Woke racism claims another victim

rexdutchman's Avatar
This "woke" crap is not the first time ,,, Books by Kimball . Eros , Civilization were labeled "the bible of the Counterculture (1955) also "ONE DIMENSIONAL MAN 1964 points to exactly what's going on today ?
one of the most common couple parings in the US is a white man and a latina woman. . Originally Posted by GastonGlock
the mexican (hispanic?, mexican american?, latina?) women i've ever gotten close to are passionate and they desired as much as they were desired

there is a difference with white women I just cant exactly put my finger on it, however it has been in it
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Woke""

It is just another microcosm of being woke. Being offended on behalf of some other people who don't really care or have a dog i the hunt. Racism is when you cancel someone's existence for the sake of not being racist.
You don't even make sense. Whose existence is being cancelled?

In Savannah, MO the high school is represented by the Savannah Savage. Many years ago, a profiled Sioux warrior with braided hair and a couple of feathers. Not exactly scary or intimidating.
Some years ago, the politically correct decided to dehumanize the logo with a stylized representation of a dark, threatening native American. Now those same people have come back and removed the logo by a vote of 4-3. By removing this representation, the woke crowd is making Native Americans disappear. They are being cancelled so that no reference is around to show that they used to be there. Young children upon entering school would be reminded that Northwest Missouri was once occupied by tribes of Native Americans. Now there will be no reminder.
The Germans did the same things with the Jewish population in the 1940s. Not only did they make the living Jews disappear but the Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries. No reminders to the future populations of who had come before. The "woke" are doing the same thing in the name of anti-racism. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Trust me, I'm not wrong. Here is where you're wrong; majority? It was an outside group that started this. The school board capitulated but what about the alumni? Where was their voice?
Only you would think using the German example of record keeping and a perverse pride in what they did to the Jewish people would be rendered as a simple equivalency. Have you no respect for the Jewish victims?
At no time did I say that using the logo as a way to remember the indigenous (you called them Indians) people who used to inhabit the land.
See above bold..
You brought up and claimed the nazis removing headstones and a logo change are the same thing...a false equivalency. Lumping Jews in with this story shows a complete lack of respect for the Jews.
Every respectful reference whether it is a sports team or attack helicopter is a reference to the fighting spirit of a group even if it is a pugnacious Irishman or a fighting warrior. Taking these examples away diminishes the memories for the young. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Like I said. You are wrong in so many ways.
And you're a liar. See above.

You jump on me for saying "Indian" while you advocate for calling them "Savages". Your nazi reference is about removing individuals. It has nothing to do with your thread. Fuck the alumni.
They should have no say. It's not their school.

Trust you? You have to be kidding. If you had a link, I would check it, being Veryskeptical of anything you say.
Since you have no link/proof, we'll just chalk that up as another barleyboner.

And as you can see, barley's claim that all headstones were removed by Germans is bullshit too. Some headstones were used as building materials. Many Jewish cemeteries were destroyed during bombing raids. There are numerous surviving Jewish cemeteries.

It doesn't even slow him down. He just makes shit up.




the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You don't cover yourself very well. Before headstones became road building material (which is true) they were removed en masse by the Nazis. They would have stayed that way in some lot but damage by allied bombers necessitated their reuse as building supplies.

Since I am not the "woke" party there are a number of words that I can still use that you are forbidden. My vocabulary has not been restricted as you have done to yours with progressive bull shit.
You don't cover yourself very well. Before headstones became road building material (which is true) they were removed en masse by the Nazis. They would have stayed that way in some lot but damage by allied bombers necessitated their reuse as building supplies.

Since I am not the "woke" party there are a number of words that I can still use that you are forbidden. My vocabulary has not been restricted as you have done to yours with progressive bull shit. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Once again, you're caught in a lie.
You posted "Not only did they make the living Jews disappear but the Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries".

A lie.

If you would have checked my links, you would have seen the Berlin Jewish Cemetery has over 100,000 graves with headstones.
Berlin. As in the capital of Germany. The first place they would have removed the headstones.
Guess the Germans missed those as well as the other links I posted.

My vocabulary is unrestricted. I use the words I need to. The fact you bring vocabulary up shows how limited you are.

