A Question for the Long Timers

This summer will be my 40th anniversary of paying for sex a la carte. My first.....Sex and women have not changed. But the bottom line is that the Internet has profoundly changed the way we interact with one another. No longer is each independent escort and each customer an island in a black and silent sea, but for better or worse we are part of a huge network of like minded people.

One can still be lonely in the big city, but the days of being alone are over. Originally Posted by foX
Great thread and pretty much says it all for my 30+. Still remember street walkers around the bank before I was a teen in the warehouse district.

As far a socials, KC started around the same time.

My understanding is that the "high end experience" was different. But for most of us, a similar experience.....so what does the future hold?
Ah yes, the old Austin massage parlor scene. I was there about 28 years ago and it was amazing. One place after another. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Does "Dates Unique" bring back any memories? Not the normal Massage Parlor scene but as the name mentions ....Unique. After your first passing visit, you were assigned an unique code, the next time you walked in you provided that code and you had little screening at that point.

I remember very little about my visits there, must have been ok, because I visited several times, or I was just in-experienced and had no idea. The latter is probably correct.

This was during the days of Doll House north and south, and the Sugar Sack not to be confused with "Sugars" of present. And that little Gentlemen's Club on the Drag just south of 35th on the west side, had only three dancers (Amie. Cathy and ???), saw dust on the floor, a few pool tables, had to put quarters in the jukebox for the dancers would have music to dance to, and the beer was served in mason jars and sold for $0.60 a mud. For the life of me can't remember the name ..... want to say Raging Bull?
hesitantly's Avatar
We old guys are probably enjoying this reminiscing more than most. ;-)
My first experiences were in Japan, while in the Army, in the 60s. We'd go to the bars in the local GI town, and pick out a josan, and go home with her for the night...for a whopping 5 bucks. I didn't know how good I had it, then. In the late 60s, in college, we took a couple trips to La Grange, to the Chicken Ranch. We'd sit in the waiting room, and the girls would come out, all at once, and you'd pick one, and go back to her room. Once, I had only $12.50 on me, and got laid anyway. (Damn you, Marvin; I still haven't forgiven you for that one!)
Happy Diver's Avatar
Do the long term P4Pers get gold watches after 50 years of hobbying?

Technology and the internet change all things hobby. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think we will get a golden condom.
I think we will get a golden condom. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
Durex Gold lubricated condoms are the first "heads up" condoms to enable easier application and decrease the chance of user fumble. Designed with an easy peel-off lid, Durex Gold is simple to open and helps prevent dam-age caused by the improper tearing of condom packages.

Individually packed in sturdy plastic cases resembling gold medallions, Durex Gold is available in three or six packs of gold medallions or in assorted packs containing red, green and blue medallions.

Any can be made into a "trophy avatar" for this great man. Any preference?
Happy Diver's Avatar
I want the balloon figures!
I'm loving this thread!

Do go on gentlemen..........

And tyvm for sharing.
ANONONE's Avatar
I'm loving sexy maid. . .damn that is a hot avatar.
I want the balloon figures! Originally Posted by Happy Diver
I'll resize them for avatar use and see if management will add it. Otherwise it can be posted on the net and downloaded or email. Not sure if you can grab it if I set it as an attachment, but we could try that.
....several attached. Try right clicking and SAVE AS....some things about php sites I have not done before so, let's be experimental....?

These can be saved using a right click. Could an admin save them to the avatar files if that is possible? If not, the can be downloaded and used in the USER Options as a personal attachment.
Attached Images File Type: jpg c1pic.jpg (4.9 KB, 812 views) File Type: jpg 52pic.jpg (4.7 KB, 800 views) File Type: jpg c2pic.jpg (6.0 KB, 805 views) File Type: jpg c3pic.jpg (5.2 KB, 799 views) File Type: jpg c4pic.jpg (4.1 KB, 803 views)