ashamed of my body

Johnny Simpson - you are brave for reaching out and speaking to others. Others may joke about your question, but for some it can be a serious issue. It sounds as if this has bothered you for awhile and it's good that you are reaching out.

Now are you morbidly obese, or just a few pounds?
Is your view of yourself unrealistic?
Maybe you should speak with your physician about your weight, and how you view yourself, etc.

A normally healthy weight range for an individual can be perceived as overweight by someone with a distorted body image. And it is not uncommon for obese individuals to report that they did not realize they were as large as they are and had perceived their body as much smaller until an occasion arises where they see a photograph, video or window reflection that strikes a nerve and causes them to come to terms with their actual image.

I don't think anyone is actually satisfied with the way they look.
I am tall and slender and by far not overweight, i'm at the low-end of my acceptable weight range, but I don't like the way I look! I would love to put on an extra 3-5 pounds or so. I accept the way I look and my doctor has advised me I don't need to put on any weight but when I go to providers, it does bothers me just a bit because I think I'm too thin, but I know it is all in my head.

Whether you are average weight, overweight or morbidly obese, it sounds like you don't like the way you look. And if that is becoming a problem for you, work on doing something about it! The problem wont just go away by itself. Recognizing and acknowledging your feelings will help you become more comfortable in your body and lessens the tendency to suppress feelings. Originally Posted by TallDallasGuy
According to my bmi I'm obese but not morbidly. I'm about 60 pound overweight.

Thank you.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
According to my bmi I'm obese but not morbidly. I'm about 60 pound overweight.

Thank you. Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
hey lest yo uare not like me im 130 pounds overwight and providers tell me im just fine and that i wear it well. whatever that means but hey i get to play with hot naked girls and they touch my penis, i try to stay positive.
Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
According to my bmi I'm obese but not morbidly. I'm about 60 pound overweight.

Thank you.

hey lest yo uare not like me im 130 pounds overwight and providers tell me im just fine and that i wear it well. whatever that means but hey i get to play with hot naked girls and they touch my penis, i try to stay positive. Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
The providers don't care how fat you are. They love that green paper in your fat wallet. I'm sure most of you fellas have worked your ass off trying to make a living. Stress will take its toll and can make you fat and unhealthy. Providers are away of rewarding yourself.

I kind of have the reverse body image problem. I have very little body fat. I workout like someone possessed but still feel like a fat ass. That sense of feeling like you look repulsive to them is a feeling I'm very familar with. It sucks being a perfectionistic pick. But don't sweat it. Your fat wallet is beautiful to the ladies. ;-)

I think if you make the effort to be clean smell good and maybe shave the soon to be involved areas of your body, they will appreciate it.
Body dismorphia in the damn hobby....joking aside I've been feeling like a fatass. 30 day challenge at your local Bikram yoga studio!! Makes your dick stand out like a totem pole if done regularly
TexTushHog's Avatar
WTF do you mean "not in shape!!?!" Last time I checked, round is a shape!!
Adderall Originally Posted by Muscleup
Lol. Adipex. If you know where I can get a script for a reasonable appt fee pm me. Thx
Georgy9803's Avatar
Not a prob for me. I pay the girls to worship my body.
  • EZ.
  • 01-16-2015, 08:59 AM
WTF do you mean "not in shape!!?!" Last time I checked, round is a shape!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Now that was funny.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way? Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
A few years ago I was mowing (riding mower) and took my shirt off to catch some rays. I was making a turn close to the house and caught a glimpse of my pasty white image in the window, holy shitttt!!! I had a freakin' gut and it was jiggling as I went over bumps in the yard! That was it, I embarked on a quest to get back my chiseled bod. To start with I went on a diet and started running and lifting weights (at home) again and dropped 25 pounds. This was aided by my wife leaving me which pretty much killed my appetite for a while, it's a very effective dieting tool but I don't recommend it, LOL! Anyway, then I joined a nearby gym and got a lot more serious about the weight lifting. I've lifted on and off my whole life so it didn't take long to get back into the groove. It's been 3-1/2 years since I got back into the gym and I've since packed on 30 pounds of muscle. I tan now and then to keep from looking like the Ghostbusters van should be chasing me. And I've never felt so good about myself, I feel great and ooze confidence. I'm 53 and have had several early 20's sugar babies, hearing them tell me I look better than guys their age is quite an ego boost One of them nicknamed me "the 20 year old body", another "the silver fox", LOL!