And as usual, this could be easily settled. If you post a link.

So I'm well covered by facts.
You on the other hand are well covered by bullshit.

4 years of Trump solidified your reliance, plus the belief no one checks, that lying is okay.
Outside of Trumpland, lying is lying.

You never answered who was cancelled. It must have been another lie on your part.

You just keep digging.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Once again, you're caught in a lie.
You posted "Not only did they make the living Jews disappear but the Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries".

A lie.

If you would have checked my links, you would have seen the Berlin Jewish Cemetery has over 100,000 graves with headstones.
Berlin. As in the capital of Germany. The first place they would have removed the headstones.
Guess the Germans missed those as well as the other links I posted.

My vocabulary is unrestricted. I use the words I need to. The fact you bring vocabulary up shows how limited you are.

And as usual, this could be easily settled. If you post a link.

So I'm well covered by facts.
You on the other hand are well covered by bullshit.

4 years of Trump solidified your reliance, plus the belief no one checks, that lying is okay.
Outside of Trumpland, lying is lying.

You never answered who was cancelled. It must have been another lie on your part.

You just keep digging.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

speaking of digging, get yer shovel ready. all it takes is to google

"Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries"

and you find that the_real_Barleycorn is right.



Over 150 Jewish gravestones pillaged by Hitler’s troops to build a road found buried under small town market square

Over 150 Jewish gravestones have been found under a market square in a small town in southern Poland.

The grizzly discovery was made in the town of Leżajsk, where they were laid during Nazi-Germany’s WII occupation to harden the road surface.

The find, which is the biggest discovery of ‘matzevot’ in Poland in recent years, is all the more valuable because some of them have retained their original colours and painted lettering, which surviving headstones in the local Jewish cemetery have lost over the years.

The stones were found during road construction when workers removed a layer of asphalt on the town's market square.

They were discovered about 20 cm below the surface and covered a stretch of road of almost 30 metres on south-west frontage of the mark

you know what they say about pictures ..


Jewish Grave Markers, Lost and Recovered

The German occupation of Rohatyn which began in 1941 meant not only the concentration of Jews into a ghetto, deportations, and violent death in mass shootings, but also the destruction of Jewish material culture in town. At some point during the war, laborers toppled the Jewish headstones in the cemeteries, broke the stones into large fragments so they could be carried, and carted the stones away. The stolen stones were used as ordinary building material in Rohatyn, to make a load-bearing layer for roads and sidewalks, to strengthen the banks of the Hnyla Lypa river, to support vehicles in parking areas, and to make the foundations of newly-constructed buildings. Many decades later, elderly Ukrainian residents of Rohatyn remembered the exploitation of the headstones in town: [T]here had been a large [cemetery], with one gravestone after the next, tall, made of stone. Later the Germans took these gravestones and made them into sidewalks. They built sidewalks, roads. [Yahad – In Unum witness YIU/2092U, 1:27:01] After the war, she recalled that where roadside walkways were paved with Jewish headstones, some older people in town refused to walk on them, as they considered to do so a sin. [Yahad – In Unum witness YIU/20195U, 2012 interview with RJH]

for someone who claims to have the facts on his side, i think you need new facts.

HedonistForever's Avatar
The fact you bring vocabulary up shows how limited you are.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Tell me you didn't just say that after calling me out for my spelling and grammar in another post!

You sir, are a hypocrite!

And the only thing you are skeptical of, is anything to do with what the right says. You aren't the least bit skeptical of what the Left says.
rexdutchman's Avatar
just wow
Tell me you didn't just say that after calling me out for my spelling and grammar in another post!

You sir, are a hypocrite!

And the only thing you are skeptical of, is anything to do with what the right says. You aren't the least bit skeptical of what the Left says. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
what the hell is this guy skeptical about?

corporations trying to be woke in the name of profits? the news media? the government? the woke idiots? Hollywood? the rich and "elite"?

seems he merely parrots their line in dumber ways than even they do
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again, you're caught in a lie.
You posted "Not only did they make the living Jews disappear but the Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries".

A lie.

If you would have checked my links, you would have seen the Berlin Jewish Cemetery has over 100,000 graves with headstones.
Berlin. As in the capital of Germany. The first place they would have removed the headstones.
Guess the Germans missed those as well as the other links I posted.

