Beware! Whispers can out you.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-20-2012, 10:36 PM
Actually... Only One guy is doing that...... The rest are handing him his ass in a bag after the fact....

You are right... Her business WILL suffer in the long run because of him..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers, I've got nothing against you, but please don't manipulate my responses to support your agenda...

You are not as subtle as you want to think you are...
Whispers's Avatar
Sorry man.... I work with the material the audience provides.....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-20-2012, 10:44 PM
Sorry man.... I work with the material the audience provides..... Originally Posted by Whispers
No harm, no foul...

I fully understand your intententions even if its lost on some...just don't want to see an innocent bystander broadsided by collateral attacks...I see it as mean spirited & uncalled for, but thats just me I guys can jack each other off to oblivion for all I care, not my concern...I'll just make more popcorn and laugh my ass off...
txAustin202's Avatar
A simple question to EVERYONE not txAustin202....

Do any of you think the boy has even the SLIGHTEST clue what he looks like or how this will affect how he is perceived?

Unlike me I actually think he cares. He needs a helping hand. Originally Posted by Whispers
I couldn't give two shits what any of you guys think. I'm going to stand down not because of any of you jackwads.
I couldn't give two shits what any of you guys think. I'm going to stand down not because of any of you jackwads. Originally Posted by txAustin202
As entertaining as you have been over the last 48 hours, I think this would be the best move for all involved.

Whispers's Avatar
No harm, no foul...

I fully understand your intententions even if its lost on some...just don't want to see an innocent bystander broadsided by collateral attacks...I see it as mean spirited & uncalled for, but thats just me I guess... Originally Posted by Toyz

From what I heard, sources were very credible, you pretty much outed yourself, along w about 60 other gents and ladies. Hmmmm weird, you feel that way.
Still Looking's Avatar
And then there is Austin....

Most Guys that talk tough and brag are usually just scared little boys with mommy issues....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-21-2012, 06:54 AM

Staff Edit...private tags Needed...Spacemtn
Simple human communications....thats it...
ECCIE staff does not publicly discuss what disciplinary actions are taken against members. Thus, you don't know what has been done.

Since the rules are applied equally here, hmmm...

Contrary to popular belief, Space and I are volunteers and we aren't on the board 24/7 and we don't read every single post in every single thread in the Austin area. Unlike some of you, we have lives outside of this silly hooker board.

Originally Posted by ztonk
Nice how u call it a hooker board.
So where is the explanation from Ztonk and Space? The lack of a response speaks louder than words. And the example that I used they are very aware of because it was used on me. Originally Posted by txAustin202

Where are ztonk and Space?? Well z has been holding down the fort as I have been ill for the past few days.

To clarify, the invitation to any event that any members have planned are between said planners and said invitees. ECCIE does not sponser events nor do we referee them. As local Mods it is our job to enforce the Board guidelines as set forth by the Ownersof the Board. Nothing more or less. It is and always has been understood that we do not mention others that attend a "function" on this board unless that person has stated that they attended said function. It is also considered bad form to talk about who will be attending a function, where the function is being held, the dates and times (either approximate or otherwise) that the event is being held. Local staff will edit out aforementioned information and in some cases issue warnings or other sanctions for outing persons involved if we feel that it is done with that intent.

It is really hard for us to punish someone for stating something that you, yourself have shouted from the rooftops for several days now. It is no secret to anyone here that you had planned to go to an event and it was no secret who you date was supossed to be at this event.

Let's go back to haveing fun, shall we??

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Nothing good ever comes out of these functions. A few years ago I was on my way to attending one and saw a guy I was in competition with on a multi-million dollar order entering about the same time. I made a u-turn before he saw me. To this day I have no idea what his hobby name is/was.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-21-2012, 09:27 AM
Nice how u call it a hooker board. Originally Posted by Atxitalianbella
My apologies! Given the high level of testosterone in the thread, I forgot we were in Coed and not the Men's Lounge.
