Review: Playfull Jessie - Waste of Time

  • BR_OC
  • 02-21-2016, 03:33 PM
"On another note, I find it funny how some automatically label backpage providers as trash, and Eccie as a higher echelon provider. If you provide shoddy service, it doesn't matter where you advertise."

Only about >95% of members on this site hold this sentiment.....not the majority or anything. Perhaps you can explain why you don't advertise on back page yourself? Wait, I think I already know the answer.
You missed the point. Eccie, BP, Eros, TER. Crappy service is crappy service. You go back, you are reinforcing it.

As for marketing strategy, I know many, many expensive providers who advertise on BP when traveling because they hit a larger audience. It does not mean they don't screen. I live in SA and I do not see many gents, so my marketing strategy is on point.

Your hostility is misplaced towards me. I understand your frustration with this lady, but you fail to see where you have aggravated it.
More popcorn, please!
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Was time wasted? Yes! Was a lesson learned? Probably not
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-21-2016, 03:43 PM
Back to the original topic please.
  • BR_OC
  • 02-21-2016, 03:44 PM
Quite civil and mutual understanding Camille. As previously mentioned, I will own my decisions but the overall purpose was to inform others of this woman's misdoings in hopes of not repeating mine. She's treacherous and deserves to be called I have done. I wish you all the best in business and life.
  • BR_OC
  • 02-21-2016, 03:46 PM
And Peter, you're right.....if you could only see the endless turmoil and sleepless nights this incident has brought me! Oh the humanity! Welp, I'm back in the real world side of things. Everybody have a stellar remainder of their weekend.
Petergriffin1980's Avatar
And Peter, you're right.....if you could only see the endless turmoil and sleepless nights this incident has brought me! Oh the humanity! Welp, I'm back in the real world side of things. Everybody have a stellar remainder of their weekend. Originally Posted by BR_OC
In the end you were not harmed buddy and that's all that really Matters stay safe out there it's a crazy business out there and it could happen to anyone.
tpepsi's Avatar
Camille, if you're unable to comprehend what is clearly written, then it is safe to say you are about as sharp as a tennis ball. Yes Camille, 4-5 hours later contact was re-established via her texting me and dialogue reinstated. Originally Posted by BR_OC
It's only clear if one has Premium Access and can see the whole ROS. If you can't see ROS, then it is not at all clear in your OP why you were at her door 4 hours later.