Boobs and BBQ

Likewise my dear friend:-)
Just because we do what we do, does not mean we are unhappy on the inside lmao!
Most of us are quite content and happy individuals, inside and out.
We just have the right to tell people to fuck off or suck a dick.
We do not have to deal with chauvanistic or pompous assholes either who have a grudge towards women.

Keep showing your true colors, dude with a new handle because your last one got banned!

And the last time I checked, there is a big difference between a pimp and helping a lady out as her personal assistant.
Gentlemantoo, oh my...I'm so wounded, how will I continue to go on? Nice job quoting Ghandi, I'm almost let me share some wisdom with you. One of my beloved authors, Thich Nhat Hanh, "The First method of creating joy and happiness is to cast off, to leave behind. There is a kind of joy that comes from letting go"

And one from Rumi: "Listen! Clam up your mouth and be silent like an oyster shell, for that tongue of yours is the enemy of the soul, my friend. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues.

Good night, my dear sir.
KM true colors coming out of your STAFF EDIT...RL ass lol.
Awesome41's Avatar
Me, a big plate of ribs and a beautiful woman going at it may make me shoot out bbq sauce lol sounds like fun.
Oh boy, it is the banned handle
Ok let's get back to the boobs, ribs and food play.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Ok let's get back to the boobs, ribs and food play. Originally Posted by Road Lizard
Thank you, RL.

KM, I have never been banned nor have I ever gotten a single point. I am not rude and would never tell any person to Fuck Off on a public board. I am too nice a person and too much of a gentleman to do so. This of course does not mean I have to lie or be blind to truth. You have changed handles and then you call some one else out for it? Kind of hypocritical. Never did I ever imply or state that you or any other provider is not happy. I would not know, what I do know is that happy people are typically not rude and typically do not publically tell other people to fuck off.

My true colors? Oh my dear, I suggest look inward. Seriously, why would you mention happiness and doing what you do? Unless....

I never said anything near that. I implied that if I can upset you or get to you on some Silly hooker board, then you are letting me. We do not know each other, thus, you can never upset me nor get to me because your opinion or thoughts of me are irrelevant. You do not know me nor do you know my thoughts. So, if I offend you them look inward my dear and figure out why you are letting me. Once you do, I will never be able to offend you again, see?

Naughty, I do not write things to impress or offend you. I write and comment on what I see. I saw a woman being a little hypocritical and said something. When we are rude and tell others to fuck off, at some time it comes back to haunt us in some form or another. It is called Karma, I said nothing to you or about you, yet you told me to fuck off. Do not let me offend you and your will be a happier person, not saying you are not already happy, just saying happier, reading comprehension 101. Happy people do not say rude things like that.

Could TJ be happier, sounds that way to me as Ghandi's lesson applies to him to. He should not give permission to offend him to KM, but he did. I will most likely never mention outside this thread that you told me to fuck off, why? Because I do not give you permission to offend me and in all truth it does not. This is a SHB who cares, really.

I will say I enjoy the bantor, entertaining it is.
Dude, I am not even talking to you. How about those assumptions??

I was referring to TJB.

Now calm your dick
Angel, can I sit you in donuts and lick the chocolate off your perfectly round ass please?

Any questions class?
None of the hobby guys will be there but MRL has assured me he can arrange for a few visitors with badges guns and warrants.
Road Lizard, please advise, TJB is threatening providers and our community.
Already on it.