German News Weekly mistakenly publishes obituary for George H.W. Bush

Everyone dies eventually. It's sad to see a man fade away, just like when Ronald Regan passed - you could tell he was drifting away months before he left this earth. It is a sad sight to see men who were so powerful grow weak and pass on. But he has lived a full life, has done everything a modern man could accomplish- I hope when he decides to go it will be on his terms : peacefully and with no regrets. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
President Reagan had been sufferring from Alteimers (sp) for some time. By all accounts, President Bush still has a sharp mind and faculties.

Hey, I will be 66 next month, there does come a time when you see much more behind you than you see ahead.

Here is a fact. What does every person who was born before 1897 have in common?
They are all dead.
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  • 12-30-2012, 10:00 PM
How did all the Biblical figures live so long? ...and why, what with no viagra
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  • 12-30-2012, 10:01 PM
Ok, Assup. What is the threshold of money to be spent on a person's health and life? Does that amount decrease with age? Who decides what amount is "worth it"? If a person can afford it themselves, should they be allowed to spend whatever they want, regardless of the threshold? Would that give an unfair advantage to the rich?

What say you, Assup? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'll answer that. The rich can spend as much as they want.

Old people on the public tit need to start thinking about others. It is one thing to spend all of your own money trying to live a little longer, it is quite another to ask people you do not know to do so. That is WTF Medicare folks are doing right now. We need to quit pandering to them just because they vote in large blocks.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So let's have some figures, WPF. Or can't you find a Wiki article to support your position and call your own?
Guys who really, really want to prolong their lives can try this proven technique:


Castration is an even better way to a longer life. Korean researchers studied the genealogical records of boys castrated to serve in the palace of the Chosun Dynasty between the late 14th and early 20th centuries and found that they lived up to 19 years longer than their peers. They were also 130 times more likely to reach the age of 100 than people in developed countries are today. The findings support "the idea that male sex hormones decrease the life span of men," the study authors write. In contrast to estrogen, which appears to enhance longevity, testosterone seems to weaken the immune system and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

(End of excerpt.)

Uh, no thanks.

I'll pass!
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  • 12-30-2012, 10:36 PM
So let's have some figures, WPF. Or can't you find a Wiki article to support your position and call your own? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Can you really not do any research other than Globe articles?

Medicare benefits are the main reason most workers are coming out ahead. A male earning the average wage throughout his working life who retires in 2010 paid $55,000 into the Medicare trust fund, but is likely to receive $161,000 worth of Medicare benefits, the Urban Institute found. In contrast, he pays $290,000 in Social Security taxes throughout his career and collects $256,000 in retirement payments.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, WPF, how long do you think people should be allowed to live? At what point, either in age or dollars, is enough? I'm not saying anything about SS or Medicare.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
He could have been reported dead during his presidency.

This is important ...when do YOU think it's OKAY to flush an old person, Stupid Old Asshole? If you're willing to pay for Old Bush, where do you draw the line, you hypocritical bucket of shit? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Be glad we aren't in England

Up to 60,000 patients die on the Liverpool Care Pathway each year without giving their consent, shocking figures revealed yesterday.
A third of families are also kept in the dark when doctors withdraw lifesaving treatment from loved ones.
Despite the revelations, Jeremy Hunt last night claimed the pathway was a ‘fantastic step forward’.
You are arguing with the poster who proudly said "Fuc Grandma". Enjoy beating your head against a wall.
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  • 12-30-2012, 11:27 PM
No, WPF, how long do you think people should be allowed to live? At what point, either in age or dollars, is enough? I'm not saying anything about SS or Medicare. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They should be allowed to live as long as they can afford to live. If they set up a system where they did not pay enough into it to live well in old age, well then that ain't my fault.

You ever heard of the grasshopper and the ant?
You are arguing with the poster who proudly said "Fuc Grandma". Enjoy beating your head against a wall. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If Granny is some Tea Pot to God damn dumb to want to revamp Medicare because her dumbass is living longer, Fuc her. Somebody should tell that dumb bitch that she is a freeloader. In the old days we would have accused her of Witchcraft and burned her at the stake. So yea Fuc the old dumb ones.
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  • 12-30-2012, 11:30 PM
Be glad we aren't in England Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
We will all be living in England. It is called reality. If you have to choose between a F-16 or some old woman , which one do you think we are going to choose. Spoiler alert: It ain't gonna be Granny.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Unfortunately I believe you are correct. Unless we can get over the cliff and slash that defense spending.
I'm also glad that Obamacare doesn't have these death panels.
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  • 12-30-2012, 11:41 PM
We're more at war with ourself than any terrorist.
joe bloe's Avatar
We're more at war with ourself than any terrorist. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow you're so deep. You're a regular philosopher. You should write a book or something.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And we just keep sending the same politicians back to DC