Guns are banned during Trump's upcoming speech at the NRA conference

Ya-hoo! Neighbors with grenade launchers and dynamite!

This is the America we live in. Originally Posted by Charley3

Don't forget Elon's not-a-flamethrower flamethrower
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 05-27-2022, 03:50 PM
Ya-hoo! Neighbors with grenade launchers and dynamite!

This is the America we live in. Originally Posted by Charley3
Yep, we often hear full auto gunfire on the weekends round here, and, for some reason, there is virtually NO CRIME or MURDERS.

Yet, you go to Allegheny county, and there are shootings on a daily basis, with a killing about twice a week.

Its not that guns cause a culture of death, its the culture of death that just chooses to use a gun as well as many other weapons.

No gun ever picked itself up, and shot another human in anger or from greed.
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  • Devo
  • 05-27-2022, 03:51 PM
Don't forget Elon's not-a-flamethrower flamethrower Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Flamethrowers are not even classified as a weapon, even a felon can buy and own one.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That's the most idiotic thing I've heard yet.

Not before he was able to murder 21 people because you gun nuts want pump up your own egos owning military style weapons that were NEVER intented by the second amendment, but foolishly and stupidly supported by the grab them by the pussy party because the fucking NRA lines their pockets with campaign contributions.

YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG. Originally Posted by rmg_35
You’re obviously not familiar with why the 2nd amendment was written.

Yet, you go to Allegheny county, and there are shootings on a daily basis, with a killing about twice a week.

Its not that guns cause a culture of death, its the culture of death that just chooses to use a gun as well as many other weapons.

No gun ever picked itself up, and shot another human in anger or from greed. Originally Posted by Devo

The same can be said about knives, and cars, and drugs. You don't see any cars starting themselves to run people over. You don't see pills jumping into people's mouths to kill them. But people use them to kill people.

You're just one step away from saying 'guns don't kill people, bullets kill people'.

As long as there are at least two people on the planet, someone is going to want someone else dead. No argument. The argument is should such a deadly weapon be so easily available
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  • Devo
  • 05-27-2022, 04:50 PM
The same can be said about knives, and cars, and drugs. You don't see any cars starting themselves to run people over. You don't see pills jumping into people's mouths to kill them. But people use them to kill people.

You're just one step away from saying 'guns don't kill people, bullets kill people'.

As long as there are at least two people on the planet, someone is going to want someone else dead. No argument. The argument is should such a deadly weapon be so easily available Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Its not even a question that should be considered.

"Shall not infringe" and it already has been infringed upon mightily.

Lets start at the top and remove freedom of speech.

But one question, if your child was in that school, would you rather have its teacher armed or, shot dead along with 18 other kids, as happened here?
bambino's Avatar
Yep, we often hear full auto gunfire on the weekends round here, and, for some reason, there is virtually NO CRIME or MURDERS.

Yet, you go to Allegheny county, and there are shootings on a daily basis, with a killing about twice a week.

Its not that guns cause a culture of death, its the culture of death that just chooses to use a gun as well as many other weapons.

No gun ever picked itself up, and shot another human in anger or from greed. Originally Posted by Devo
rmg_35's Avatar
"The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires." US Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger.

To say that "good citizens" with guns are going to "protect us" is just fucking bullshit.

The Parkland Cops ran away. The Buffalo Cop was killed instantly. The 3 Cops at Uvalde were overpowered, then waited 40 min to enter the school.

Veteran Cops repeatedly failed—but we’re supposed to expect Lunch Lady Doris & School Nurse Betty to stop a terrorist with an AR-15.

Your supreme leader... the tangerine colored turd... Donald asshole fucking trump hid like a coward after he claimed he would be marching on the Capital to help overturn the will of the American People in the last election. Yet the total fools still believe his lies after numerous courts, both democrats and Republicans have stated that their has been no voter fraud.

