"You are listening to a 29 year old Imbecile, try not to act like one"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, Lantern, YOU missed the mark.

She won with the majority of the vote. Period. That's all it takes.
  • oeb11
  • 02-18-2019, 04:15 PM
Ror once, YR/TM - you are correct
AOC won the primary and election lawfully.

2020- the DPST power brokers will cast her out.

Still complaining about hillary's loss - aren't you!!!
No, she was completely wrong as usual. The tax abatement was worth 3 billion over a ten year period. So, Amazon was going to pay 27 billion instead of 30 billion over 10yrs. AOC in her infinant brilliance bragged that NYC can spend the 3 billion to hire more teachers. The 3 billion doesn’t exist. But Cuomo’s looking for it. Originally Posted by bambino
I think that statement of hers will finish her off as far as getting a higher office.

Everyone she runs against will be able to ridicule her with the phantom 3 billion dollars she thinks was created by not giving a tax rebate to a company that would have generated 30 billion in taxes!

Typical libtard math think refusing 27 billion in net tax receipts creates 3 billion in actual cash.
  • oeb11
  • 02-19-2019, 07:45 AM
FF - Thank You, Sir!
She won with the majority of the vote. Period. That's all it takes. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
For a House district that is certainly all it takes. Yup roughly 17000 total primary votes and she's now the darling of the media and acts like the whole country voted for her.
No, Lantern, YOU missed the mark.

She won with the majority of the vote. Period. That's all it takes. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And Trump won a majority of states and the Electoral College. That's all it takes. So enjoy her "win" with roughly 4% of the vote. Her shelf life is rapidly expiring.
bambino's Avatar
And Trump won a majority of states and the Electoral College. That's all it takes. So enjoy her "win" with roughly 4% of the vote. Her shelf life is rapidly expiring. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Yep, the DNC will organize a better candidate and campaign to run against her. But I’m sure enough people in her district will turn out to replace her.
Do you believe in say giving Wal-Mart a tax break in your city if say you owned the local 5 n dime and were afforded no tax breaks?

Do you believe in local citizens paying for stadiums for billionaires?

I do not....so while I do not think this chick understands how the game actually works....she got it right in spite of her ignorance. Originally Posted by WTF
Subsidies for any business is bullshit. Taxes should be kept low with no tax breaks for favorite players.

But that's not how the big government Democrats play the game. They absolutely love to set taxes high and then coerce businesses and people into behaving in a certain way in order to get some relief from the tax bite.

And AOC's idiotic Green New Deal will relay on exactly the same type of coercion and subsidies scheme. How else are you going to get people and businesses to replace every building in the US in 10 years, eliminate every combustion engine car in 10 years, build high speed rail to replace airplanes in 10 years.

The plan won't work under any circumstances, but that won't stop this ignorant skank from ruining the economy by trying to bribe/coerce Detroit to revamp all car lines in accordance with government standards, not consumer desires, or to rewrite real estate laws nationwide to implement her plans to replace every building in the USA - not to mention destroying the normal understandings of the "Takings Clause" in the US Constitution. She has absolute no concept about what restraints on government power means.

But more to the point, the tax subsidies that NY offered to Amazon are NOT her purview. That is a matter of STATE taxes/spending and she is NOT in the NY state government. NY may be wrong to offer $3 billion in tax subsidies - not least because Amazon probably would have come to NYC anyway, NY bid against itself - but that is a NY state government decision.

And the criticism by AOC and others was NOT limited to the $3 billion is tax subsidies. Far too many of the Democratic socialists think that it is the responsibility of Amazon and other big companies to deal with gentrification and community displacement. In other words, the usual communists agitators want big companies to "negotiate" with the "community" in order to be allowed to bring jobs there. What this means in practice is the business has to bribe the members of the city agencies that approve their plans and fund or build a certain number of low-income houses, schools, community centers; agree to hire a certain number of locals - no matter how unfit they are for any job offered by Amazon., and other bullshit. In essence they want Amazon to take over the responsibilities that the city government itself fails to do. All of that increases Amazon's cost of doing business with no discernible benefit to Amazon.

It is insufficient to AOC and her ilk that Amazon was going to bring 25K jobs paying an average of $150K per year to Long Island Cit in Queens. No. Those jobs pay more than the locals make now, so that actually creates even more income inequality! I doubt AOC wants Amazon to lowers its workers pay. Instead, she would like AOC to hire and then overpay unskilled locals for jobs that aren't fit for.

That's the true agenda of AOC.

Plus, she is STILL a massive imbecile for thinking that NYC now has an extra $3 billion to spend now that Amazon is NOT coming to NYC and will be paying ZERO dollars in taxes.