The newest narrative - White Supremacists and Cartels

  • oeb11
  • 06-01-2020, 07:31 AM
Where's your other masturbatory self-like?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Thank U 9500- exposing the best argument for free birth control to the Democrats.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Another attempt by antifa to keep the country divided , more
Bullshit.. the vast majority is about justice and George Floyd. why bother with this absurdity? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Justice? Are you kidding me. As soon as they protest the daily black-on-black murders, including women and children that take place daily I could care less about Floyd.Until they fix the big problem I'm not interested in supporting a race of people who condone killing each other
HedonistForever's Avatar
I wish it wasn't so one-sided. If an intelligent liberal participated in this forum, it might raise the overall quality of debate and discourse. Unfortunately, Trey just lowers the average IQ of your libtard team.

See my thread below - it's been 4 years since I posted it and nothing's changed. Originally Posted by lustylad

We almost never see in this forum a thread or a post with a liberal viewpoint that is well-written, articulate and/or supported by facts and figures. True conservatives love to debate. Yet there is no one in this forum who can argue the liberal side smartly or adeptly. We're stuck with morons like Assup, Sissy Chap and Ekim the Chimp. They chime in constantly and never tire of wasting our time (and eccie's bandwidth) as they run up their post counts. In reading some of the liberal comments here, I am often exasperated by the realization that I could argue their side much better than they can!

Outside this forum, I encounter well-written, articulate and data-supported liberal columns all the time. Here's just one example. Notice how the author provides useful numbers to back up his arguments. This makes his arguments stronger, although not beyond refuting (read the link comments too). He challenges the reader and advances the debate - instead of just going around in circles, repeating unsubstantiated talking points or denigrating into homophobic insults the way the childish libtards in this forum do each time they post.
I wasn't here when you made that post but man, talk about spot on. I have been trying my best to find an intelligent liberal to debate and I do mean debate, not talking points, not insults not "do you think this would all be happening if Hillary was President"? WTF? That's debate? No, it is not! Comparing Hillary policies against Trump policies would be debate. Economic statistics would be debate. Posting articles and defending what you have posted by answering questions put to you, is debate.

I thought I had someone in 9500 who just might be up for a good debate but alas, I was wrong. I ask questions and I get platitudes or silly meme's. I don't always agree with Tiny and SpeedRacer to name just two because they are the only two I can think of, that I have differences with but they try to debate and I applaud them for than.

The radical left has been culled from this board because they spewed nothing but hate, non stop, nothing that remotely resembled debate because that isn't what they are here for. They were the rioters and the looters among the protesters, those attempting to debate.

I was on another board here in Miami and it was no different. Very few if any on the left that could put two coherent sentences together. One that could, I met for coffee and we have broken bread together at each others home and we agree on literally nothing but it is a non stop debate by two reasonable, sensible people who really like to debate politics and have no intention of trying to degrade each other or call names. We didn't even have the same preference in the ladies we dated. I like small breasts, he liked large. I like a smaller butt, he liked them big. I entertained with different music, drinks and food.

We are as different as two people can be and yet we could spend hours debating. That person for me, doesn't exist on this board and that's a shame.
  • oeb11
  • 06-02-2020, 01:56 PM

Agreed on Tiny and SR - I may not agree with them on issues - but they post respectfully and I hold them in respect.