No to AlizexPleases

AlizeXPleasures's Avatar
Thank u Crock!! I appreciate that 100 percent
I don't understand these 20's something ladies nowadays and their lack of common courtesy regarding answering texts and canceling appointments and keeping appointments.

It's not just with providers.

It's also with ladies in the same age range in the real world and in the business world.

I deal with several ladies real estate agents, mid 20's, and if you text them or email them and ask more than one question regarding a property, you will only get the answer to only one of those questions.

It will take several more emails asking the other questions over and over again before you get all the answers you seek.

If something needs to be done, it takes days or sometimes even 2 weeks before they take action.

Then sometime they want to say I TOLD you 2 weeks ago or 5 days or last week that this and that.

NOPE. You didn't tell me. Here's the screenshots of every email and texts you and I had during the last week or 2 weeks where we were discussing this matter: do you see anything resembling what you just claimed you did.

They CAN'T even remember what they texted or didn't text and what they emailed or didn't email.

Then when you get an appointment with these ladies in that 20's something age range, whether it's a provider or a real world business lady or a waitress from a strip club or brestaurant, they can't keep it or they can't be on time and you don't get a text or call from them saying: I have to cancel or I have to reschedule or I am running late, I will be X minutes or hour late.

I used to go to Bucks Dallas all the time to get dinner and I had a couple of regular waitress.

They always tell me what the special of the day is and sometimes one of those specials is a seafood item. I never order the seafood there. I tell them if I want seafood, I go to Ocenanaire.

So one day one of my regular waitress asked me if I would take her to Ocenaire for lunch and I said sure, when? She said tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow at noon? She said that will be perfect.

As I was walking out of the club at 2 am, I asked her again, I see you at the Oceanaire at noon, do you know where it is? Do you need me to send my driver to get you at 11:30?

She said that won't be necessary, I know where it is. I see you at noon.

I go home, go to sleep.

She texts me at 9 am: see you at noon, babe. I reply: looking forward to it.

I go to Oceanaire and get there at 11:45.

I text her: I am here.

No reply. I figure she is driving.

Noon comes arund, she is still not there and still no reply.

I figure she is still driving, haven't looked at her phone yet, and she is just fashionably late.

12:15 pm I text her again, no reply. I call her, straight to voice mail.

Finally at 12:30, I decided forget it, I just go into Oceanaire and eat by myself.

Hell! I just saved about $100!!

I don't hear from her that day. I go to Bucks that same night and she was there and I asked her:

where were you? I was at Oceanaire at noon.

Her answer:


What the FUCK do you mean THAT WAS TODAY?

We set up the appointment last night not even 18 hours ago. Then you text me at 9 am asking me if we are still on and i said yes and you said see you at noon, babe.

Now you act like you didn't know it was today?

I asked her:



She said NO. I am sorry but I fell asleep again after I text you this morning. Can we still go tomorrow if you want to?

I sand NOPE. You had your chance to go to Oceanaire and you disappointed me!

You couldn't just come out and honestly tell me you fell asleep? Or when you woke up in the afternoon have the courtesy of sending me a text? You saw my 3 texts asking you where you were and you saw and heard my voice mail, didn't you?

Instead I had to come all the way here to the club to find you not knowing if SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED to you; if you were in a car accident on the way to Oceanaire this morning.

A little courtesty goes a long way.

Oh and by the way:

Take a look at these photos of the appetizer, the bowl of clam chowder, the lobster entree, the side dishes and the dessert I ate.

And finally, you are no longer one of my regular waitresses here.

I don't know where these 20 something ladies are learning to be so discourteous.

Is it something they are learning in school? Are the teachers not teaching them manners? Are their parents not teaching them manners?

Or is it the social media fault since many of them, as young as middle school, are getting cell phones and allowed to go on Twitter and Facebook and Snapchat and other social media? Originally Posted by CG2014
I love your posts. You, my friend are hard to fooled. Your analyses of these young females is right on. Especially in this business. Power of pussy and fools, like we are, they’ll never learn how to excel in life.

I would love to have a beer and chat with you.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
way over cooked what I was thinking .

I almost saw AlizeX a few weeks back. I wish I had been able to. We never even actually set an appointment, but her communication with me was fine. Not sure if this will help anyone else, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

And it's overcooked! Originally Posted by Crock