Provider Fees

pmdelites's Avatar
Nobody would be twisting arms to get providers to lower their rates to be in line with our economy. I'm simply asking hobbyist to refuse to see providers until they lower their rates to an acceptable level based on current economic woes. Providers should be able to exercise their rights to set their rates at whatever they chose. Likewise, hobbyists should be able to exercise their rights to not see providers when they set their rates too high. It's called Capitalism! Originally Posted by Pussy Is Too Damn High

well, then, let's boycott ALL industries, companies, organizations, businesses where the fees are not acceptable to me. let's start w/ all sports teams who pay any of their players more than $100/hr. then we'll boycott all the companies who pay any of their workers more than $100/hr [esp. their president or CEO]. then let's boycott all restaurants that charge more than $5/breakfast or $10/lunch or $15/dinner. then let's boycott all landlords who charge more than $1000/mo for rent.

where do we stop?????

if you see a problem w/ the fees that some women are charging, then come here with two i fnot three solid reasonable proposals and not some half-assed idea of a boycott. then we might listen and discuss your proposals.

also, are you related to or associated with Jim McMillan of the "Rent Is Too Damn High" Party?
btw, see the quote from Kristin Davis (a former madam) in the 3rd paragraph.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Bigdog? Rambro? Travlin Man?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-27-2010, 08:55 PM
Thank you pmdelites for explaining this to PITDH
cowboyesfan's Avatar
well, then, let's boycott ALL industries, companies, organizations, businesses where the fees are not acceptable to me. let's start w/ all sports teams who pay any of their players more than $100/hr. then we'll boycott all the companies who pay any of their workers more than $100/hr [esp. their president or CEO]. then let's boycott all restaurants that charge more than $5/breakfast or $10/lunch or $15/dinner. then let's boycott all landlords who charge more than $1000/mo for rent.
Why would we talk about boycotting sports teams, restaurants, landlords, etc. on a provider board??? Anything not pertaining to escorting would beyond the scope of an escort discussion board.
Int3rested's Avatar
oh ok blue
Randall Creed's Avatar
Funny how this topic keeps coming up.

Blast the OP all you want. Unless you just have money to BURN, you know there's some truthfulness to what he's saying. The topic KEEPS coming up, over and over again, in co-ed and other places. It gets a lot of responses. There's a reason for that. It's human nature to want to spend less for anything if the opportunity presents itself. In a capitalist environment, the supply almost always wants to test the limits of the demand.

Back in the day there were a lot of things I used to buy that I no longer do, or in very limited numbers, like clothes, fancy dinners, CDs, lap dances, and yes, even providers. In a society where we're just nickled and dimed to death, and things simply costing more than they used to (a fucking 20 oz. soda is like $1.50 now), it's self preservation to want to spend less.

Now, an all out boycott seems a bit strong. I'm not going to rip the OP for that. Perfectly within his rights to do so, just as it's perfectly within the rights of those to look like WK's by attacking him. But that's neither here nor there. You can 'boycott' by seeking out the most affordable providers available to the confines of your budget. Continue to see those providers, over and over again. Write outstanding, mouthwatering reviews on those providers. Bring attention (business) to her. If she gets enough attention, she MAY raise her rates...but, she may grandfather you in. If she doesn't grandfather you in and raise her rates beyond your means, you simply move on the next affordable target. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

For the longest I only sought out half hour sessions, for two reasons. One, because I'm a one popper and I'm usually done within the 30-min mark, so why pay for an hour when I'll typically only use half of it. The other reason was, hey, the budget just wasn't as flexible as it used to be. Had to make some adjustments.

Would I like to see rates lower? Yes. Will I try to haggle a provider over her rates? Never. If I've NEVER seen you or inquired about doing so, there's a possibly that your rates are beyond what I want to spend. There are exceptions, but typically this is what it is. To each his own.
Here!!!! I lowered the pussy for you!

Int3rested's Avatar
ok... its all about money... thanks for the insight...
Seriously?!?!?!? I am sorry that you feel this way but like with any service there is a fee!!! Are you going to tell the plumber that you only have 100 to give but he still needs to fix your toilet. Yea right. you can't bargin or barter, yet alone DEMAND that us providers lower our standards because you can only afford what you can afford.

