Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says 'Fox News Ghouls' Have 'Brainwashed' Viewers

HedonistForever's Avatar
Conservatives don't watch FOX news anymore Originally Posted by zerodahero

I guess that would depend on your definition of Conservative but to your point, Fox News still beats the other often referred to as Conservative platforms like NewsMax, by a large margin and while this is merely my opinion, those more "far right" have switched because they perceive ( some ) Fox News of abandoning/ moving away from Trump.

I tried watching some NewsMax but went back to Fox News.I think the biggest misconception of those against Fox News, have the idea that Fox News agrees with/ promotes White Supremacy, Proud Boys and Qanon and nothing could be further from the truth especially Tucker Carlson who speaks against such groups all the time. I don't know of a single on air person that has ever expressed "support" for any of these groups.

While they have, on occasion, given some of these people a platform to speak, what we use to refer to as free speech, that is to inform you of what is being said, not necessarily endorsing what is said.

Many of us can tell the difference, obviously some can't.

ForFor a while, it looked like the dominance of Fox News could be a casualty of the 2020 election.

The conservative-leaning network’s ratings dipped after months of complaints by former President Donald Trump and anger stemming from its election-night coverage. This was a change so momentous that even people in Europe took note. A headline in the UK’s Independent read: “‘We are lost’: Fox News suffers worst ratings in 20 years.”

The unexpected decline in ratings was a fresh headache for the network Rupert Murdoch started in 1996, which had finally put behind it the publicity stemming from the 2019 film “Bombshell,” which was a partially fictionalized account of sexual harassment within the company. And there was another, bigger headache to come. Last month, the company was sued for defamation by election technology company Smartmatic, which is seeking more than $2 billion in damages in a lawsuit that Fox has asked the court to dismiss.

Even absent schadenfreude, it seems a particularly good time to be Christopher Ruddy.
The founder of Fox competitor Newsmax, Ruddy has been tilling the ground of cable news since 2014, when he added television to the offerings of the media company he started in 1998. Last fall, Ruddy’s efforts were fertilized by his longtime friend Donald Trump, who, unhappy with Fox’s election coverage, started encouraging his supporters to check out Newsmax and another Fox challenger, the One America News Network, known as OAN.

But it may be technology, not politics, that ultimately decides the winner in the matchup between Newsmax and Fox. As in talk radio, the audience is graying, and Newsmax and OAN could have a technological advantage because they came of age during a time of transition that is affecting all forms of conservative media.

“Fox has an old-school infrastructure. OAN and Newsmax are probably teaching a lot of people who were resisting watching news on their computer to do it, just like grandchildren convinced a lot of older people to finally get an email address or get on Facebook back in the day,” said Robert Thompson, professor of radio, television and film at the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

But Fox also has a solid advantage in its longevity and success stemming from a business model that caused other cable news channels to pivot. That leaves its competitors, both on the left and the right, mulling a perennial problem: how do you outfox Fox?

If Newsmax figures it out, the story will have an especially fascinating beginning, since Murdoch, chairman of Fox Corporation, gave Newsmax’s Ruddy his first job as a reporter.
In December, The Washington Post interviewed former Fox watchers who switched to Newsmax because they were upset when Fox called Arizona for Biden on election night, before two other networks. One of the 15 former Fox viewers that the Post’s Jeremy Barr spoke to said they “felt duped.”

“Their stories lend texture to what has been a quantifiable shift in the number of people who watch Newsmax,” Barr wrote.
But Fox, which declined to speak with the Deseret News for this article, continues to churn out news releases showing its continued, across-the-board dominance in cable news.
“Since January 2002, FNC remained the most-watched cable news network across both day-parts with total viewers and in the key 25-54 demographic. Notably, the network continues to post yet another streak as No. 1 in all of television in weekday primetime, topping all broadcast networks in total viewers beginning Memorial Day 2020 to date,” a Feb. 2 news release said.
And in a Feb. 9 earnings call with investors, Fox Corp. Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch said Fox was the most-watched station on election night, “beating all television networks and averaging 25% share of total viewers.”

Murdoch said, however, that Fox was seeing a “post-election audience pullback” that the network had anticipated. “We fully expect that the overall news audience will normalize and our share of ratings will dominate. In fact, this trend is already beginning as we have seen substantial share gains versus our competition since the inauguration,” Lachlan Murdoch said.
It’s unclear if the competition to which Murdoch referred was Newsmax or all cable news networks.

