Been Told Im Such A Bitch...IDGAF

ManSlut's Avatar
If you don't YDGAF why do feel the need to write a reverse threAD about it? And how do you know these 2 fellas were spreading the word about your relationship bliss? There is no review that I see.

Edit: Nevermind on the 2nd question, I just read your last review, seems your non-pimp SO didn't like one of the fellas bailing on you!
Invisible1's Avatar
Basic things most guy clients NEVER EVER want to experience Before, During or After a session:

1. Don't want to hear another man's voice (unless he was invited by both of us or perhaps is in the next room getting a bj from your doubles partner and groaning, "Yes, yes, there.....oh....Damn you are so sexy the teeth......yes...Oh God....yes."

2. Don't want to hear yelling (as in angry) between you and anyone else. NO ESCALATING DRAMA.

3. Don't want a male or female stranger, friend, SO, pimp, parole officer, pizza delivery guy, plumber, whoever to knock on the door during BCD activities (unless they were invited by both of us or we both knew they were going to visit).

4. Don't want to meet another guy client or lady friend/provider unless everyone involved is clearly cool with it before it happens.

5. Don't want to be interrupted more than once by buzzy, beeping, ringing phones or electronics.

6. Don't want our time to be interrupted by phone calls or by having to listen to you on the phone with anyone.....except maybe if it is your Mom or Dad.

7. Dont want to be secretly photographed or video recorded.

8. Don't want to be watched or followed.

9. Don't want to see, notice or find out that you have a weapon very close by. (If I am gonna see it, give me some advanced warning so I am not surprised)

10. Don't want to meet in person or be called or texted on my phone by another guy who is your SO, pimp or "manager" asking for more money, whether I had a good time, or to answer a survey, whatever. (Instead, it would be so much better if only you called or texted me personally.)

Yes, there may be some exceptions and additions to the above.

Yes, most of the above also apply to what most providers NEVER EVER want to experience as well.

All of the above are common sense for almost all reputable providers and clients. Yup, all the above have NEVER been considered as OK or moderately acceptable hooker etiquette by anyone who plans on having regulars or repeat visits. Oh, and the above are not the basics; They are the common sense norm.

Finally, when something like one of the above does happen, at least have the courtesy to apologize if you would like them to visit again.

cheatercheater's Avatar
But I like knowing I fucked some dudes chick.
Maybe not while he is there and angry about it tho.....
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-02-2015, 03:21 PM
Like if you have a SO, then providing just isn't something that will work?! Apparently, due to having one, there have been 2 "would-have been" clients cancel in one day. Saying "I do not want drama", "I heard yelling from your room". Not only do they loose their balls and become a pussy and walk away. They also decide to be even more like a woman and gossip about it on eccie.


So here, let me let you and everyone else know, YES I DO HAVE SO. And no, he is not my pimp, my manager or anything other than my SO. If you really only knew the truth...smh. I cant help the fact that every now and then jealousy is in the air && the "motherly-ness" is forced to come out to get my stubborn lil man to listen.

So if you boys could knock it off with the gossip of the bullshit, you know, like I felt uncomfortable.. I'm not one of them "pimp in the shower" "Stole my cell phone & wallet" hoes. Im a working hoe, an independent WITH a SO. My bad he may check on me, or care enough to knock on door, or gets upset that we have to leave each others side. Originally Posted by Maddalyn Haze
SO = Significant Other

What is the Significance of this Other in this business?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Good looking hook but thread is a cry for help.
TheEccie214's Avatar
But I like knowing I fucked some dudes chick.
Maybe not while he is there and angry about it tho..... Originally Posted by cheatercheater
That is kind of hot.
oldmarine's Avatar
I was told YDGAF about being told you're such a bitch. Well, IDGAF that YDGAF. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
That is just too funny. Thank you for the laugh.
I've read her initial post a few times now and i'm wondering... is she referring to a child as a SO rather than an adult SO partner? separation anxiety, yelling, knocking on doors? Sounds like a kids behavior rather that even an immature adult. 'If you really only knew the truth" "motherly=ness" "Stubborn Little Man"
  • !VI!
  • 12-02-2015, 06:52 PM
OP your threADS seem to be more self alerting than anything. I seriously suggest finding a "friend" to vent to or even journal your rambling thoughts. I think the guys on here would have to be crazy to risk seeing you. Damn. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
but saying threAD.... doesn't help...

This thread is a fail on so many levels. Wayyy too much information. I doubt people will be lining up and filling up your inbox after this one.

I agree with everything said so far-

1. WTF??

2. Tell your man to get off his ass and get a J.O.B. He's not helping your business any by lurking around and making your clients uncomfortable.

3. You need a friend to vent to who can relate to your lifestyle and can give you some good, solid advice on how to handle yourself in this business.

4. Stop looking for validation on here. No need to put your own self on blast. Start showing you're worth being respected and stop demanding respect when you haven't handled yourself accordingly thus far. This thread won't do that for you.

My .02. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
for once i agree

You sure can't tell from trying to read the initial list, can you. Jeez!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
actually no because i didn't understand the purpose.... is she telling everyone that she has a SO that waits outside or in the room? or that she doesn't care that people know?

i don't remember her saying she was only income... so the SO doesn't have to be a pimp.... there are a lot of assumptions... but this post was very... stupid...
I've read her initial post a few times now and i'm wondering... is she referring to a child as a SO rather than an adult SO partner? separation anxiety, yelling, knocking on doors? Sounds like a kids behavior rather that even an immature adult. 'If you really only knew the truth" "motherly=ness" "Stubborn Little Man" Originally Posted by daggajones
Read it again, she makes it very clear she speaking of an adult boyfriend/so/pimp.
Read it again, she makes it very clear she speaking of an adult boyfriend/so/pimp. Originally Posted by Golden Man
I don't see where it's clear the SO is an adult - I think it's very vague that the SO is not an adult. What sentence do you see in her post that makes it very clear to you otherwise.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Read it again, she makes it very clear she speaking of an adult boyfriend/so/pimp. Originally Posted by Golden Man
Indeed. Just a weak, little bitch acting one. What a real pussy he must be.
I don't see where it's clear the SO is an adult - I think it's very vague that the SO is not an adult. What sentence do you see in her post that makes it very clear to you otherwise. Originally Posted by daggajones
Read the two lines in all cap's after the first paragraph, then read the first line of the second paragraph. Very clear not vague at all.
Do you offer discounts if he can be in the room?