Why Do Providers deserve Tips????

Randall Creed's Avatar
Who else in society has a 'job' paying them 200 an hour (give or take)? Hmmm. Pro sports. Celebrities. Celebrity fitness trainers. Politicians. Doctors.

How many of you tip your dentist when he/she gives you a great cleaning that leaves your mouth super minty fresh and teeth super smooth? Let's all tip Romo the next time he throws a beautiful, spirally TD or Dirk when he hits a killer, nothing-but-net 3-pointer. I mean, these two athletes render a service, right? When the Cowboys win I'm happy, and when the Mavs win I feel pretty good. When a politician actually does something beneficial to the people, I guess we should tip to show our appreciation, no?

So, tip a provider (who again, makes a boatload of money per hour), along with whatever overhead it cost you to see her, plus the time it took you to go to and from? Interesting.

Some of y'all treat money like it grows on trees.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Who else in society has a 'job' paying them 200 an hour (give or take)? Hmmm. Pro sports. Celebrities. Celebrity fitness trainers. Politicians. Doctors.

How many of you tip your dentist when he/she gives you a great cleaning that leaves your mouth super minty fresh and teeth super smooth? Let's all tip Romo the next time he throws a beautiful, spirally TD or Dirk when he hits a killer, nothing-but-net 3-pointer. I mean, these two athletes render a service, right? When the Cowboys win I'm happy, and when the Mavs win I feel pretty good. When a politician actually does something beneficial to the people, I guess we should tip to show our appreciation, no?

So, tip a provider (who again, makes a boatload of money per hour), along with whatever overhead it cost you to see her, plus the time it took you to go to and from? Interesting.

Some of y'all treat money like it grows on trees. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
As for athletes, they do get bonus' when they perform well, no? As for the dentist...holy cow....they are the ones who are making a boatload of money...have you been to one lately? Even with dental insurance, it still costs quite a "boatload" to visit one. LOL

I don't make a boatload an hour....and I'm not sure, but you have obviously met some ladies who wake up fresh out of the shower, with their hair done, already at their incall with everything set up for you and ready to go. After your hour together and you leave, I assume her place cleans itself up and once again she is magically freshly showered, made up and everything is instantaneously ready for the next hour of her day as you step out the door. LOL Who are these mysterious providers? I'd enjoy having this occur to me so I too can make boatloads "per hour". Also, where are these mythical money trees of which you speak? I want to visit that orchard!!!! LOL

Time spent per hour for me....approximately 3 1/2 to 4 hours if they only book an actual hour of face to face.

Here's a funny I found to share and not aimed at anyone.....just thought it was funny....

@Krunkman, I agree time and risk are being factored into the rates we set for ourselves and yes, you should expect a very good time. Was just wondering if you had ever read reviews and went to see a lady and then discovered she exceeded the expectations of your research? If so, were you tempted to tip her at all? Originally Posted by M A X
For the record, the ladies I've seen have all received tips. And yes, it was a very pleasant experience. I even ask them what kind of flowers they like, as I personally enjoy bring a bouquet of flowers. But I do it as much for me as them, so I don't really factor that into the tip equation.

I make the effort to research a lady before going to see her. There's no point in going to see someone if there is a good chance it will fizzle for the both of us. Waste of both of our's time (and my money!)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
For the record, the ladies I've seen have all received tips. And yes, it was a very pleasant experience. I even ask them what kind of flowers they like, as I personally enjoy bring a bouquet of flowers. But I do it as much for me as them, so I don't really factor that into the tip equation.

I make the effort to research a lady before going to see her. There's no point in going to see someone if there is a good chance it will fizzle for the both of us. Waste of both of our's time (and my money!) Originally Posted by Krunkman
That's wonderful to know! In your previous post, it just sounded to me like maybe you weren't on board with tipping a provider, but I probably just read it wrong....I imagine the ladies appreciated it probably more than you could know!!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Usually put about 10 percent more than the quoted rate in the envelope if I can. I also try and bring a gift--$15-$25 gift card, box of chocolates, or something small like that--if I have time. Nothing major, just to show courtesy. Only regretted it a couple of times.
Eklutna's Avatar
Who else in society has a 'job' paying them 200 an hour (give or take)? Hmmm. Pro sports. Celebrities. Celebrity fitness trainers. Politicians. Doctors.
The flaw in your logic is that while doctors or lawyers may have 6-12+ billable hours per day, the providers may have 0 - 4+ "billable" hours per day AND be off for a week each month. For each appointment they have to spend 1-2 hours getting ready (shower, makeup, travel time, booking hotels, etc.) and they also have an unknown amount of "marketing" time (ads, photo shoots, responding to appointment requests, screening, etc). They also have to cover incall costs. A nice apartment can be up to $1,000 per month, or 4-5 hours of billable time. Whether to tip or not is up to you, but just be sure you are using good data in your decision process.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Tip them all you want, guy.