You fools think that you will "come to the rescue" with your guns. You'll be just like the police and the tangerine turd cowering in the corner when the time comes. Don't puff yourself up thinking anything different when faced with an AR15 or an AK47 or like the other person stated about having pipe bomb and grenades. Our forefathers could never comprehend what weapons would be available 200 years in the future. We have our armed forces and reserves to protect us in 2100s, not moronic vigilantes armed with AR15 and AK 47s thinking they are going to save us.... total far right NRA loving fools while children get murdered in schools and we keep making excuses.
bambino's Avatar

Sorry Bluto, it won’t be repealed.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
"We have our armed forces and reserves to protect us in 2100s, not moronic vigilantes armed with AR15 and AK 47s thinking they are going to save us.... total far right NRA loving fools while children get murdered in schools and we keep making excuses. Originally Posted by rmg_35
This guy is so smart he knows how things will be in 78 years. Cool. Got any stock tips I can pass along to my great grandkids?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 05-27-2022, 06:01 PM
"The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires." US Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger.

To say that "good citizens" with guns are going to "protect us" is just fucking bullshit.

The Parkland Cops ran away. The Buffalo Cop was killed instantly. The 3 Cops at Uvalde were overpowered, then waited 40 min to enter the school.

Veteran Cops repeatedly failed—but we’re supposed to expect Lunch Lady Doris & School Nurse Betty to stop a terrorist with an AR-15.

Your supreme leader... the tangerine colored turd... Donald asshole fucking trump hid like a coward after he claimed he would be marching on the Capital to help overturn the will of the American People in the last election. Yet the total fools still believe his lies after numerous courts, both democrats and Republicans have stated that their has been no voter fraud.

You fools think that you will "come to the rescue" with your guns. You'll be just like the police and the tangerine turd cowering in the corner when the time comes. Don't puff yourself up thinking anything different when faced with an AR15 or an AK47 or like the other person stated about having pipe bomb and grenades. Our forefathers could never comprehend what weapons would be available 200 years in the future. We have our armed forces and reserves to protect us in 2100s, not moronic vigilantes armed with AR15 and AK 47s thinking they are going to save us.... total far right NRA loving fools while children get murdered in schools and we keep making excuses. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Biggest and longest statement of ignorance I have seen in a long time.

Its clear from the other writings before and after the constitution was written that founding fathers intended every man to be armed, hell, that goes back to the Magna Carta, your home being your castle, and the inherent god given right to self defense.

What I find silly is how the left appears to care for children when a gun is used, but supports birthing a child and letting it die without any care, as you can do in New York and other states.

Until all life is sacred, you leftists can stuff your opinions on the 2nd A.

600K children aborted a year, and now you care about 18?

Nope, can't have both.
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  • Devo
  • 05-27-2022, 06:05 PM
Further, some of us have tactical gear as good or better than what the police have, same for night vision, and other gear, I know damn sure I am better armed.

This idea we are all going to cowher is bullshit, two times brandishing my weapon has stopped two possible crimes, once in an alley downtown in the Burgh, and another recently when some nut got out of his vehicle and attempted to road rage me.

And yes, the police ended up there, and there were no charges, as he was the agressor, and myself and the pistol never left the car.

Guns save far more lives than they take, and, a good person with a gun, is NEVER a problem.
bambino's Avatar
TRUMP: There is a grotesque effort by some in our society to use the suffering of others to advance their own extreme political agenda. Even more repulsive is their rush to shift blame away from the villains of mass violence and to place that blame on the shoulder of millions of peaceful law-abiding citizens

But one question, if your child was in that school, would you rather have its teacher armed or, shot dead along with 18 other kids, as happened here? Originally Posted by Devo

I would prefer to have armed law enforcement break into the building and, you know, do their fucking job
The last thing I would want is for a firearm to be in an area with children, who are, more or less, too stupid and irresponsible to trust with a gun. If it is in a school, you can expect the children to get their hands on it. How many people have died as a result of a children getting a hold of a loaded gun?

600K children aborted a year, and now you care about 18?
Originally Posted by Devo

A fetus isn't a child. A fertilized egg isn't a child.

At the fundamental level, there is little to differentiate a fetus of a human from that of an animal.

Can you answer the question in the picture? Which one is a loving soul blessed by God? which one is dinner? Which one is a beast of burden? Which is a pet?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s a good one, but can you tell which one grazes in a meadow and which slings Budweiser?