Trump builds a better rat trap and DACA is the bait.

I B Hankering's Avatar
So you're saying that instead of having to go overseas, Trump should just make it a whole lot easier for those white sexual perverts to fulfill their morbid sexual desires at home, you Li'l Hun? Originally Posted by andymarksman
That you can possibly misconstrue being told you're full of shit for what you just posted shows how fucked-up in your lib-retard head you are, Andy the Little Nazi Boy.
themystic's Avatar
Seems like you only see thing in terms of race..
WHY DO YOU instantly think my wanting a merit based sytem means only whites??

And who the hell are they polling to get that "Its unpopular" idea from?? Originally Posted by garhkal
Isn’t Melania another illegal alien. Does this whore quialify for DACA
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Where did I separate Americans from Republicans? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You copied a quote that you must feel strongly about or you wouldn't have done it. So like a Trump retweet, you have to own what you posted.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You have to take ALL of Trump's alleged comments together to get their full impact.

First, using the term "shithole" to describe other countries is not the language I expect from the POTUS in describing countries that are economically disadvantaged through no fault of the majority of the people in the country.

When you combine Trump's comments on predominantly black countries and then hear him ask why we (the U.S.) can't focus on getting more people to emigrate to the U.S. from countries like Norway, you have a clearer picture of his beliefs.

Here are some comments from Norway on the subject:

"Many in this prosperous Scandinavian country were already asleep, but several prominent Norwegians who were still online took to Twitter to vent their outrage and disgust, not only at Trump’s vulgar language but at what many saw as a racially tinged insult.

“The real White House: Trump calls Haiti and African countries ‘shithole’ countries to the face of members of Congress, and uses Norway to prove his racism,” wrote Andreas Wiese, a newspaper commentator who manages a cultural center in Oslo."

“It falls into a pattern of nativist and very unpleasant language from a poorly qualified president, if not worse,’’ said Helge Ogrim, a journalist who formerly covered the United States for the Norwegian News Agency. “President Trump seems to relish derogatory remarks about others and praise for himself.’’

In Haiti, President Jovenel Moise’s government issued a strongly worded statement denouncing what it called a ‘‘racist’’ view of Haitian immigrants and people from African countries."

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It's never the fault of the people...its the fault of their leftist leaders and the buzzards (like the Clintons) who come along to fuck them over.

You forgot to mention that Trump had met with the Prime Minister of Norway less than 24 hours before the alleged remark. Plus, Norway is considered by many (according to polls) to be one of the best democracies on the planet. Why would you want to deny a Norwegian an opportunity to become an American?

In dealing with the internet and social media it is never enough anymore to say that many, several, or even thousands of people disagreed. That's just a drop in the bucket. Only if you can prove MILLIONS of people (not Russian bots) were disgusted with anything that Trump said do you get credit.
It was probably not an accident that Trump ALLEGEDLY mentioned Norway in his comments. 86% white. 14% Hispanic. 0% black. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
14% hispanic.. MEANING they are not all white are they.

And where you getting 86% are white.. Doing a quick look, norway does have quite a large migrant population..

Isn’t Melania another illegal alien. Does this whore quialify for DACA Originally Posted by themystic
No. She legally married a US citizen and got citizenship herself.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You copied a quote that you must feel strongly about or you wouldn't have done it. So like a Trump retweet, you have to own what you posted. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I made a post and included the total quote. I could have left off the second part. It is a valid point to be made that although the majority of ALL Americans oppose building a border wall, 7 in 10 Republicans support it. I think that that point is very important in understanding that Republicans are firmly in support of Trump on the wall.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
14% hispanic.. MEANING they are not all white are they.

And where you getting 86% are white.. Doing a quick look, norway does have quite a large migrant population..

. Originally Posted by garhkal
Trump's statements, at least in this case, were NEVER about Hispanics. Haiti and African countries are shitholes according to him. How many Hispanics live in Haiti and African countries? It has always been about whether or not Trump's statements were racist against blacks.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It's never the fault of the people...its the fault of their leftist leaders and the buzzards (like the Clintons) who come along to fuck them over.

