How much longer will CAROLINE! be permitted to run amok?

If Caroline brings support for her claims, you will be allowed to give your side of the story and the thread will be closed and left for the readers to decide.

If Caroline retracts the claims, staff will remove any references made in the previous thread, and possibly this entire thread if you so choose.

We're on this, so please be patient. One way or another, we do deserve an answer.

St. C
ANONONE's Avatar
That works for me. Thank you.

Once it is resolved, whatever folks want is fine by me.

On one level it makes sense to delete it to quash drama.

However, I am not embarrassed by anything posted here beyond her slanderous slur. It might be prudent and useful to leave it closed but stickied as an instructive example. I am fine with whatever serves the board best.
Love your signature line Heather wink wink Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Thanks, I borrowed it from a beautiful lady that is close to my heart. It originated from someone very very wise-and classy. *Wink*
Caroline has responded to our inquiry and has chosen to retract her remarks regarding ANONONE. We will be removing those references immediately. Any further actions we deem necessary in this matter will be between Caroline and staff......but this should effectively clear ANONONE's name from any concern of wrongdoing.

Thanks for your patience while we worked to reach a suitable conclusion. Thread closed and time to move on.

St. C