Crime in major cities is out of control: a solution

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just answer this question, do you think that crime in our major cities is on the wane or is the bookkeeping cooked?

I'm glad to see others have been carrying the torch. I just got out of the hospital shy one big toe. Infection but the struggle continues.
I included the available numbers.
Crime isn't a red/blue issue. The people who are carrying your "torch" don't provide real numbers either.
People keep bringing up Chicago as an example of blue polices. The only use y'all have for Chicago is its violence stats. Atlanta has a much higher murder rate than NYC.
So you are looking for a simple answer where the crime is going up or down. There is no simple answer. Many factors determine the levels of crime. The answer isn't the size of a tweet. You talk about whether it feels like it is increasing or are the numbers going up.
I had included the actual New York numbers. Jim Jordan claims the Manhattan DA is ignoring crime to go after trump. All 5 boroughs are roughly equal to each other. Several cities in Ohio have high crime levels and have a higher murder rate than NYC. Some people don't like per-capita numbers. Too bad. They're the best method for comparing the apples and oranges for the size differences between cities. The prosecutor can only try people for crimes that the police catch the perps committing (no evidence, no charges). No suspects, no trials. Putting NYC crimes on the prosecutor (for 1 of 5 boroughs) is bullshit. The amount of crime is not going through the roof. I can only say what I'm saying about NYC. I haven't checked the numbers for other large cities (don't go claiming you have).
You only give 2 choices. On the wane or cooked books. That's why I don't live in a large city. Too much bullshit of many different types.
The numbers look to be about the same in New York but headed slightly down. But they could rise at any time.
Cook the books? Very unlikely. Too many records to cook and not enough people to keep them straight.
No surprise you would come up with an idea like that.

Just answer this question, do you think that crime in our major cities is on the wane or is the bookkeeping cooked?

I'm glad to see others have been carrying the torch. I just got out of the hospital shy one big toe. Infection but the struggle continues. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Atlanta has a much higher murder rate than NYC... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Atlanta has had a revolving door of Demonicrat Mayors since 1879 and an unbroken string of black mayors since 1974. I'm cornfused. So are you saying the OP is correct on the blue city crime swell or just slamming Black Demonicrats in general in Atlanta??
Precious_b's Avatar
Gotta take care of those hangnails

Well, they say some places are higher than others. Is it because of what politicians push, idk.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gotta take care of those hangnails

Well, they say some places are higher than others. Is it because of what politicians push, idk. Originally Posted by Precious_b

16 of the top 20 worst crime cities are led by Democrats including all of the top 12

thank you valued poster
Precious_b's Avatar
Thanks for confirming "some places."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks for confirming "some places." Originally Posted by Precious_b

so, you accept that the top crime cities are majority Democrat.

thank you valued poster
Precious_b's Avatar
Not a matter of accepting.

You *acknowledge* the FACT murder rates are higher in donny voting states than joey voting states?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not a matter of accepting.

You *acknowledge* the FACT murder rates are higher in donny voting states than joey voting states? Originally Posted by Precious_b

the FACT is the murder rates are highest in DEMOCRATIC run cities regardless of the state political alignment

it's the cities and who controls them sparky.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2023, 09:56 PM
the FACT is the murder rates are highest in DEMOCRATIC run cities regardless of the state political alignment

it's the cities and who controls them sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Indeed. Policing is done at the local level. And it's not just the cities, but the counties too. Here are the ten counties in the USA with the highest homicide rates in 2017, from the source linked below, and the margin by which Biden won each in 2020.

1. Orleans Parish, Louisiana, 68.2% Biden victory margin

2. Coahoma County, Mississippi, 42.9%

3. Phillips County, Arkansas, 19.3%

4. tie St. Louis City, Missouri, 66.2%

4. tie Baltimore City, Maryland, 76.6%

6. Petersburg, Virginia, 76.5%

7. tie Macon County, Alabama, 63.8%

7. tie Washington, D.C., 86.7%

9. tie Washington County, Mississippi, 39.6%

9. tie Dallas County, Alabama, 37.5%

These are not necessarily cities. Coahoma County, Mississippi for example has a population of 20,810, and Macon County, Alabama has 19,331 people.

Here's another one for you,

The ten most dangerous cities in the USA are all run by Democrats. Cities with Democratic mayors suffered violent crime at an 81% higher level than cities with Republican mayors for the 100 largest cities. Violent crime rates were higher in blue cities for the 20 most populated cities, the 21st through 50th largest cities, and the 51st to 100th largest cities. In other words, cities run by Republicans are on average safer.

Our friend Precious_b needs to study up on Simpson's Paradox. He's been fooled, just like the anti-vaxxers who point to statistics showing people who are vaccinated are more likely to die of COVID 19, the disease. When you divide the population into smaller groups, you see that what you thought to be true is actually ass backwards. In the case of homicides, you segment by county or municipalities. For COVID 19, segment by age group.

Precious_b, I have a rhetorical question. How much do the Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Rangers have to do with preventing violent crime, compared to the local police departments and county Sheriff's departments in Texas?
Precious_b's Avatar
the FACT is the murder rates are highest in DEMOCRATIC run cities regardless of the state political alignment

it's the cities and who controls them sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We aren't Sparta. Maybe City-States control such.

In America, "STATE" Electors choose the President.

And you won't acknowledge the FACT that murder rates are higher in donny states than joey ones.

So, stop looking at the fireflies and pay attention to the thunder.
Precious_b's Avatar
Our friend Precious_b needs to study up on Simpson's Paradox.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Thanks for confirming "some places." Originally Posted by Precious_b
Did you miss my statment?

Haven't seen anyone disprove the donny states have higher murder rates than joey states.
  • Tiny
  • 05-30-2023, 08:54 AM
Did you miss my statment?

Haven't seen anyone disprove the donny states have higher murder rates than joey states. Originally Posted by Precious_b
What you wrote is absolutely correct. It's also absolutely misleading. People who live in cities and counties that voted for Trump are less likely to get murdered than people who live in cities and counties, respectively, that voted for Biden.

I'm familiar with the Third Way's so-called "research" on this subject, which was the source of your Axios link. It's been widely publicized by left-of-center media. For some reason the media had no problem recognizing that your chances of dying of COVID in 2021 and 2022 were much lower if you were vaccinated, even though a higher % of COVID deaths in the UK and other places were among the vaccinated. But apparently there's no way they'll take a similar look at homicide data, because they think it makes Democratic politicians look bad. I'm not sure that's true though, that it necessarily has to make Democratic leadership look bad. As Very Skeptical says, this is a whole lot more complicated than which party is in control.

There's not much else I can explain, in addition to what I wrote in my previous post. You're smart. I think if you re-read it, you'll realize your statement was misleading.
vote Ramaswamy, avoid career politicians... get results
Did you miss my statment?

Haven't seen anyone disprove the donny states have higher murder rates than joey states. Originally Posted by Precious_b
... Simpson's Paradox surely shows that
yer statement there is MIS-LEADING.

Just sayin'

#### Salty