Biden says he was V.P. during the Parkland shootings.

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2019, 10:06 AM
Thank You, Kind sir
Difficult when all the DPST's have to post is thread diversion to Trump killed Epstein Fallacies!!
That they believe their own made up fantasies is truly what is ludicrous about the DPST's

Not to mention the vomit inducing DPST avatar of female loveliness to the DPST's
bambino's Avatar
Hey, Kudos for trying to get the thread back to the OP.

All the distractions might make people forget that Biden screwed up yet again. Originally Posted by eccielover
Exactly! Which is why I started this thread.

Biden actually thinks he was Veep during the Parkland shooting. It’s getting sad. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You beat me to it. However..

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2019, 10:22 AM
here's a thought - there may be method to the DPST Biden Madness.
He is perceived by many as a moderate DPST candidate - and the Loony socialists are unelectable.

DNC realizes this.

Their Strategy - nominate Biden and a Socialist Loon VP candidate - If elected, Biden will at best have a short tenure as POTUS due to his age and natural deterioration - putting the DPST's socialist -totalitarian in the office as POTUS.

What do the DPST's reply about that????
Chung Tran's Avatar

Their Strategy - nominate Biden and a Socialist Loon VP candidate - If elected, Biden will at best have a short tenure as POTUS due to his age and natural deterioration - putting the DPST's socialist -totalitarian in the office as POTUS.

What do the DPST's reply about that???? Originally Posted by oeb11
risky strategy.. it implies no one else is electable (might be true), and the Socialist replacement would not have solid support, and would thus be a Figure-head.. defeating the purpose.

I think they need to nominate the best candidate (non-Biden), and see if it pays off. it may fail. if it does, a big change will be needed for 2024.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2019, 10:33 AM
I agree, CT - but i think the DPST's are committed to Far leftist Socialist as POTUS and their "FigureHead" is a Holy Grail to them and the leftist LSM.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree, CT - but i think the DPST's are committed to Far leftist Socialist as POTUS and their "FigureHead" is a Holy Grail to them and the leftist LSM. Originally Posted by oeb11
can't say I disagree.. Biden is the only non-Socialist type with a prayer, and he's getting a bit soft "in the middle"..

but if you lean Socialist, be proud, and put up your best Socialist. it's like my position on being Gay.. if you are Gay, be the best Gay you can be, stand up and don't hide in the closet.

not that I'm equating Gay and Socialist, just trying to make an analogy. and I realize it's easy to say stand up and be proud, when you are not dealing with the fallout, personally.

but when 5 of the top 6 Candidates might be reasonably labelled "Socialist", at least on some MAJOR issues, you might as well do your best to make the case.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Weekend at Joe's. What happens when your party elects a brain dead fuck as president? Why hilarity is the result as AOC, VP Booker, and George Soros all try to control the narrative.
its more than mere gaffe's

or memory lapses

its more like biden is an inveterate liar

years of pompous puffery and self-aggrandizing prolixity have made lying, not biden's second nature, but his first
matchingmole's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Looks familiar!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
True on all cases. And he’s the Democrats front runner!!!!!! Says a lot doesn’t it? Originally Posted by bambino
He's not only the Democratic front runner in polls. He leads Trump in every poll that has been done so far. Even Rasmussen!! Says a lot about Trump doesn't it.
bambino's Avatar
He's not only the Democratic front runner in polls. He leads Trump in every poll that has been done so far. Even Rasmussen!! Says a lot about Trump doesn't it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, there are more stupid people than I thought!!!! For now anyways. But I have faith in the American voter to do the right thing. Like they did in 2016.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Biden ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Looks familiar!

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Looks like Jimmy Carter, lol.