My vocabulary is unrestricted. I use the words I need to. The fact you bring vocabulary up shows how limited you are.

And as usual, this could be easily settled. If you post a link.

So I'm well covered by facts.
You on the other hand are well covered by bullshit.

4 years of Trump solidified your reliance, plus the belief no one checks, that lying is okay.
Outside of Trumpland, lying is lying.

You never answered who was cancelled. It must have been another lie on your part.

You just keep digging.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I said meticulous, not perfect. I guess you think the Nazis are perfect.
HedonistForever's Avatar
what the hell is this guy skeptical about?

corporations? the news media? the government? the woke idiots? Hollywood? the rich and "elite"?

seems he merely parrots their line in dumber ways than even they do Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Truth be told, to say he is "skeptical" about what the right says, is a lie. He isn't skeptical, he doesn't believe one word of it. To be skeptical would mean you aren't sure, that you'll reserve reaching a conclusion until further research is done. Mr. Skeptical I submit, does none of this. He disagrees with anything said by the GOP and as far as I can tell, since he seldom if ever comments on what the Left says, is never skeptical of what the Left says.

Presenting ones self as "skeptical" and then proving with your words that you are not, is easy to see. He is skeptical that anybody could write as well as he does and as we have just seen, will suggest that anybody questioning his vocabulary, is a mere distraction from honest debate which of course is exactly what he did to me. It is to and not too, correct Mr. Skeptical? Because I don't want to be "anti-intellectual" by misspelling a word.

Only an elitist snob would make such a statement. I'm not against "intelligence" as it relates to proper use of the English language, I just haven't mastered it yet but I'm all for the proper use and try my best to learn from my mistakes. I'm not always successful.

And Yes, I am skeptical about many things that Republicans take a stand on. It is why I refuse to register as a Republican even though I lean right on many of the issues we discuss here. I constantly made it clear that I did not like Trump, the man. I liked his policies. I did not like the lies he told and often said so, but look at the lies being told right now by Biden who got 4 Pinocchio's from the Washington Post for lying about the new Georgia voting law. And now the biggest lie of all that lies at the heart of this Democrat party, that systemic racism exist in America. It's a lie and it's a damn lie.
Truth be told, to say he is "skeptical" about what the right says, is a lie. He isn't skeptical, he doesn't believe one word of it. To be skeptical would mean you aren't sure, that you'll reserve reaching a conclusion until further research is done. Mr. Skeptical I submit, does none of this. He disagrees with anything said by the GOP and as far as I can tell, since he seldom if ever comments on what the Left says, is never skeptical of what the Left says.

Presenting ones self as "skeptical" and then proving with your words that you are not, is easy to see. He is skeptical that anybody could write as well as he does and as we have just seen, will suggest that anybody questioning his vocabulary, is a mere distraction from honest debate which of course is exactly what he did to me. It is to and not too, correct Mr. Skeptical? Because I don't want to be "anti-intellectual" by misspelling a word.

Only an elitist snob would make such a statement. I'm not against "intelligence" as it relates to proper use of the English language, I just haven't mastered it yet but I'm all for the proper use and try my best to learn from my mistakes. I'm not always successful.

And Yes, I am skeptical about many things that Republicans take a stand on. It is why I refuse to register as a Republican even though I lean right on many of the issues we discuss here. I constantly made it clear that I did not like Trump, the man. I liked his policies. I did not like the lies he told and often said so, but look at the lies being told right now by Biden who got 4 Pinocchio's from the Washington Post for lying about the new Georgia voting law. And now the biggest lie of all that lies at the heart of this Democrat party, that systemic racism exist in America. It's a lie and it's a damn lie.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
anyone who busies themselves "correcting" another's "mistakes" makes the much greater mistake of being a pedantic obsessive egotist with a twist of psychological abnormality, and worst of all by thinking it elevates him in someway by "lessening" another
HedonistForever's Avatar
anyone who busies themselves "correcting" another's "mistakes" makes the much greater mistake of being a pedantic obsessive egotist with a twist of psychological abnormality, and worst of all by thinking it elevates him in someway by "lessening" another Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

You have a gift of language.
winn dixie's Avatar

Had to look that one up.