So that's my advice to anyone that doesn't like how they look- hit the gym and try to eat better. After only a couple of weeks you'll see a difference and once you start feeling better about yourself it's easy to keep going. Pretty soon it's a part of your lifestyle, one you don't know why you didn't start earlier.
A few years ago I was mowing (riding mower) and took my shirt off to catch some rays. I was making a turn close to the house and caught a glimpse of my pasty white image in the window, holy shitttt!!! I had a freakin' gut and it was jiggling as I went over bumps in the yard! That was it, I embarked on a quest to get back my chiseled bod. To start with I went on a diet and started running and lifting weights (at home) again and dropped 25 pounds. This was aided by my wife leaving me which pretty much killed my appetite for a while, it's a very effective dieting tool but I don't recommend it, LOL! Anyway, then I joined a nearby gym and got a lot more serious about the weight lifting. I've lifted on and off my whole life so it didn't take long to get back into the groove. It's been 3-1/2 years since I got back into the gym and I've since packed on 30 pounds of muscle. I tan now and then to keep from looking like the Ghostbusters van should be chasing me. And I've never felt so good about myself, I feel great and ooze confidence. I'm 53 and have had several early 20's sugar babies, hearing them tell me I look better than guys their age is quite an ego boost One of them nicknamed me "the 20 year old body", another "the silver fox", LOL!

So that's my advice to anyone that doesn't like how they look- hit the gym and try to eat better. After only a couple of weeks you'll see a difference and once you start feeling better about yourself it's easy to keep going. Pretty soon it's a part of your lifestyle, one you don't know why you didn't start earlier. Originally Posted by RideFreeInTexas
I too dropped about 25-30 lbs on the "my wife ran off with a married man divorce diet"....many providers have asked if I take viagra because of how hard my weenus gets, and he stays hard post orgasm. I don't know if it's a function of being at an ideal weight or not, but being fit does make sex alot of fun. Thanks for sharing rfit, there ain't no reason we can't be doing a Gene Kelly when we're 80!
You're not the only one. I, too, feel ashamed of my body at times. I have a few clients that look hot. Tall, good looking, handsome, … and honestly, I feel so intimidated. What are they doing with me???
TexTushHog's Avatar
You're not the only one. I, too, feel ashamed of my body at times. I have a few clients that look hot. Tall, good looking, handsome, … and honestly, I feel so intimidated. What are they doing with me??? Originally Posted by samantha thom
OK, I'll believe a lot, but I'll never believe you're ashsmed of your body. Based on the pics I've seen, it's THE best one on the board. I'll believe they took "gullible" out of the dictionary before I'll believe THAT.

Unless this is ridiculously photoshopped, with all due respect, you're full of shit!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Samantha you are a beautiful woman on the outside and a wonderful individual on the inside. Anyone is blessed spending time together both physically, emotionally or just having you there knowing that they have a friend that they can depend on in life.
OK, I'll believe a lot, but I'll never believe you're ashsmed of your body. Based on the pics I've seen, it's THE best one on the board. I'll believe they took "gullible" out of the dictionary before I'll believe THAT.

Unless this is ridiculously photoshopped, with all due respect, you're full of shit! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It doesn't matter what one looks like. Regardless of the physical looks, one can feel different on the inside.
macbeth1000's Avatar
It doesn't matter what one looks like. Regardless of the physical looks, one can feel different on the inside. Originally Posted by samantha thom
Yes she is 100% right, I have seen women that would be super models but they are so insecure about their looks. When they see other females, they are jealous and keep saying " oh she is so beautiful"

I used to rack my head and say..what the fuck, that person isnt as beautiful as you however they dont get it.

So lesson learnt.... Never argue with a woman about her beauty...they just dont get it.

Beauty is more on the inside than the outside. What is inside is a better reflection on the beauty outside and it last longer