There's no flaw in my logic.


If I spend money on a football game, it costs me more than the $200 ticket to see that game. I gotta gas up my car, gotta eat, take a shower, which means I gotta pay for food, soap, deodorant, use my own electricity to iron my clothes, gotta make sure my car runs wells TO get me to the game, gotta pay to park, etc, etc. Life HAS overhead, and not just for providers. And not all of them have an incall.

Look, I get the gist of what you're saying, but don't act like ONLY providers have all these extra fees that are foreign to the rest of us. Being freshly showered and having a clean incall basically INSURES that they get good reviews and REPEAT BUSINESS (along with service quality level), which keeps money in their pockets.

Hell, YOU have overhead going to see her. Don't YOU have to shower and be fresh? Doesn't it cost YOU money for soap and deodorant, and shaving cream? Don't YOU need a nice haircut every now and then? Ever buy condoms? Wash your clothes? Unless you walk to all appointments...or have the ability of flight, it costs YOU gas to go see her, right?

Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Tip as much as you like, but if you're not tipping the rest of America for all THEIR great services, then you're wrong.

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
If you're one of those who don't 'get' why it makes sense to tip a provider, then you're one of the reasons why people post 'YMMV' in their reviews. Do you understand 'YMMV'? Do you want to be at the better end of that term? Then you DO understand why it makes sense to tip a provider.
flexywun's Avatar
clever way to put it. well said.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Please. Y'all are so pussywhipped around here that it don't make no damn sense.

If you go through life tipping ONLY providers, and not other service workers, regardless of how much money they make, then you're a hypocrite...a pussywhipped hypocrite at that.

And these ladies, UNLIKE a cab driver or waitress, control what they make in this business. They set their own rates, and if they're not making what they're comfortable with they can adjust them.

Do you 'get' that part of it??
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Please. Y'all are so pussywhipped around here that it don't make no damn sense.

If you go through life tipping ONLY providers, and not other service workers, regardless of how much money they make, then you're a hypocrite...a pussywhipped hypocrite at that.

And these ladies, UNLIKE a cab driver or waitress, control what they make in this business. They set their own rates, and if they're not making what they're comfortable with they can adjust them.

Do you 'get' that part of it?? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
With all due respect, I think you're the one who doesn't get it.

It's not about cab drivers or waitresses, it's about free market and service. It applies to ALL service employees.

When I go to my favorite strip club on Composite, I call my waitress and she and her manager get me and my date into VIP without any cover charge (always) because they know I'll tip well if I stay. If there is no talent there that night, we leave good tips for our drinks but we didn't have to pay cover charge to do recon.

If you and I call the same provider and ask for the same time, she's going to see me and schedule you for later because she knows I'll give her a tip if the service is as expected.

It's not rocket science. This is the core of YMMV.

Get it?
i don't usually tip providers as i almost always schedule 2 to 3 hour for my visits. i think that the extra dollars i spend and the down time during my sessions are more than adequate as a tip. i also bring wine and fruit trays to most of my visits. also flowers every once in a while. the only time i might tip is if a lady is a great value and i think that she deserves more for her services or if i only book for an hour and she exceeds my expectations.
Did you call the gents who tip providers pussywhipped?????

So are you saying you don't tip your favorite provider?

Newsflash : If you have seen her multiple times, in your twisted logic you tipped her. I guess you are pussywhipped to.

When she asked with big puppy dog eyes for you do a review and a recommend yes, and your fellow hobbyist seen her and gave her a tip, in a way you were responsible for that, so you tipped her to,....does being pussywhipped feel good?

Please. Y'all are so pussywhipped around here that it don't make no damn sense.

If you go through life tipping ONLY providers, and not other service workers, regardless of how much money they make, then you're a hypocrite...a pussywhipped hypocrite at that.

And these ladies, UNLIKE a cab driver or waitress, control what they make in this business. They set their own rates, and if they're not making what they're comfortable with they can adjust them.

Do you 'get' that part of it?? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
tecumsah's Avatar
In your mind when excellent service has been provided. What is a reaso0nable tip?
too,to,two .......it's a bitch!