Message from Dee Snyder

Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL! Just ask Ben Shapiro. He went to some podcasters convention the other day just to walk around (he’s one of the biggest in the country) and the trannies/leftists lost their shit. The host issued a long apology on Twitter because he was simply in the building which made them feel ‘unsafe’. Obviously the guy with more listeners than the entire convention combined had no business at a trade show.

Tolerance and diversity, to liberals, only applies if you agree with everything they say. Otherwise, your a bigot, racist, Uncle Tom, or whatever else they come up with.
rmg_35's Avatar
I feel the exact same way about tRumptards, the extreme far right fascists that support him and the radical right news organizations like Faux, breitbart.It's extremism and hyper partisan propaganda bullshit.

But on the other hand, I don't get my news from the radical left either. Like occupy democrats, daily kos,CNN TV, because they are the lefts extreme hyper partisan propaganda bullshit news too. And I don't quote idiots on Twitter.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Clearly you have no idea what fascism is, pick up something by Marinetti.