You forgot to mention that Trump had met with the Prime Minister of Norway less than 24 hours before the alleged remark. Plus, Norway is considered by many (according to polls) to be one of the best democracies on the planet. Why would you want to deny a Norwegian an opportunity to become an American?

In dealing with the internet and social media it is never enough anymore to say that many, several, or even thousands of people disagreed. That's just a drop in the bucket. Only if you can prove MILLIONS of people (not Russian bots) were disgusted with anything that Trump said do you get credit. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yes, Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier were major players in turning Haiti into the country it is today.

So what if Trump met with the Prime Minister of Norway right before making his statements? He said what he said -- at least allegedly said. I have absolutely no problem with accepting people from Norway, or any other similar country, into this country. I do not support putting people from Norway at the top of an immigration list based on the factors that make up a merit based system. My ancestors who emigrated to this country would never have made it based on a merit based system. Some could not speak English. Some had limited education. Few had skills that would be deemed needed. Yet they got to this country and made better lives for themselves and their families and I think made this country a better place. How about your ancestors? Would they have been accepted under a merit based system.

How many people were disgusted with what Trump said? Worldwide I would say many millions. Maybe even more important is to ask how many people support what Trump said? And I'm not asking how many agree with what he said, but rather support what he said and believe it will be a positive in any way.
That you can possibly misconstrue being told you're full of shit for what you just posted shows how fucked-up in your lib-retard head you are, Andy the Little Nazi Boy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, you're the one that's full of shit for arguing that Trump's stance on immigration isn't racist just because he is open to the idea of more immigrants from Asia. That's the same fraud excuse those leading white supremacists have been claiming that they were only fucking Asian women for sexual gratification, but not to demean their own blood in any way, shape, or form, you Li'l Huntard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, you're the one that's full of shit for arguing that Trump's stance on immigration isn't racist just because he is open to the idea of more immigrants from Asia. That's the same fraud excuse those leading white supremacists have been claiming that they were only fucking Asian women for sexual gratification, but not to demean their own blood in any way, shape, or form, you Li'l Huntard. Originally Posted by andymarksman

yo Andy. i hope you are watching Trump give his State of the Union address and getting standing ovations on his plan for dealing with illegal immigration.

oh and the Hitler Youth keep calling .. they want their avatar back
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, you're the one that's full of shit for arguing that Trump's stance on immigration isn't racist just because he is open to the idea of more immigrants from Asia. That's the same fraud excuse those leading white supremacists have been claiming that they were only fucking Asian women for sexual gratification, but not to demean their own blood in any way, shape, or form, you Li'l Huntard. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Trump's stance isn't racist, Andy the Little Nazi Boy. You're just too fucking stupid to think for yourself, Andy the Little Nazi Boy. You're the jackass racist who imagines that there are no whites -- only people of color -- among the millions who are here illegally, Andy the Little Nazi Boy.
lustylad's Avatar
...doing away with the lottery will benefit people primarily from India. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
...a merit based system immediately favors people from countries that are predominantly white. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hmmm... when did India become a predominantly white country?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
...doing away with the lottery will benefit people primarily from India.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
...a merit based system immediately favors people from countries that are predominantly white.

Hmmm... when did India become a predominantly white country? Originally Posted by lustylad

well well .. you seem to have trapped speedy into a contradiction of terms as we say.


there's a word for that .. i'm thinkin' .. give this old grey matter a few cycles .. .... oh YES!


that's the word i was looking for!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No, you're the one that's full of shit for arguing that Trump's stance on immigration isn't racist just because he is open to the idea of more immigrants from Asia. That's the same fraud excuse those leading white supremacists have been claiming that they were only fucking Asian women for sexual gratification, but not to demean their own blood in any way, shape, or form, you Li'l Huntard. Originally Posted by andymarksman
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hmmm... when did India become a predominantly white country? Originally Posted by lustylad
they have aryan/slav blood. they look white, but have brown skin.