheBizzer's Avatar
I think Julia Stiles is hot as hell and all my friends think I am strange. Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
She's definitely hot, but there's something about her that bugs the shit out of me. Can't put my finger on it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
What about us poor stiffs who were never handsome as young bucks, and it's only gotten worse? Talk about the old double whammy!

TP Originally Posted by Tony Patella
Because of posts like this, when we finally did meet back when ... I thought that you were going to be old and walk with a cane!!! Remember that?

You're cute as a button. Which is why I kept giggling in that, "The cat that caught the canary" kind of way.


Back on topic ... for women, you NEVER know what is going to trip your trigger, so to speak. I've fallen for men, without even touching them, that could be a stunt double for Attila the Hun.

Last fall, I went crazy in lust (maybe even love) as in "Tie me to the Bed. Brand me. And I'll be your love slave" crazy for a guy who really did look a little bit like a troll. Honest. I still think of him and haven't seen him since last September 26th, over a year ago.

Yeah. Sometimes we remember these things. Like how cute Tony is.

They can be ugly and we still can adore them. But women just aren't visual creatures like men are.

Because of posts like this, when we finally did meet back when ... I thought that you were going to be old and walk with a cane!!! Remember that?

You're cute as a button. Which is why I kept giggling in that, "The cat that caught the canary" kind of way.


Back on topic ... for women, you NEVER know what is going to trip your trigger, so to speak. I've fallen for men, without even touching them, that could be a stunt double for Attila the Hun.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
You're flattery will get you everywhere! But, I think it's early and clearly your "morning clouded brain" has me confused with Atilla the Hun!

This happened to me 26 years ago. And when I sobered up, I found out we had gotten married!!
I'm in my mid 40's, and see things different than before. I was lucky enough to hook up with the best (not all, but most) in relationships. I did learn to not fall in love with the girl that assumed she could have any man. I still have to have an attraction to the woman, but I have found other ways. There is a girl at work that I would love to hook up with. Her face was ugly to me, but as I look at her body and demeanor it is all good.