Do I owe her money?

Mrmarvin's Avatar
You don't owe her a thing
so, pls let us know if this is correct; [just picking a time out of the hat for illustration purposes].

makeup appt was to start at 1:00 pm
she shows up at 1:40pm
get to the room with her soon after.
put fee on the table [you counted at least three times to make sure the amount was correct.]
she's ready around 1:45 pm

now here is where it's not clear.
you end session and you've gone over by 15 minutes.
a) 2:15pm = 1pm start time + 1 hr + 15 mins
or b) 3:00pm = 1:45pm start time + 1 hr + 15 mins

if a) in my book, you over paid and she was pinching pennies instead of pinching penises.
if b) in my book, you paid for 1 hr and tipped her for less than 1/4 hrs time. so, you might be 25 short.

in either case, sounds like she really didnt care about your time or you. just your money.

i concur - let us know who she is so we know about her alleged lack of time keeping skills.
that way, guys can avoid her or go visit her, their choice. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Either way, he was not wrong. There was a thread a while back asking basically who's fault it is when the session goes over. It is the providers job to keep time during the session.

The other day, I had a 30 min appointment that went over by almost 45 minutes. Who's fault was that? Mine, because I wasn't paying attention to the time and because I knew that 30 mins was not enough time to get everything done that this hobbyist was looking for. I should have said that from the beginning when he stated what he was looking for but I didn't. Did I expect him to leave me anything over my 30 min rate? No. Did he? Yes. Would I have been mad if he didn't? No, that's not his responsibility. It is mine.

He left her an extra $50 for an extra 15 mins. She charges $300 per hour but what if he was looking for a 75 minute appointment? I bet it wouldn't be more than $350. Maybe she does BnGs or 15 minute appointments for $100, but that doesn't mean if you go over 15 minutes that she should charge him the full hundred. He paid the correct amount for the amount of time he asked for and even left her extra for her error in time keeping. There is absolutely no reason she should deny him an okay. He also should warn his fellow hobbyists so they pay attention to the time when booking with that provider.
She blew off your first session, was late to the make up session and she provided an okay time? You shouldn't have even left a 50$ tip. Sorry that she was less than professional. One truly can't buy class. Better luck next time.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Ravasher's Avatar
Someone please correct me if I am wrong but are we on the third page and we still don't know who the girl is. We don't want our time wasted either please share OP
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-03-2014, 08:48 AM
OP has 3 posts in a year. We'll find out who it is in January.
He may only have three posts in a year but I'll bet he's getting quite a few solicitations.
Assuming that the facts are consistent with the representations of the thread starter...

This is one of the most astonishing things I've ever read in my almost two decades of observing hobby discussions.

To start with, why in the world the guy hung around waiting on this gal for as long as he did is mystery #1 -- especially inasmuch as she had earlier demonstrated unreliability and/or irresponsibility.

If a provider is going to be running late, she obviously should realize that at least 30-45 minutes prior to the appointment time, so that she can call or text the client and advise. Failing to do so is simply inconsiderate and unprofessional. A lot of guys apparently engage in enabling behavior by putting up with that sort of bullshit. They shouldn't.

And if the provider wishes to charge extra for appointments that go overtime, fine -- but it would behoove her to offer status advice when the length of the appointed time is about to be exceeded. Failing to do so is almost certain to generate ill will, and to guarantee that the guy won't be a repeat visitor.

The unmitigated gall displayed by the provider in this series of events is quite a sight to behold. (Again, that is if the statements provided in the OP are accurate.)
Sounds like the OP got the shakedown.
mtabsw's Avatar
There's always three sides - at least - and we don't know any in full.

I'll wk the alleged perp before someone else dog piles.

Maybe he creeped her out with his hep-c potential from his piercings

Maybe he'd asked for a fetish she's really afraid of

Maybe he showed up with an entourage of Masai warriors, four midgets and a goat

Maybe almost anything so let's not rush her to the drowning pool.