The website Mediaite reported Monday that Newsmax’s ratings, like most cable news networks, declined last month after an election-related surge. Prime-time viewership at Newsmax the last week of February was 223,000, down from a peak of 495,000 in November, the report said.
Fox, in comparison, drew an average of 3.6 million viewers nightly in 2020, according to a recent Forbes report.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:39 AM
DPST minions do like to Lie, demonize, and persecute with cancel culture - anyone with whom they disagree on their DPST idiotology.

They areunable to determine between their LSM Lies and truth.

so sad to live lives dominated by Big Brother - in trade for cheap chinese plastic crap.
Cancel culture is like a small child, (representing twitter users,) doing finger guns at their parents, (representing corporations,) and shouting "bang!", and the parent (corporations) pretending to fall down and die.

The weird part isn't the cancelling, the weird part is why the corps pretend to play along.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Cancel culture is like a small child, (representing twitter users,) doing finger guns at their parents, (representing corporations,) and shouting "bang!", and the parent (corporations) pretending to fall down and die.

The weird part isn't the cancelling, the weird part is why the corps pretend to play along. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

For what ever reason, they are scared shitless. Jesse Jackson use to run a pretty good "scare'em" routine to get corps to give him money but BLM has taken that to a whole new level of intimidation to the point where corps are actually allowing BLM to come into their companies, tell them "all your White employees are racist" and demand "re-education" and they comply. It, along with so many other things we are seeing now, will either destroy the country or insure a swift return of Republicans in 2022. I'm betting on the latter.
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
For what ever reason, they are scared shitless. Jesse Jackson use to run a pretty good "scare'em" routine to get corps to give him money but BLM has taken that to a whole new level of intimidation to the point where corps are actually allowing BLM to come into their companies, tell them "all your White employees are racist" and demand "re-education" and they comply. It, along with so many other things we are seeing now, will either destroy the country or insure a swift return of Republicans in 2022. I'm betting on the latter. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Before you can say "BLM has taken that to a whole new level of intimidation", you really really need to understand your history. The problem with most white people in this country is that they have no understanding of their history. The horror colored people have endured in this country under white oppression. It's that oppression that ultimately caused the rise of BLM. Don't blame anyone else for them being around.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 06:50 PM
Clint You and your bleeding heart liberals /DPST's can go pay your reparations - for slavery No One in America has legally experienced. - From Your own pocket - Not Mine!

Ever hear of welfare., food stamps, government programs, teh voting and civil rights ACTYS - of course not.

thank U - 'clint' - you are just another race-baiter -same as al sharpton, Jesse, and the rest of the race-baiting OBLM terrorists.
winn dixie's Avatar
Before you can say "BLM has taken that to a whole new level of intimidation", you really really need to understand your history. The problem with most white people in this country is that they have no understanding of their history. The horror colored people have endured in this country under white oppression. It's that oppression that ultimately caused the rise of BLM. Don't blame anyone else for them being around.
Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
No you need to learn some history! Its this perpetual victim hood rhetoric that causes division and problems! I take major OFFENSE to your "white oppression"!
With your implied statement you think only whites can be racists.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 07:20 PM
WD - You are correct good Sir!!!!!
Unfortunately , - the marxist DPST's never can deviate from their 'Party line' and narrative of XiNN!
they believe absolutely in their marxist dumb as a bag of hammers heroine AOC.
So SAD to live life so deluded.
winn dixie's Avatar
My point is. At some point in history, everyones ancestors has been under slavery or oppressed.
Racism is real! But it exists in all nationalities, not just with whites.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2021, 08:26 PM
My point is. At some point in history, everyones ancestors has been under slavery or oppressed.
Racism is real! But it exists in all nationalities, not just with whites. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I see both sides on this issue.

