Guys with friends that don't hobby alone

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Look, the ability to "get pussy" isn't necessarily correlated to how "hot" a guy is in a provider encounter. "Getting pussy" in the wild is a salesmanship exercise, *all the things* have to line up, or it doesn't happen. When a guy meets a provider, there's an inherent dynamic that makes him more confident and assertive, which translates to "hotter" than he probably is in the wild. It's not as though well-formed guys in the wild just have women saying "Let's go big boy", they have to go through an absolute gauntlet of rejection before they get laid. And while they are doing that, they are taking *huge* risks of being misconstrued, which can have very large consequences for their life for ever.

A wierd thing has come to pass, it's a FAR wiser life decision for a guy to see a provider than it is for them to seek a hookup. Originally Posted by vogon_slayer
Agreed. It's a different dynamic all together. Hooking up has its place as do paid sex. What I find interesting is how so many guys are so unaware of what the girls even think. I understand the chemical reactions in the brain in these situations, but to be that unaware is weird. How many of them believe the illusion providers provide? Just reading the reviews are a insight. I made her cum 10 times in 3 mins and them I blew my load. Lol. Hooking up requires you become more engaged in your partners wants, which quit a few guys on here have trouble with.