Who will be the Republican nominee for POTUS in 2016

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well I guess it was too much to expect of Munchie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignore him too... The circle of JDIdiot fans grows ever larger!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 10:55 AM
Let me see if I understand you correctly. You agree I didn't define Socialism in my post but yet I threw the definition around. I would like to know how I managed to do that. Then I was pointing fingers, I suppose at Hillary for stating she is a Socialist, which is only based on her admittance of it. So exactly what is your malfunction, are you afraid of Socialism, or are you bitter against those that oppose it?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
nope, you don't understand ... you throw the WORD around, not the definition, pointing fingers.
nope, you don't understand ... you throw the WORD around, not the definition, pointing fingers. Originally Posted by CJ7
I threw the word Socialism around. I only used it twice in my original post. Actually I used it in two different context, Socialist and Socialism. Don't try and interpret my words to fit your ridiculous point. In fact you don't have a point. .

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 12:59 PM
I threw the word Socialism around. I only used it twice in my original post. Actually I used it in two different context, Socialist and Socialism. Don't try and interpret my words to fit your ridiculous point. In fact you don't have a point. .

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

you admit you threw the word socialism/socialist around, and you admit you didn't define it, you pointed a finger at Hildabeast accusing her of being a (undefined) socialist ... so naturally my point is ridiculous

Watch this Chris Matthews clip and think about who they want to run against..............Christi.. ..

They didn't admire the "brash, bold, bare knuckle" style of a Newt did they.........nope....

They want the GOP to go with another moderate loser (McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012), among others.
They want the GOP to go with another moderate loser (McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012), among others. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yet you got all giddy with excitement when you foolishly gloated about Romney's big upcoming "win" just over a year ago, didn't you?

Remember the countless threads you started with titles such as "Wisconsin trending Romney!!" -- and similar things?

You seem to get all your political analysis from very reliable sources, that's for sure!
Yes I was hoping Obama would be thrown out......what is "anyone but Obama" so hard to comprehend ?

Considering the destruction Obama has sewn; I would say my political outlook has been proven right.

Are you that dense headed, or just playing stupid ?

Since you seem to follow my threads (thank you very much) you would know that through the primaries I was hoping for a more Conservative candidate to emerge as the nominee.....

Just how fucking stupid are you ?
Yes I was hoping Obama would be thrown out......why is that so hard to comprehend ?

Are you that dense headed, or just playing stupid ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I understand why you would have liked to see Obama lose. I ain't much of a fan, either. (But for the record, I don't think Romney belonged in the Oval Office.)

The stupid behavior on your part involved all the gloating and confidence that Romney was going to win, even up to the final day. Only those living in an insular bubble thought that. (But then you do live in an insular bubble.)

Since you seem to follow my threads (thank you very much) you would know that through the primaries I was hoping for a more Conservative candidate to emerge as the nominee..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't "follow" your threads, moron. I have clicked on very few of them during the last year or so, since I discovered long ago that most are just cut & paste jobs or loony right-wing rants. But anyone who comes into this forum and looks to see what threads are on the front page can't possibly miss the gist of what you're all about. Prior to the 2012 election, you indulged in a bizarre, premature gloatfest.

Just how fucking stupid are you ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And don't you think that you -- of all people! -- would do well to refrain from insulting anyone's intelligence.
Yeah I was hoping Romney would throw Obama out, but was wrong; but so were dozens of national analysts including Michael Barone, Larry Sabato, Newt Gingrich, Charles Krauthammer, Walter Kern, Peggy Noonan, and many others who you THINK live in a bubble....but don't !

So your whining can be boiled down to this:

- You don't like premature spiking of the football
- You don't like ALL CAP thread titles

You don't read my threads so you divine from the ALL CAP TITLES what the content is and are fully informed what my opinions and statements are by only reading the titles ...............

you admit you threw the word socialism/socialist around, and you admit you didn't define it, you pointed a finger at Hildabeast accusing her of being a (undefined) socialist ... so naturally my point is ridiculous

Originally Posted by CJ7
First of all, I didn't throw the word around, I was just recapping your ridiculous statement, Furthermore it's not even important that I define it in my post. Your only goal is to make a big deal about nothing, and again you have no point.

Yeah I was hoping Romney would throw Obama out, but was wrong; but so were dozens of national analysts including Michael Barone, Larry Sabato, Newt Gingrich, Charles Krauthammer, Walter Kern, Peggy Noonan, and many others who you THINK live in a bubble....but don't ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No doubt there are a couple of pretty smart people on that list, but aren't they all either enthusiastic partisans, or people trying to ingratiate themselves to certain publishers or cable TV networks?

Just checking!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Well I guess it was too much to expect of Munchie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
`It's great seeing a response like this. A small (very, very small) part of him thinks it remembers being a man at some time in his distant past.

The correct and honorable response (as in not lying) completly escaping him, he becomes the mole, as in "Wack-A-Mole", again.

Mr. Link-less puts his tail between his legs and heads over to the Number 6 Dance for booty call. And ends up with the ex again.


Oops! Double post. System apparently hiccupped.
Right wingers getting that warm feeling on their leg already.