Being Nice just Doesn't pay sometimes...

Hercules's Avatar
What I can't stand anymore are the folks that contend that "That's what she gets for trusting a john". Goes in the same ranks as giving a provider a pass on paying back a loan or making good on a pre-pay because "That's what you get for trusting a hooker".

If you owe $ then be true to your word and just pay it back. John or hooker alike. Pretty simple.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Without Premium Access, thus without the ability to read the ROS, how would you know how valuable the reviews are, or are not? And, I never suggested they are, or should be, the only tool. Just that I would not see a lady without reading several first. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Just guessing here, but from what I have seen as far as what the ROS should entail, then I feel safe to say that reading the ROS in a review is basically revealing to others in the reviewer's opinion of the provider and of the events that took place from moment of initial contact to when you are parting ways. Obviously, I cannot read the reviews to determine if I do or do not want to see a provider, but I will glance at the number of reviews of a "seasoned" provider to see the yes or no on the recommendation. With the methods that I do use to determining to see a provider, I have not been disappointed yet after seeing a provider (knock on wood). About the "slippery slope"- No special powers here, but it does not take a mind reader to know when someone is being insulting to or about others, shows lack of couth or self pity/boasting about themselves, which is annoying to say the least.
Sorry OP. I could make I up to you, if it would help.
It's good karma for you, even tho you feel burnt.

There are those that will stiff providers. There are others that will stiff the guys. We all should realize that it goes both ways. There are good ones and bad ones on both sides. And, of course, there are those that actually mean well, but don't have their shit together to fulfill on their obligations. If he's cool, he'll come clean this up with you and apologize for letting the wife get involved - stupid.

It does suck to get burned out of money, sorry OP. But I learned at a young age, the best way to loose a friend is to loan them money - and providers/clients aren't friends. And this isn't exactly a charity-worthy business. When I lost a good friend over a $300 loan, I didn't get angry or resent him -- I learned a lesson to either give money away or don't. But don't make loans - they have other businesses for that.

And seriously, can we have a thread any more where "is pmftony of any value" isn't half of it?
It does suck to get burned out of money, sorry OP. But I learned at a young age, the best way to loose a friend is to loan them money - and providers/clients aren't friends. And this isn't exactly a charity-worthy business. When I lost a good friend over a $300 loan, I didn't get angry or resent him -- I learned a lesson to either give money away or don't. But don't make loans - they have other businesses for that.

And seriously, can we have a thread any more where "is pmftony of any value" isn't half of it?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

So sorry that this happened to you. It sucks to have to change your viewpoint about money, and getting it, to keep from not being paid.

I NEVER, EVER used to collect the money up front. It wasn't who I was and I liked the idea that I delivered the goods, plus mutual respect, and I expected the same.

However, times have changed if they were ever different to begin with. Guess that I finally saw the light. There was a time where I was just getting shorted and ripped off. And there were also regular CLIENTS who would say to me, "Oh, I'm $80 short, I'll catch you next time!"

That doesn't work for me.

Oh, there were a few who got "caught up" but there were many that didn't and there were a few "I left my money in the car" guys who drove away.

Sadly, for me, it was time for a change.

Now, even with regular clients that I adore, I generally get the money up front. I don't care for that way. But even my attorney once told me, "Escorts and attorneys should never have a problem with asking for money".

In the end, he was right.

So that's what I do. I get the money up front. Always. Don't do deals. If you get a gift card, go ahead and call it, first.

And when a guy calls and he tells you that he has X number of dollars, negotiate that. I'm always fine with men calling me and telling me that they only have a certain amount of funds to spend. Hey. Let me be the first person to say yes or no. But I don't take partial payments anymore. I have in the past. Never again.

As far as bringing Tony, and the opinions about Tony, into every single topic that he decides to participate in, why don't you guys back off?

He might not have reviews, but he has an impressive p411 account (Did I out anyone or anything? If so, please delete this!).

That means as much, if not more, to me than any reviews that he's written.

Why don't the negative throngs of you just leave him alone and let him comment on topics without him having to go through another faux (but still painful) crucifixion each and every time he makes a comment?
There are two providers that I would trust with my wallet. Their integrity is not in doubt, as far as I am concerned.

That being said, I recognize the exception to the rule. I have also witnessed countless train wrecks between clients and providers where (previously) close "friends" become bitter enemies. The wrecks almost always start over financial expectations.

Elisabeth is a wise woman for one so young...

Randall Creed's Avatar
Not all of us are bad. I've done a mid-session Greek upgrade, which required an additional donation. In the heat of the moment we did the deed per my promise to get the extra afterwards...which I did. Nothing's worse than shoving a perfectly good hard-on into a pair of pants, trying to hurriedly find an ATM, through uncooperative traffic, find one, get back, and try to maintain 'the moment'. I know. I've had to do it before.

I had no trouble keeping my word, and had no intentions of skipping out. It felt good to be trusted.