The Full Bar

EHere's a snapshot of the fridge at my incall back in February:

I love having a good drink or two to enjoy with my favorite clients. There is nothing wrong with a toast to good sex. Hey, I'll drink to that. Cheers!


One dear gentleman told me that he actually preferred to not see providers who frequently offered drinks and/or drank during a session based on previous reviews. I guess he didn't follow me on Twitter, Lol.


His theory was that if a provider has to drink before a session, then she has to somewhat desensitize herself. Which, that did make sense to me, as I had worked in the strip clubs before providing, and I understood the difference that one shot could make at times.

Not that I have to drink to loosen myself up and/or get comfortable with clients. But drinking makes me a wild and horny bitch!
When I grew up whiskey meant IRISH Whiskey. Scotch was SCOTCH. Not Scotch whisky, Scottish whisky, just Scotch. From anywhere else, and it just wasn't.

My family drank too much of it to be connoisseurs though. More gulping than sipping.

People buy whiskey that's NOT from Scotland? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Bbud1959's Avatar
People buy whiskey that's NOT from Scotland? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Bourbon, single barrel neat.

But I will bring as a gift to a session the ladies drink of choice, I take it when I see you, it will be single malt?
Hobby Jon's Avatar
After a good fluid-draining boink ice-cold beer is heaven. But not just run of mill BL Corona etc. Maybe some good craft beer. Originally Posted by Hercules
Yes a good craft stout or porter would be a great beer to have before a session!!

How about a nice cold but light. Awww but gotta have the fresh limes in it. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Yes I always have a lime with my water.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-12-2015, 01:24 AM
As for beer, one should have some lighter beers like Carona, Red Stripe and Tecate plus some darker beer like Shiner and Ziegen Bock. You can go completely to the dark side with Guinness and it's kinfolk. Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
Corona is horse piss. Change in temp doesn't skunk beer. Light does. That's why most bottled beers are in brown or green glass. The only bottled beers sold in clear glass are 40's of malt liquor and Corona. Clear glass = shit beer.
People buy whiskey that's NOT from Scotland? Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Yamazaki is really good so is Yoichi. Both are Japanese Whiskey brands.
a good bourban, whisky, or scotch straight up or on the rocks. Tequila shots are also good.
doug_dfw's Avatar
She has graced her presence Chung. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I acknowledge her graciousness - looking for the words- finis pugna,.

Been too long.

We are really similar

I stomp and have horns

She crawls and has sting

She wins

Horns miss

Stings don't.

It is what it is.

My luck: we chose words.
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Surrender white flag waving head bowed