A client won't call

Citori's Avatar
I don't have a dog in this fight.

1. I have arranged things via google text before when I was without a hobby phone.
2. I've carried a hobby phone, but then you need to explain why you have one. "Oh yeah, when I broke my Galaxy II on that trip, I grabbed a pay as you go until work sent me a new phone"
3. My cell phone has software on it that allows my work to track what I'm doing with their cell phone. So I don't use Apps, Gvoice, or visit websites with it.
4. Calls from better hotels list the phone number dialed on the bill.

I'm a lazy hobbyist, If I decide to hobby on a trip I may try google-voice text only first, I may call from the hotel and "edit" the bill, or I may drop by a store and get a burner phone.

... but I will follow what ever rules a verified lady has established.
hmm so I am on the fence with this one a client that found me on backpage is asking me just through emails if I will call his hotel room room number and such.. Says he can not call me cause his wife looks through his cell etc.. hmm he even offer to let me come and if I feel uncomfortable to just walk out with the money. My spidey sense is up is this sting or just a strange guy. Originally Posted by Jennatx
I can actually relate to this. My wife looks at my cell phone all the time, and compares it to the call log on the bill. He should probably get a pre-paid cell or something, or call from work (assuming he trusts you won't somehow use that to your advantage.) But if he's in a motel, can't he call you from there?

That said, gut feeling trumps all, and does seem a tad fishy. Sometimes you just gotta walk away.
Go with your gut instinct OP.
laserface's Avatar
I know for a fact hotels can do this very easily. Restrict outgoing calls if the customer hadn't put down a credit card. Or has someone else paying for the room with restrictions. Originally Posted by ColinKap
Coming into this late, but...

There are also hotels where the phone system is set up to block outgoing calls to "known" provider and agency numbers. Compiling the lists of numbers to block for this reason must be an interesting job to have...

But yeah ... prepaid throwaway phones are so cheap these days that there's really no excuse for anyone to not have one. Last year, I "upgraded" my old prepaid to a brand new one that I walked into a store and purchased for cash. It's a nice little flip-phone, really tiny (small enough that I can easily hide it away in my bag of "work stuff" and nobody ever sees it unless I want them to), has a decent camera and can send and receive picture messages, and has Bluetooth - a nicer phone than some of the "regular" cell phones I've had over the years. And ... it cost less than $30.00. The decision about whether or not to invest in a "hobby phone" is really a no-brainer in this day and age, IMHO...
Rule number one I was taught be someone a long time ago. NEVER GET GREEDY. LEARN TO WALK AWAY FROM MONEY!!!

Always worked for me....l
Rule number one I was taught be someone a long time ago. NEVER GET GREEDY. LEARN TO WALK AWAY FROM MONEY!!!

Always worked for me....l Originally Posted by Texas36
Well said........
I understand where this guy is coming from. I too fear leaving a trail. I was using my work cell phone for years and I got away with it. I was thinking , if my employer ever wanted to have an excuse to fire me and dump my big salary without a severance they would have cause to do this if I was caught using a work device for arranging SPs! All they would have to do is Google a phone number. My politically correct company would drag my white male ass through hot coals!!!! It would be in the name of stopping trafficking and undersage sex trade....Bah-Hooey! So....I finally went into Verison and bought a cheap plan with a cheap crap phone using cash and a fake name. End of story. I actually feel stupid for not doing this years ago. I go to Canada in a few weeks and I have to figure out what to do there. I will probably walk into a drug store or WallMart and buy a throw away? But I will not leave a paper trail! That is for sure. So right now I am PMing ladies and agency owners and setting up appointments by e-mail. My cell is TBD upon arrival. Since this city is my "home court" and they know my handle there is little problem.

I will say that I saw a hghly reviewed lady in Dallas that refused to use her cell due to stings until I was in the hotel.... It's a long story but she said that a LE client told her that LE sits in the parking lot of the upscale hotels and intercepts cell phone traffic so she was cutting down on her cell phone traffic. I don't believe this but she did. She finally answered her phone when I was in the lobby of her hotel for our appointment. Very strange and I almost walked out. I understand her concerns after all the stings. Legalize it!
ck1942's Avatar
The "Hobby" skirts (my choice of words, LOL) the law all the time.

Anxiety about risk is part of the hobby.

Those of us who are smart enough to recognize that they are not savvy enough to diminish risk to an acceptable personal level should not be in the hobby.

There are many ways to diminish risk; the only way to avoid any level of risk is not to play.

That said, those of us who fret more about being outed in the civilian word have a lot more to worry about than "vanilla" LE, meaning one should avoid the obvious risky places, such as street action, wide open and visible spas, jurisdictions with a high bent on curbing victimless crime.

Play it safe and stick to situations that meet your personal risk level and don't get caught up in what will become RW drama & trauma.
Some of my best clients are the same way. Of course, always follow your gut, but I like a gent who is especially careful!
little miss!! I am trying to get a hold of you! lol clear out your inbox!
That sounds like a set up to me! He will double the donation cuz he has nothing to loose!
The minute they bust you, they take their money back!
Good thing you listened to your gut instinct!