I feel like...

LaStang's Avatar
V i'm sorry to hear about your dad , remember he is always in your heart .
TexasCowboy's Avatar

Sorry to hear about what you are going through, I have lost both of my parents, it broke my heart when I had to face this twice....My warmest thoughts are with you....

Bloodhound's Avatar
Vicki, Sorry to read about the loss of your father. If I can do anything you know how to contact me.
I am sorry for your loss, your dad was obviously a great man and is now at peace. We all mourn in different ways. I am only suggesting you take some time to yourself, to reflect and honor your dad as well as to prepare yourself for the future. We all have some sayings or stories to tell about when a person leaves this life and we are left behind. No person can take your dad's place and none of us truly know what you are going through. So instead of some story or words that cannot touch your soul, I will ask that you find peace and know that you cared for your dad the way no other person could. Be well and again let your spirit find peace.
V, Im so sorry to her about your fathers passing. I remember you sharing with me about him. I wish you well in your healing. Bob
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 05-16-2012, 08:00 AM
What a blessing your dad had, having a daughter who feels what you feel. May his soul rest in peace with God.
erosmystique's Avatar
V, Although I've never had the pleasure of meeting you..I do hold you in the highest regard. I will continue to remember you and yours in my prayers and thoughts.
Vicki, my deepest sympathies go out to you. If my parents were still alive they would be 100 next year, all my aunts and uncles are gone and now my cousins are starting to go. It is the way of life and I believe we will all be together again.