Republicans Reclaim California Seat?

bambino's Avatar
lol. I haven't played a round of golf in my life. I have always said that when I reach that point in my life that I can no longer participate in real sports, I'll take up golf. I believe you are a golfer, so no harm intended.

I didn't say that I thought Biden was better on handling the coronavirus than Biden. I cited the same poll you did in which the majority of respondents believed Biden would do better in handling the coronavirus than Trump.

I will say that Trump's recent comments on opening up the economy have not helped him with older voters in Arizona and Florida. And if Trump fails to win Florida his odds of reelection are close to nil.

Given the age profile of fatalities in the U.S. and other countries, elderly people would die in far greater numbers if the economy were restarted earlier. Paul Zak, a neuroscientist and author of “The Moral Molecule: The Source of Love and Prosperity,” said a trade-off between the economy and allowing (older) people to die of COVID-19 reflects that society values people on their economic output, which ignores a multitude of other factors.

“It’s a very difficult trade-off,” Zak said, “and there’s no way of doing that without putting a price on someone’s happiness and that’s very hard to do.” Humans are the only animal on the planet that have fully developed moral sentiments, he added. “If you are around unhappy people, you tend to be more unhappy. Unhappiness is a stress response. That’s how we process it, and that affects the immune system and could, potentially, make you more susceptible to COVID-19.”

And which state has the highest percentage of people over 65? Florida. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Reread your post, you said “handling” of the covid crisis. I can only rebut what you post, not what you meant to post.
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 03:31 PM
With a "virtual convention " - opens the doors for all kinds of shenanigans - at which H... is acknowledged expert.

nazi pelosi - she disappeared recently for more facelift work - and she is far too old for her Progressives.

H..../Stacu Abrams - there's the DPST ticket.

SR -Hemingway wrote - "There are only three sports - bull fighting, motorsports, and mountain climbing, (for with those One looks Death in the eye) : all the rest are meely games".
My own parentheses.

Me - only one of the three.

Anyone know the driver in pic???

clue - Best in history.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

SR -Hemingway wrote - "There are only three sports - bull fighting, motorsports, and mountain climbing, (for with those One looks Death in the eye) : all the rest are merely games".
My own parentheses.

Me - only one of the three.
Originally Posted by oeb11
lol. I used to run on the roads and now I cycle on the roads. Running was not too bad because I could run facing the traffic. Cycling I go with the traffic and I don't have the luxury of seeing what's coming behind me. There is danger in every sport. Ask Lee Trevino about how safe it is on the golf course.

"At the Western Open near Chicago in 1975, Trevino was struck by lightning, and suffered injuries to his spine. He underwent surgery to remove a damaged spinal disk, but back problems continued to hamper his play."