Carter vs. biden

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  • 02-09-2021, 12:51 PM
I would guess you never spent hours lined up for gas on your assigned day to purchase. Originally Posted by bill sins
I guess you never spent weeks in lockdown only to have the President fuc it up by not emphasizing mask wearing...
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  • 02-09-2021, 12:58 PM
I didn't know that. So Carter's the one who's responsible for our war in Afghanistan, as the Taliban probably wouldn't have ever come to power if we hadn't help push the Russians out and armed the militias? And also for the Iraq war? If the Taliban hadn't been in power, Afghanistan wouldn't have provided refuge to Osama bin Laden. And George W. Bush would never have had an excuse to invade.

As to energy, he decimated the U.S. natural gas industry with bizarre price controls that both increased the price of gas and discouraged development of the resource. If this had been allowed to stay in place, we wouldn't have made the great progress that we have in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

I forgot about that. We were saddled with around $5 billion a year in foreign aid (probably much more than that years ago in inflation adjusted terms) to pay off the Israelis and the Egyptians, so they wouldn't kill each other. Originally Posted by Tiny
Don't forget to blame Reagan too then. Blaming Carter for oil is beyond stupid. You have go back in time to understand the dynamics.

Carter also announced in his speech a five-year spending initiative to modernize and strengthen the military because he recognized the post-Vietnam military cuts weakened the U.S. against the USSR.

Ronald Reagan argued during the 1980 presidential campaign that, “Jimmy Carter risks our national security – our credibility – and damages American purposes by sending timid and even contradictory signals to the Soviet Union.” Carter’s policy was based on “weakness and illusion” and should be replaced “with one founded on improved military strength,” Reagan criticized.

In 1985, however, President Reagan publicly acknowledged that his predecessor demonstrated great timing in modernizing and strengthening the nation’s forces, which further increased economic and diplomatic pressure on the Soviets.

Reagan admitted that he felt “very bad” for misstating Carter’s policies and record on defense
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2021, 03:09 PM
Don't forget to blame Reagan too then. Blaming Carter for oil is beyond stupid. You have go back in time to understand the dynamics.

Carter also announced in his speech a five-year spending initiative to modernize and strengthen the military because he recognized the post-Vietnam military cuts weakened the U.S. against the USSR.

Ronald Reagan argued during the 1980 presidential campaign that, “Jimmy Carter risks our national security – our credibility – and damages American purposes by sending timid and even contradictory signals to the Soviet Union.” Carter’s policy was based on “weakness and illusion” and should be replaced “with one founded on improved military strength,” Reagan criticized.

In 1985, however, President Reagan publicly acknowledged that his predecessor demonstrated great timing in modernizing and strengthening the nation’s forces, which further increased economic and diplomatic pressure on the Soviets.

Reagan admitted that he felt “very bad” for misstating Carter’s policies and record on defense Originally Posted by WTF
I blamed Carter for natural gas, not oil. And I probably understand the dynamics of that better than anyone on this board.

The USA spends too much on defense. You believe that too, right?
  • oeb11
  • 02-09-2021, 06:01 PM
Quit acting like a flake. The only legacy Biden will have along with his soft shell followers is they hate Trump. Hate will get you know where. Democrats can't even practice what they preach. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Good sir - I wish teh marxist DPST/ccp party could understand that hatred is ultimately self-destructive - and likely to take down a great nation and all its' peoples with the haters in their visceral, unreasoning hatred of Donald J Trump and all teh American freedoms and prosperity he brought to this country - only to be brought down by a Chinese pandemic and the Lies and hatred of teh DPST/ccp party ,its terrorist thugs, and lying LSM.
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  • 02-09-2021, 06:22 PM
I blamed Carter for natural gas, not oil. And I probably understand the dynamics of that better than anyone on this board.

The USA spends too much on defense. You believe that too, right? Originally Posted by Tiny
Yes we do....but you have to go back to the dynamics of the day. Not today.

Carter spending on the military (which winn dixie will not acknowledge) might not have been so horrible with the Cold War still very chilly.
If trumps legacy could be wiped away with executive orders he didn’t have much of one. Well Trump does have a legacy as Shit President. Trump is the worst president in 250 years. Of the 46 presidents he’s the absolute worst of them all. And he tried to lead an insurrection because he lost. Trump and his garbage followers are trash. Now he’s gone and his followers will whine and cry for 4 years. Love it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
At least Half of the country maybe more at this point are Trump supporters. The other half are hypocrites.

Trump is the greatest President maybe ever but certainly since Roosevelt.
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  • 02-09-2021, 06:52 PM
At least Half of the country maybe more at this point are Trump supporters. The other half are hypocrites.

Trump is the greatest President maybe ever but certainly since Roosevelt. Originally Posted by DTickler
FDR...won four elections

Trump ....squeaked by with one and got thrown out on his ass after four years.
FDR...won four elections

Trump ....squeaked by with one and got thrown out on his ass after four years. Originally Posted by WTF
FDR: American's Socialism activator. Teddy not FDR
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Who cares! Carter was an inept imbecile! The middle east had zero respect for the guy! I sometimes wonder if he and Mr. Rogers enjoyed faggin off with one another! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You really are a worthless piece of dreck. Insulting a Christian former president, and a beloved children's teacher.

Who's next Mother Teresa?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
At least Half of the country maybe more at this point are Trump supporters. The other half are hypocrites.

Trump is the greatest President maybe ever but certainly since Roosevelt. Originally Posted by DTickler
Strongly disagree. Trump is a cowardly narcissistic traitor, who would sell out the USA, if it would benefit him.

He doesn't care if you. or I, live or die, or suffer miserably.
winn dixie's Avatar
You really are a worthless piece of dreck. Insulting a Christian former president, and a beloved children's teacher.

Who's next Mother Teresa? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
It all fits! Their mannerisms and lil lisp they both had! Yeah they were tea baggin each other!
winn dixie's Avatar
You really are a worthless piece of dreck. Insulting a Christian former president, and a beloved children's teacher.

Who's next Mother Teresa? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
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America knows biden has early stage of dementia.

Before that he was just a dumbass! Originally Posted by winn dixie

toxic combo to have.
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  • 02-10-2021, 05:38 AM

toxic combo to have. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You two should have your own comedy show
Lapdog's Avatar
Already been done, Beavis and Butthead.