Do Your Part & Vaccinate Your Children

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 11:58 AM
Whole lot of boohooing going on about a shot you do not even have to take.

Republicans cry exactly the same way about'd think liberals were making them abort their retarded babies.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 12:02 PM
Also....people need to distinguish between being vaccinated and having been vaccinated with the booster.
FatCity's Avatar
I would however definitely take the advice of the CDC Originally Posted by Tiny
aren't you the same guy that lives in the myopic viewpoint of "Muh Texas Neighborhood" where everything is alright and no one is freaking out.
Why would you believe the CDC if you're not seeing any difference in your area?
You're the same guy that says there is no shutdown and why should people be against the government mandates because you don't see it in your hood

The CDC has changed its opinion on mask effectiveness, social distancing, lockdowns, vaccines, boosters, definitions of vaccinated and vaccines.....
not exactly a trustworthy track record
FatCity's Avatar
Whole lot of boohooing going on about a shot you do not even have to take.. Originally Posted by WTF
the shot you don't have to take
if you want to burn through all your vacation time at your present employer that you've spent the last decade or two at, making a good salary....then go on punitive leave until you're eventually terminated.

yeah, totally free choice, bro
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 12:17 PM
the shot you don't have to take
if you want to burn through all your vacation time at your present employer that you've spent the last decade or two at, making a good salary....then go on punitive leave until you're eventually terminated.

yeah, totally free choice, bro
Originally Posted by FatCity
No different than the new voter laws being pushed through....
FatCity's Avatar
new voter laws require you to be a biological guinea pig?
i must've missed that or you're being retarded

what are the long term side effects of ....SUPPLYING YOUR HOME ADDRESS?
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2021, 12:26 PM
The CDC has changed its opinion on mask effectiveness, social distancing, lockdowns, vaccines, boosters, definitions of vaccinated and vaccines.....
not exactly a trustworthy track record Originally Posted by FatCity
As you get more data and analyze it, your recommended course of action changes.

The Biden administration has been pushing the CDC to recommend boosters for ALL Americans over 18, before the data's in. As a result several employees quit. My point, for some strange reason vaccines became a political issue for segments of both political parties. And I'm not talking about mandates, which understandably have a political component, but rather recommendations based on medicine and science and statistics.

I believe the CDC bungled a lot of things. Their flip flop on masks, which actually was to assure health care workers would have enough, is one example. And bungling the roll out of COVID testing was another. Still when they come out with a recommendation, a lot of science and study has gone into it. I disregarded their recommendations on masks and the boosters, and adopted both early on, but was following my general practitioners advice, and example, and put a lot of study into both.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-14-2021, 12:26 PM
new voter laws require you to be a biological guinea pig?
i must've missed that or you're being retarded

what are the long term side effects of ....SUPPLYING YOUR HOME ADDRESS? Originally Posted by FatCity
What are the long term side effects of getting vaccinated?

The JnJ vaccination type has been around forever.

Please just are sounding idiotic.

Like a petulant child.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Whole lot of boohooing going on about a shot you do not even have to take. Originally Posted by WTF
Are we living on the same planet?

Did you not hear about Supreme Leader's vaccine mandate?

It forces people to take the vaccine or lose their jobs by January 4th.
FatCity's Avatar
What are the long term side effects of getting vaccinated? Originally Posted by WTF
you're being intentionally daft - which indicates you know you're full of shit
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2021, 01:17 PM
So if these vaccines are so much more deadly than the disease, why this, from the American Medical Association:

Over 96% of physicians had gotten the vaccine as of May. Of the remaining 4%, 45% intended to get the vaccine. So that's 98% of physicians total. As the the remaining 2%, there are probably a good number with a history of anaphylaxis or other medical conditions that would make them not want to get vaccinated.

As some people here continually keep saying, consult your doctor. Well, it appears that almost all doctors would tell you to get vaccinated. Mine did.
FatCity's Avatar
So if these vaccines are so much more deadly than the disease,. Originally Posted by Tiny
see if we can focus on one thing at a time....
It was presented that forcing people to get a new experimental gene therapy is the same as getting a drivers license.
Somehow someone has straw-manned that the gene therapies are killing more people than the flu/covid and if so, why is every doctor supporting you get the jab?.

Okay, I'll bite.
First.... are you aware of any physicians or medical doctors challenging the gene therapies?
yes or no?
If yes, what happened to those people?

Second....are you aware of what "population health" is at it relates to your primary care physician? You're aware that these providers are judged and incentivized by reimbursement and their health network on the overall medical condition of all their patients? (ex. how many return to hospital for treatment, how many have high blood pressure, out of control diabetes,miss their medication, etc)

These "covid" threads get exhausting covering the exact same ground and hearing the exact same positions from people who admittedly have zero idea of whats going on, have a cursory understanding of events by hearing snippets from heavily biased propaganda machines of the government.

Its one thing to maybe have a misconception or wrong about a certain stat. Its quite another to be completely ignorant on a subject but unrelenting in your opinions.
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2021, 01:40 PM
FC, Dr. John Kapoor, a billionaire who's serving prison time, pushed the use of a very potent form of fentanyl in order to profit. But he never took it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Mandating something that poses any health risk at all is unethical, especially in cases where it's not necessary, like with people with natural immunity or who work from home.
SecretE: A long time ago I decided that 'My Job" was not a God to be worshiped and blindly obeyed.

Some things are not worth doing regardless of how much the base pay or how much over-time you can get.

What we are seeing today is a lot of people believing as I do that we all have a choice every morning before clocking-in or logging-on to our "Job". As it turns out, many are making the dchoice to be true to teir convictions on vaccinations. Originally Posted by ICU 812
That's all great and will get you "likes", but I'm not in a financial position to just lose my job. I still believe in paying all my bills.

I did get the J&J vaccine back in April, so I'm safe (for now) from mandates, but I'm personally against getting a booster, especially since I had a bad reaction to the initial vaccination AND I also contracted COVID back in August (natural "booster"). I also oppose any sort of mandate at all for anyone. My choice was highly individual, and needs to be so for everyone else.