If you are bothered by this fact that we as women set the value for our private areas and service then I feel that you shouldn't be in the hobby at all, or at least not a member of this site or any other. If basement bargains are what you seek the place for you is BACKPAGE. You can find all the services you seek at a low rate. But please be aware though, YOU DO GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR!!!! Dont come crying here and complaining when bargain prices are what you seek and half ass service is what you get.

I am with you INFAMOUS. I will offer the same if he actualy achieves and entire pussy boycott!!!

Just my .02

What you mean too much for some Hot and Wet Pussy? I know I am a drive from DFW to my in-call. At what I offer and at what the guys get from me, think my requirements of reimbursement to me are as low as I can go in these economic times. - lol


Jules Jaguar's Avatar
funniest thing i have read all night!
pmdelites's Avatar
Why would we talk about boycotting sports teams, restaurants, landlords, etc. on a provider board??? Anything not pertaining to escorting would beyond the scope of an escort discussion board. Originally Posted by Pussy Is Too Damn High
Funny how this topic keeps coming up.

Blast the OP all you want. Unless you just have money to BURN, you know there's some truthfulness to what he's saying. The topic KEEPS coming up, over and over again, in co-ed and other places. It gets a lot of responses. There's a reason for that. It's human nature to want to spend less for anything if the opportunity presents itself. In a capitalist environment, the supply almost always wants to test the limits of the demand.

Back in the day there were a lot of things I used to buy that I no longer do, or in very limited numbers, like clothes, fancy dinners, CDs, lap dances, and yes, even providers. In a society where we're just nickled and dimed to death, and things simply costing more than they used to (a fucking 20 oz. soda is like $1.50 now), it's self preservation to want to spend less.

Now, an all out boycott seems a bit strong. I'm not going to rip the OP for that. Perfectly within his rights to do so, just as it's perfectly within the rights of those to look like WK's by attacking him. But that's neither here nor there. You can 'boycott' by seeking out the most affordable providers available to the confines of your budget. Continue to see those providers, over and over again. Write outstanding, mouthwatering reviews on those providers. Bring attention (business) to her. If she gets enough attention, she MAY raise her rates...but, she may grandfather you in. If she doesn't grandfather you in and raise her rates beyond your means, you simply move on the next affordable target. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

For the longest I only sought out half hour sessions, for two reasons. One, because I'm a one popper and I'm usually done within the 30-min mark, so why pay for an hour when I'll typically only use half of it. The other reason was, hey, the budget just wasn't as flexible as it used to be. Had to make some adjustments.

Would I like to see rates lower? Yes. Will I try to haggle a provider over her rates? Never. If I've NEVER seen you or inquired about doing so, there's a possibly that your rates are beyond what I want to spend. There are exceptions, but typically this is what it is. To each his own. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
just look at the amount of information offered by these two posters and you'll see an excellent example of one of the things i was saying.
if you identify a problem, come prepared to discuss reasonable, serious possible alternatives or proposals. if you dont, then i will probably give your discuss less credence and less credibility.

in my opinion, rambro did that and pitdh didnt. also in my opinon, pitdh hid behind an artificially crafted mis-directing argument without addressing the issue at hand. tells me something about his supporting arguments.

and i'm out of here on this thread.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people just don't have a clue about how markets work. People don't set prices, markets do. And markets are brutally efficient. If providers' prices were too high, they wouldn't have the amount of business they wanted and, assuming that they were economically rational actors, they would lower their prices. Likewise, if their prices were too high, they would have more business than they could handle and they would raise their prices. Through this information exchanging process, prices reach an equilibrium. While it is literally the actions of hundreds, if not thousands of human market participants that make up this intricate negotiation, it is the shape of the supply and demand curves that ultimately set this equilibrium price.

With regard to either boycotts, or their opposite cartilization, they are doomed to fail in any market with a sufficent number of participants or with low barriers to entry. First, there are no enforcement mechanisms for such anti-competitive agreements. Second, each member of such anti-competitive agreement has an individual incentive to cheat on the agreement and return to the market, especially once the coercive activity begins to have any marginal effect on prices. (So if the boycott starts to lower the price of pussy just a little, I dive back into the market to gorge on the now slightly cheaper pussy, thereby driving it's price back up. Or some poor schmuck who wasn't a monger before, becomes a monger because pussy is now cheaper, thereby increasing demand.)

Somebody missed the second week of ECON 1301.
Somebody missed the second week of ECON 1301. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

I was pledging the party fraternity on campus that week!