Happy Birthday Caramelqtee Mila

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Thank yall so very much and I hope you both had the Merriest Christmas as well,xoxo
cowboy84's Avatar
Thank yall so very much and I hope you both had the Merriest Christmas as well,xoxo Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
You too beautiful...and I really hope you have a wonderful day today as well...
goodhandsamust's Avatar
Well seems like I am late as usual but Happy Belated Birthday Mila. and Happy Holidays.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanx so much Elizabeth,and so nice to see you in Houston xoxo!!! Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Houston is kindof my second home. I love it in Houston and almost got an apartment there. With that being said ... thank you for the good thoughts!!!

Was this the type of birthday that had several days of celebrating attached to it? If so, that's great!

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Houston is kindof my second home. I love it in Houston and almost got an apartment there. With that being said ... thank you for the good thoughts!!!

Was this the type of birthday that had several days of celebrating attached to it? If so, that's great!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Oh yes it was,lol! Im not a big drinker but I spent the weekend before getting smashed and going out! Then an amazing dinner at Vic and Anthonys on my actual bday! Its so sweet of you guys to still be granting me Birthday wishes you guys rock!!! Big bunches of hugs and juicy wet kisses to all of you fellas and a special one for you Elisabeth:
! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have the Best New Year ever! Im having a party for mine what are ya'll gonna do. Ooops I hijacked sorry