Seditious Conspiracy

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your default recorded message "if you say so" came in.

You have a lot of work to do. Originally Posted by VitaMan

my webbot don't ever sleep!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Epps was coordinating the riot. He wasnt arrested. But these so called oath keepers were?

FBI ia fishing.
VitaMan's Avatar
my webbot don't ever sleep!

BAAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

We always knew you were not a real person.

You never proved it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We always knew you were not a real person.

You never proved it. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So you think the Oathkeepers were doing what exactly? The 45 page indictment lays out the whole plot and plan for the 11 men. Is it possible it took some time to put it all together and to get access to the “more than scant” evidence? Investigations take time, not like on CSI and TV procedurals, there’s a lot of footwork involved in determining the what, who and how. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Said the man with the attention span of a gold fish.

So, what does the "45 page indictment" say? I'm sure you've read it all and understand all of it. Then again, it may be that ham sandwich that you've been hankering for. How many times have government cases fallen apart lately. You lefty camp guards put a lot of faith in Merrick Garland and the guy is not that smart.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Some people are forgetful.

Some don't remember the highest unemployment rate in 90 YEARS during the previous administration.

Some have to quickly edit their posts and sources when confronted with the truth.

But ALL are Trumpites. Originally Posted by VitaMan
And some people can't help lying. Right?
Said the man with the attention span of a gold fish.

So, what does the "45 page indictment" say? I'm sure you've read it all and understand all of it. Then again, it may be that ham sandwich that you've been hankering for. How many times have government cases fallen apart lately. You lefty camp guards put a lot of faith in Merrick Garland and the guy is not that smart. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You know the saying, shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first.
Some people are forgetful.

Some don't remember the highest unemployment rate in 90 YEARS during the previous administration.

Some have to quickly edit their posts and sources when confronted with the truth.

But ALL are Trumpites. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Here is the FUCKING TRUTH!!

You ALWAYS leave out the REAL reason unemployment rates were so high. Why do you do that maybe that you don't want to admit the people LOVE "free" gumment money...
You and your "FED" and unemployment. THIS IS THE REASON WHY INFLATION IS SO HIGH...your "FREE" gumment money!! These fucker think it's a good this, just like you!!

It pays to stay unemployed. That might be a good thing
Greg Iacurci

Roughly 40% of workers stand to make more money while unemployed than from their former jobs, according to one analysis of expanded benefits.
This is especially true for lower-wage earners, who are concentrated in certain industries like retail, accommodation and food services.
There are factors beyond a straight dollar-for-dollar comparison, however, that may dissuade Americans from trying to remain unemployed.
LexusLover's Avatar
They don't have a clue what the "unemployment rate" is .... they are simply regurgitating the Guberment pablum .... and I am beginning to see evidence that these vaccines start attacking the brain rather quickly after the pop.
He's not going to respond to the REAL fact of why unemployment was so high. As you said he just regurgitates lefwing propaganda. He just wants to bring up Trump, his REAL obsession and not reveal the REAL reason..."FREE" gumment money. As he asked EVERONE...did you get your stimulus check??
You realize Trump chose the head of both the FBI and DOJ during his 1 term presidency. Remember, after 4 months Trump fired the one that wouldn’t give him a loyalty pledge. Odd that y’all complain about the DOJ and FBI even while the appointees were Trumps. Originally Posted by NoirMan
... You're correct.

... They were "Trump appointees" at the request of others.
Others in the deep state who were out to destroy Trump.

You realise that their-own e-mails have shown that
the FBI/DOJ knew in-advance that the phony Steele "dossier"
was bought and payed-for by Hillary's people?
And FAILED TO DISCLOSE this info to the Judge when
they obtained the FISA warrant to spy on Trump?

Odd that THIS surely don't bother you when ya
defend the FBI and DOJ. .... Aint it?

### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
...did you get your stimulus check? Originally Posted by bb1961
The checks I receive were "stimulated" by working diligently, effectively, and productively. There are some around who may need some definitions for those "foreign" terms. Especially the ones who obsess about Trump actually believing that those who voted for him were "infatuated" with him like they are .... ad nauseam. With their dictator hovering around 30% and NO ONE TO REPLACE HIM you'd think they would .... err..... WAKE UP!
LexusLover's Avatar

Odd that THIS surely don't bother you when ya
defend the FBI and DOJ. .... Aint it?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Since they are in favor of the usages of the FBI & DOJ to quell opposition then they will no doubt cooperate and not whine and blubber when they feel the chains and cuffs. Maybe a little rough stuff too during solitary!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Such horse manure. Even for you LL.
VitaMan's Avatar
Tremendous BS here. Just tremendous.