All guys are the same - they want to lay pipe
The difference with hobby guys is they know they are going to get to and as a result may be more aggressive (they also may be working under time constraints; literally the meter is running) and want to move things along.
Also, with Civies, it is not unusual for him(or you) to spend the night. So if for the last 10 years you've largely done hourly dates and slept alone, prepare yourself for the practical side of truly sleeping together including hogging the sheets, snoring, and if he's a geezer a prostate that requires him to take a piss every hour.
Finally consider that for some civies, sex may really mean something and mark some level of commitment in a relationship. Others will be happy to just get to lay pipe with a hottie. Try to figure out which type he is before you move forward making sure your objectives are compatible with his. (as an aside this is one of the main reasons many eligible men hobby; not because they can't get it, but they don't want the baggage that comes with it)