Highly recommend Winter Soldier and God's Not Dead.

I B Hankering's Avatar
For once you are right--at least partially. I am not in charge of anything. I don't pretend to be. I am just one small voice pointing out when you go off the deep end as you typically do. Pointing out the hypocrisy of so much of what you say. Pointing out the hate and anger in your poor pitiful little life.

And it isn't really ME who deserves an answer, it is the casual visitor to this board, the people who might not realize that you are a raving lunatic spewing a dogma of anger and repression--just like your hero, IBFeuhrer. I don't NEED you to answer, because it is painfully obvious that you DO believe the "right minded" minority has the right to do what IIFFY was espousing and subjugate the majority just because the majority is too stupid to see the world as you see it.

Here you are, the big, bad, bellicose voice of 11,000+ diatribes and you are cowering and afraid of little harmless me? All I asked was the simple question: do you support your lackey's neo-Nazi views? You chose to sidestep the question--as is your typical MO. Your lie-filled rant against me for such a simple question is all the answer sane readers need. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're so damn predictable, Old-Twerp. Your inability to make five posts without retreating to your straw man argument about post count is almost as amusing as you are ignorant, Old-Twerp.

JCM, is that a trick question? You know IB can't help himself. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-Twerp is seeking help and advice from Assup's understudy! Hilarious!
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  • Old-T
  • 04-07-2014, 12:53 PM
Well done IB. Another post, another that doesn't address what you were asked. Another pathetic plagiarized post by you.

Poor IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well done IB. Another post, another that doesn't address what you were asked. Another pathetic plagiarized post by you.

Poor IB. Originally Posted by Old-T
Noticed how you didn't answer any questions, Old-Twerp, proving that while you're a pathetic little twit, you're also an enormously obnoxious hypocrite.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Always a dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

IBIdiot is the queen of irrelevant arguments
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-07-2014, 06:06 PM
Noticed how you didn't answer any questions, Old-Twerp, proving that while you're a pathetic little twit, you're also an enormously obnoxious hypocrite.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Come now—even YOU aren’t that illiterate! (Are you?)

So, I “didn’t answer any questions”, is that your latest crusade and deception? You know what, there may be a shred of truth there—tell you what, let’s examine the evidence! Let’s take a quick look at your last post, the one full of questions I supposedly didn’t answer:

You're so damn predictable, Old-Twerp. Your inability to make five posts without retreating to your straw man argument about post count is almost as amusing as you are ignorant, Old-Twerp.

Old-Twerp is seeking help and advice from Assup's understudy! Hilarious! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Do YOU see a question make anywhere in there? (Yes, I know, this is one of those evil, tricky “Yes/No” questions that you always find difficult. But here is a clue: The right answer has only TWO letters!)

Do YOU see and IMPLIED questions in that post of yours? (Hint: It is the same answer as the first question! Two letters. First one is an "N".)

You accuse me of “not answering the question”, but as demonstrated, YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK ONE! So, on that technicality your statement was true, but the jury notes it was intentionally deceitful.

Bombastic. Deceitful. Unduly proud. Yes, you do remind me of a short mustachioed ego maniac from the 40s. Oh poor IB. Next thing you know you will claim you misquoted yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's done that already.
Ozombies... enjoy that Sharpton cock. It's going to haunt you tomorrow... LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you never cease to disappoint, Dim Bulbo!

No matter the topic, I can always count in you for a nonsensical, incoherent statement, consistent with your obvious (forbidden topic) state.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you referring to the fact that Sharpton was an FBI stooge?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Come now—even YOU aren’t that illiterate! (Are you?)

So, I “didn’t answer any questions”, is that your latest crusade and deception? You know what, there may be a shred of truth there—tell you what, let’s examine the evidence! Let’s take a quick look at your last post, the one full of questions I supposedly didn’t answer: The question was at #22, Old-Twerp.

Do YOU see a question make anywhere in there? If you'd been smart enough to look at the correct post, Old-Twerp, you'd have seen the question. (Yes, I know, this is one of those evil, tricky “Yes/No” questions that you always find difficult. But here is a clue: The right answer has only TWO letters!)

Do YOU see and IMPLIED questions in that post of yours? (Hint: It is the same answer as the first question! Two letters. First one is an "N".)

You accuse me of “not answering the question”, but as demonstrated, YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK ONE! So, on that technicality your statement was true, but the jury notes it was intentionally deceitful.

Bombastic. Deceitful. Unduly proud. Yes, you do remind me of a short mustachioed ego maniac from the 40s. Oh poor IB. Next thing you know you will claim you misquoted yourself. That would be your mother, Old-Twerp. Originally Posted by Old-T
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  • Old-T
  • 04-08-2014, 09:13 AM
Time for a simple math lesson for IB the babbling angry illiterate.

Post #21 comes before post #22. Answer the question in #21 and then we can move on to #22. If this is a little confusing to your simple mind, I can probably find a Mr Rodgers tape for you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Time for a simple math lesson for IB the babbling angry illiterate.

Post #21 comes before post #22. Answer the question in #21 and then we can move on to #22. If this is a little confusing to your simple mind, I can probably find a Mr Rodgers tape for you. Originally Posted by Old-T
Post #22 addresses your post at #21, Old-Twerp; now go screw yourself.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-08-2014, 09:50 AM
Obviously I have taken a wrong tact with you. I have spoken English, tried to avoid returning your excrement insults, and use logic.

But unfortunately you are unwilling to listen, or more likely, you ignore those things that are "uncomfortable" for you.

No, you disgusting lying scrum bag, you did not "answer" my question from #21. No, bullshitting fascist ass, the only way you "addressed" my question was to ignore it .

Just what we have come to expect from IBFuehrer. Live in your own little play world. If someone points out your lies and hypocrisy, you really don't have an adult response, do you? Not you. Poor pitiful IB.

Now I will go back to speaking English, keep it above a Jr High level, and poking a sharp stick in your virtual eye each time you spew more bigotry and hate.

Have a great day, Condom Man. You earned it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obviously I have taken a wrong tact with you. I have spoken English, tried to avoid returning your excrement insults, and use logic.

But unfortunately you are unwilling to listen, or more likely, you ignore those things that are "uncomfortable" for you.

No, you disgusting lying scrum bag, you did not "answer" my question from #21. No, bullshitting fascist ass, the only was you "addressed" my question was to ignore .

Just what we have come to expect from IBFuehrer. Live in your own little play world. If someone points out your lies and hypocrisy, you really don't have an adult response, do you? Not you. Poor pitiful IB.

Now I will go back to speaking English, keep it above a Jr High level, and poking a sharp stick in your virtual eye each time you spew more bigotry and hate.

Have a great day, Condom Man. You earned it. Originally Posted by Old-T
"U B Ignorant", Old-Twerp. Your post was addressed, Old-Twerp, and you can go screw your hypocritical self if you don't like the response. Your asinine posts continue to fall far short of being on an adult level, Old-Twerp; hence, the replies are fashioned accordingly, you ignorant hypocrite.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-08-2014, 10:05 AM
By the way, the fact that I find YOUR posts far more noxious than the LAWs actually DOES allow me to rebut yours more often than I rebut theirs. Many of theirs are just childish and laughable--yours are filth.