Just a few reminders about Iraq for the willfully blind conservatives

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We'll set aside the laughable idea that Vice-President Palin (I can't even type it without chortling) would be capable of negotiating a used car purchase much less a "status of forces" agreement......

Let's say this: that George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't make up a shitload of lies to justify the invasion of Iraq and that it never happened? 5,000 US service men and women wouldn't be dead, tens of thousands more wouldn't have been wounded, we wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars on that shithole of a country, there would be no ISIS or ISIL or any other force invading and taking over parts of Iraq and Syria and on and on and on.....and, we wouldn't be talking about exposing 30,000 US troopers to IED's and getting their heads sliced off for the foreseeable future to the tune of several billion dollars every years.

Dunce. Originally Posted by timpage

Sorry, Timmy. When you're right, I have agree. Didn't mean to ruin your day.

We'll set aside the laughable idea that Vice-President Palin (I can't even type it without chortling) would be capable of negotiating a used car purchase much less a "status of forces" agreement......

Let's say this: that George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't make up a shitload of lies to justify the invasion of Iraq and that it never happened? 5,000 US service men and women wouldn't be dead, tens of thousands more wouldn't have been wounded, we wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars on that shithole of a country, there would be no ISIS or ISIL or any other force invading and taking over parts of Iraq and Syria and on and on and on.....and, we wouldn't be talking about exposing 30,000 US troopers to IED's and getting their heads sliced off for the foreseeable future to the tune of several billion dollars every years.

Dunce. Originally Posted by timpage
Very well said!

You live in an alternate universe without any connection to reality. What exactly is it that you would have President Obama do that you believe would influence the way the fanatics in the Middle East view America? We just finished invading Iraq and fighting a war that lasted almost a decade. We still have troops on the ground in Afghanistan, we're droning the shit out of every terrorist leader or gathering we can find, we're launching airstrikes on ISIS/ISIL even as I type this, we're ramping up to start similar operations in Syria.....and on and on and on.

You're an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
Very well said, x 2!

As it relates to LLIdiot being an Idiot, the grim reality is that there is very little chance it will ever change.
LexusLover's Avatar
Very well said! Very well said, x 2!

As it relates to LLIdiot being an Idiot, the grim reality is that there is very little chance it will ever change. Originally Posted by bigtex
Another Parrot-Sheep Post of no value.
Another Parrot-Sheep Post of no value. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I see that LLIdiot is talking to himself again.

Please inform the orderly so they can chart his lack of progress.
LexusLover's Avatar
I see that LLIdiot is talking to himself again.

Please inform the orderly so they can chart his lack of progress. Originally Posted by bigtex
Is that all you can post these days, while YOU MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ..

... fades into his miserable legacy.....you looking forward to 2016?

"Peace-Niks' are going to be far and few between. What will you do?
Wow, what an enlightening thread!

All this time I was thinking that the muslims that force you to convert to their violent, enslaving religion, or they chop your fucking head off were the one's to blame.