It is fucked up to expect me to pay for something that happened hundreds of years ago but then again....the Jewish people sure want their possessions back from WWII.
rexdutchman's Avatar
VERY TRUE ,,,(DPST minions do like to Lie, demonize, and persecute with cancel culture - anyone with whom they disagree on their DPST idiotology)
That's what cancel culture unchecked is all about
HedonistForever's Avatar
Before you can say "BLM has taken that to a whole new level of intimidation", you really really need to understand your history. The problem with most white people in this country is that they have no understanding of their history. The horror colored people have endured in this country under white oppression. It's that oppression that ultimately caused the rise of BLM. Don't blame anyone else for them being around.
Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood

I understand history quite well as a matter of fact. I can also see with my own eyes how far we have come from those days, years, decades, centuries of oppression. We elected a Black man, twice in this country. That doesn't happen in a systemically racist country.

There is in fact, no oppression. There is still discrimination, mostly on a personal level and "institutional racism" is literally gone from this country.

BLM came to power with a lie. "hands up, don't shoot" in the Michael Brown case, that was a lie. And the bigger lie, is that Black men are being "hunted by police" and killed for no other reason than because they are Black. While it is true that there have been egregious errors by some trigger happy police, Tamir Rice, the 12 year old with a toy gun comes to mind but a "genocide of Black men, killed by police", is a lie.

Fact check: Police killed more unarmed Black men in 2019 than conservative activist claimed

according to the Washington Post’s database of police shootings, police killed eight unarmed Black men in 2019. Other Facebook pages have reposted the video, adding to its viewership.

The number of unarmed Black men fatally shot by police is likely higher than the Post's count due to a lack of comprehensive police records, which Kirk does not acknowledge. Despite these issues, the Post's database shows police fatally shot 13 unarmed black men in 2019, not eight.

13 not 8! 13 so called un-armed Black men. Like the the Black man that admitted he had a knife while the entire MSM was reporting that he was un-armed? Michael Brown was "un-armed" and charged a police officer who was probably 100 lbs smaller than Brown. And the cop was supposed to do what? Fight him?

13!!! less than half the number of Black men shot on a typical week-end in Chicago alone. Add up all cities in America and you'll find that hundreds, hundreds of Black men ( and far to many children by stray bullets ) are shot and killed by other Black men. Funny, we don't ever, ever hear that called a genocide.

As I posted the other day, the reason why police shoot Black men dis-proportionally to White males, is because police are more often called to Black neighborhoods to stop crime where they encounter more criminals.

Kirk uses this figure while arguing that systemic racism does not exist within law enforcement. He did not mention in the video that Black Americans make up 13% of the population “but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of white Americans,” as the Post reported.

Also not reported is that while Black Americans make up only 13% of Americans, only about 6% or less of that number are Black males 14 to 40 and that 6% of the population accounts for over 50% of all violent crime in America. So why wouldn't there logically be more Black males encountered by police and some shot?

Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 35 fatal shootings per million of the population as of February 2021.

Read that again, 35 per million! And that's what BLM calls a genocide! The bottom line to all this data, is that you would expect to be more deaths in the group committing the most violent crimes and that group is Black males. And yes, sometimes police have to shoot people who are a threat and sometimes police act "to fast" in hindsight. There are video's you can pull up on the internet showing people complaining about police acting to fast who are put to the test in a training session. They are given a fake gun and a large man whether Black, White or Brown starts approaching them. They give a command to stop but the man does not stop. They say stop or I'll shoot and as in the case of Michael Brown, he does not stop. Guess what the majority of those people who complain about cops shooting to fast, do? They shoot and say "what else was I suppose to do"?

Are Blacks disproportionately dis-advantaged to Whites? Absolutely. Are there reasons beyond discrimination? Yes there are. Lack of employment opportunities but what happens to employment opportunities when Blacks burn down the towns and cities where they are looking for employment? Fatherless homes has been proven for many years now going back decades as being in the top 3 reasons for the rate of violence by Black males.

What ever the reason, can't find a good job, mom and dad are on drugs, one or both isn't in the home and grandma is raising multiple children. None of this justifies violence against innocent people. None.

In every city where reducing the police force is taking place, crime, Black crime is rising. That's a fact and that is what history will say about this time in America.

Don't blame White people for fatherless homes. Don't blame White people for violent Black males who decide to burn down buildings when they get upset further reducing their economic opportunities.

Yes, even one innocent Black person like Byranna Taylor is a tragedy and if her boyfriend had not opened fire on police, she wouldn't have been shoot. The police didn't shoot her because she was Black, they returned fire just as they would have done if the subjects were White and took the same action.

BLM is a Marxist organization that calls for "burning down the whole damn system" as if that is going to help any Black people.