
I keeps it Thug Allen. That's what you don't like. Sorry buddy. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
I believe the term is Thugabe
I keeps it Thug Allen. That's what you don't like. Sorry buddy. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife

Sorry buddy, I spell my name the original way without the useless extra "L" letter that is not needed, and the incorrect British last name use of the letter "E" for a first name use of the name Alan.

Why people continue to over complicate things in life is beyond my understanding and pay grade.
Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet

Wow, 13 encounters, that's impressive, lol.

And you "wanna" call me a thug, or a "thug wannabee", or what ever it is you're trying to imply with your posting here.

It's beyond my pay grade to understand why anyone would want to share their paying for sex encounters that they have had in life, with the general public being able to read about it. Low self esteem maybe, or huge ego that needs stroking? Maybe a desire to be "outed" and get caught? Who knows... I always get a good laugh out of it. I really can't believe it's because anyone has a true honest "helpful" attitude in wanting to help another man find a woman to pay to stick in to and maybe catch what the other guy is spreading to her, lol.

I do suppose that some here are aware of the version of throat cancer that can be spread via a virus, from oral sex with a woman who passes it on to him??? And the ones who have HPV that causes cervical cancer in women, which is unbelievably devastating? Those good ol' genital warts will get ya in the long term scheme of things, lol. I wonder how many guys there are who bring HPV home to their wives or girlfriends/significant others... Surely everyone here knows that whoever one has sex with is basically the same as having sex with all the other people that person has had sex with? Does anyone really not know that all that "stuff" gets passed on and on and on, lol...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against having sex with someone you're not married to, lol...

It's going to be real laughable, and incredibly disrupting and sad, how this entire industry and other things that rely on cash payments will all get turned upside down when we soon find out what it's like to live in a "cashless" society and won't be using greenbacks before the end of this year expires. Biden signed another executive order recently, this one flew below the radar for most people, back in March, which will enable the new roll out transition to digital currency to pay for everything, and the retirement of cash. It's coming, and I doubt the industry will be able to transition over to it without the use of cash and the anonymity that the use of cash allows to have encounters with women and pay them for it. It will soon all be tracked, every purchase you make in the USA...

Is there anyone here who understands the Chinese "Social Credits" System, and also understands what Canada did recently with how they locked down peoples bank accounts if they donated money to the trucker protests in Ottawa back in February? It's all coming here, sooner than we can realize... They'll be able to control everything and know everything with the flow and spending of digital currency and its use to pay for Anything one wants to buy or pay for, goods and services all included...

Maybe some of you guys who have food or gold or silver saved up will be able to trade some of those products for sex in the near future when we unfortunately go to the new digital currency system... Otherwise it's not going to be possible to pay for pussy any longer unless you want the government knowing about it, lol...
JRLawrence's Avatar
Wow. Did I offend you ma'am? If I did I truly apologize. That was not my intent. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Well now, there he has done it again. Intentionally offend, and they say that he didn't intend to, followed by a fake apology. This seems to be the standard operating procedure.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s get back on the threads subject and stop with the shots at other members
TailHooked's Avatar
Yes, getting back to the thread on kissing.

You can kiss a shy girl but you have to be slick
You can kiss a duck's tail but you have to be quick.

And you "wanna" call me a thug, or a "thug wannabee", or what ever it is you're trying to imply with your posting here.
Originally Posted by Alan50501
Wasn't directed at you Allen.
Retrace the thread.

I don't kiss providers because I know where there mouths have been.
Wasn't directed at you Allen.
Retrace the thread.

I don't kiss providers because I know where there mouths have been. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Maybe so, but any provider who doesn't know how to handle good oral hygiene isn't worth seeing anyway because anything else is probably going to get even less attention. Call me guilty, I'm totally down for good kissers. Without that there's really NO IOP in my book. That just tells me she doesn't want to be there in my mind so its a non starter. To each their own Johnny. We're obviously not seeing many of the same providers then so its all good.....
Maybe so, but any provider who doesn't know how to handle good oral hygiene isn't worth seeing anyway because anything else is probably going to get even less attention. Call me guilty, I'm totally down for good kissers. Without that there's really NO IOP in my book. That just tells me she doesn't want to be there in my mind so its a non starter. To each their own Johnny. We're obviously not seeing many of the same providers then so its all good..... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
It's funny because providers historically have a reputation for doing anything but kissing.

"And no one's gone over to close his eyes
And there's a racing form in his pocket,
Circled blue boots in the third
And the cashier at the clothing store didn't say a word
As the siren tears the night in half, and someone lost his wallet
Well, a surveillance of assailants, it that's what you want to call it
And the whores hike up their skirts and fish for drug-store prophylactics
With their mouths cut just like razor blades and their eyes are like stilettos
And her radiator's steaming and her teeth are in a wreck, and nah,
She won't let you kiss her, but what the hell do you expect? " Small Change - Tom Waits