Can't stand it....going back to NBA

I stopped caring about what people thought a LONG time ago. I found out I can't pay my bills with their opinions. If they harrass you about a choice that you have may as an individual, F*ck em! But you should never submit your idealogy and the way you do business to the thoughts and opinions of others. I think this is the essence of being truly "independent". Originally Posted by dongeykong
If you're going to let someone else control what you do, might as well work for an agency. The person controlling you isn't taking a cut of your money, but he sure is cutting away some potential money. Semantics.
BigTex77's Avatar
I normally don't wander into these types of discussions, but here goes anyway. First off, it is her choice and her body she should be allowed to see whomever and deny whomever she wishes.

That said, if I understand her post correctly she was getting pressure because she relaxed her policy which to me means she was being pressured by clients who are not black (not necessarily just white though that is an assumption). If this is the case then shame on the bigoted individuals who are doing this to her.

Best of luck to you HoneyD and just remember you can never please everyone but you can and should always strive to please yourself.

RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
If you don't have an NBA policy, then how does anyone know whether you see black gents or not? Are they asking? If they are, I would suggest responding with "I don't disclose any information about my clients whatsoever, but I assure you that I am very discriminating about who I see. There's nothing for you to be concerned about."
"I don't disclose any information about my clients whatsoever, but I assure you that I am very discriminating about who I see. There's nothing for you to be concerned about." Originally Posted by RideFreeInTexas
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I normally don't wander into these types of discussions, but here goes anyway. First off, it is her choice and her body she should be allowed to see whomever and deny whomever she wishes.

That said, if I understand her post correctly she was getting pressure because she relaxed her policy which to me means she was being pressured by clients who are not black (not necessarily just white though that is an assumption). If this is the case then shame on the bigoted individuals who are doing this to her.

Best of luck to you HoneyD and just remember you can never please everyone but you can and should always strive to please yourself.

BT77 Originally Posted by BigTex77
What I highlighted is an assumption. Could be right or wrong, but it is not a fact. As you said it is your opinion. She did not say who was harassing her....

This is what the OP said : "Been getting harassed about relaxing my policy and can't take the heat. Going back to NBA = No AA. "

I'm not saying that this is the case, but it could be anyone. Not just clients.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I'm not saying that this is the case, but it could be anyone. Not just clients. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Then it serves no purpose to be posted here, or anywhere. I would think it natural to assume that posting it here is indicative of the circumstances surrounding the harassment. Posting it here makes a statement that putting it in your signature, ad, or reply when asked for a session by someone does not.

thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Been getting harassed about relaxing my policy and can't take the heat. Going back to NBA = No AA.

Once you have done this, will the hecklers have you go through a week or month's 'purification' too to please them? Are they promising to be regular clients if you comply, whether they are or have been? Or are they just racist and even if you put a tattoo on your forehead that says, 'NBA - NO AA!' you are a person with a personality that is just a target to harass just for the fun of it? And in fact they will never see you regardless if you are NBA or not? I would really like to know how many people - men or women - have done this to you and if they are on this board or not.

You may comment and say anything you want, call me everything you want, curse me out or do whatever but after this but I am going to make a point NOT to check this thread after submit this post. Originally Posted by honeydavis
I hope you do read back through this thread and see most of us have not flamed you and wish only the best. It just seems it's not just a business decision, but a decision on who you really are that's being tested. None of us can decide that. It's a shame that this type harassment is still going on, the second similar thread in two months. Just hope and wish the best for you.
Just don't engage with callers who aren't respectful.

Block numbers, or go to email-only and just delete any foolishness.

(You posted a few weeks ago that you deplore using the phone and that's why you went to an agency. I really believe that if you delete your number and only book with emails, tranquility will return to your life!)
planojim's Avatar
I love her too Jessica! THN is a great lady!

[QUOTE=Jessica Jade;1055426323]
Yay! More black dick for me.

Lol you are too cute Originally Posted by thathottnurse
  • !VI!
  • 06-11-2014, 04:20 PM

it's probably the same guy too, a few months back i got a text from a guy who was a anonymous eccie member, he asked if i saw black guys,

i asked why

he said "i'm just a black guy looking for a provider"

he then went on a two week tangent about how i "stained the race " by seeing "blacks"

etc bla bla bla ....

either way sorry this troll pushed you too, i wish you didn't have to deal with it
Yay! More black dick for me.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You have just been inducted in my TDL with this statement. Looks like you're in Dallas now?
MrMarriott's Avatar
Then post on their threads. (Really, I expected better from you SMH)
. Who cares. Harassment is harassment.

OBSG I know you meant no harm so not directed at you:
again harassment is harassment. Are there any men on this board, and I use that term very strongly here, that are going to take up for this woman and at least not harass her anymore? (I have never met this woman face-to-face I don't know her nor am I friends with her but I'm getting sick of the bullying going on around here so if you have anything to say from here on out please PM me) Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
Harassment is harassment, but "You look nice today" is harassment to the right more details would be nice.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar

it's probably the same guy too, a few months back i got a text from a guy who was a anonymous eccie member, he asked if i saw black guys,

i asked why

he said "i'm just a black guy looking for a provider"

he then went on a two week tangent about how i "stained the race " by seeing "blacks"

etc bla bla bla ....

either way sorry this troll pushed you too, i wish you didn't have to deal with it Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Only the OP can help understand how many and how bad, but if it's the same guy from just over a month ago doing the same thing he's done repeatedly to other ladies here, then that ought to call for some action from the mods:
Bobave's Avatar

She stated in the most unequivocal terms that she didn't want to discuss it and yet a bunch of people keep pressuring her to discuss what happened or her reasons or who knows what shit. Pretty much everyone after the OP (except me) is an idiot and guilty of their OWN form of harassment - she said she DIDN'T CARE TO TALK ABOUT IT. So unless your *intention* is to harass her for your own agendas, leave her the hell alone. Geez.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar